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[Misleading] New Note 3 model reportedly getting Sprint Spark!


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Just talked to some reps at a Sprint corporate sore yesterday Feb. 4, 2014. They told me that a new Note 3 with Tri band LTE was coming next month. Probably at the beginning of March that is.

If it's true, it will go through the FCC OET any day soon and there will be an S4GRU article on the wall almost immediately. Like the Triband S4. It would be great if it happens but I wouldn't hold my breath.


We had rumors from credible sources for six months about a Triband S4. We haven't heard from any sources about a new Triband GN3. It may come to pass, but I'm not counting on it. And if it was already known at the corporate store level, we would know it.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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At this point in the game, I'd imagine Samsung would be better off concentrating on Triband in the Note 4 rather than yet another re-release of a previous model.

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Wonder what the chances are of apple releasing a triband iPhone 6. When that comes out I am going to wish I had that one instead. But based on my b25 experiences (good speeds), b26 should improve my usability probably x10 and I might not even need it b41 because 25 and 26 should be good for what I use my phone for. ( as an iPhone user LOL, not much except texting, videos, streaming music, and of course confirming sites) 


Edit: I realize its slightly off topic as we are talking about the note 3 but both have to do with potential tri-band devices.

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I really believe it is true from talking to them they acted like it was something that was a known fact to them. Plus why would they not do it when they are doing it with the S4. I know if it comes out I am getting one that is for sure.

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Wow, this makes me a little torn, if it turns out to be true.  I'm buying a Note 3 today as my EVO 4G LTE screen cracked, and for work the Note 3 would be amazing.  I'm stuck wanting a B25 only device for SVLTE, yet living in NYC I know I'll be missing out on Spark goodness.  I'm wondering if they continue to offer both models for those that want the SVLTE because of it's phablet nature.

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I have an upgrade coming in July (if upgrades still exist) and right now I'll be between the S4T and the S5 (assuming it's tri-band). I really like the Note 3 but I won't buy it without tri-band. If they add a Note 3T, I would definitely consider it.

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Also to anyone interested this was the Deerbrook Mall store in Humble, Tx. Which is basically Houston it is on the North side of Houston. They also said they have started pushing out updates to activate Spark on all capable phones now. I know that the G2 was one of the first ones and She told me they were doing it in waves. She also said something about the HTC One Max and was making of all of the Spark capable phones that would be getting it. I just told her She did not have to tell me what all of the phones are because I already new which ones they were. This could be an area thing I suppose since Houston just got Spark turned on recently.

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Just so you know, we have lots of Sprint corporate store employees, and Sprint corporate store managers who are S4GRU members.  as well as many fine and not so fine third party Sprint retailers.  ;)



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I'm thinking the person was thinking of the Galaxy S4 with Triband. If its suppose to come out in Feb, wouldn't the FCC documents be out by now?

We have been selling spark gs4 for weeks so that "manager" is an idiot if that is the case.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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We have been selling spark gs4 for weeks so that "manager" is an idiot if that is the case.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

Its out? Shows how much I notice the samsung line now a days.

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It's funny how this thread just popped up on the same day my coworker told me his wife dropped her new G2 and smashed the screen and then got a Note 3 to replace it. Apparently the salesman at the Sprint store told them that the Note 3 was Spark capable and not to worry. I tried to tell him otherwise, but I guess c'est la vie.

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Nothing in the playbook about a spark gn3.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk


For curiosity sake, how long before the GS4T was in the playbook before it went on sale?  A month?



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For curiosity sake, how long before the GS4T was in the playbook before it went on sale? A month?





I just went and looked, it was the 1/8/14 playbook. We started seeing them the last week of Jan.


Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk



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Also to anyone interested this was the Deerbrook Mall store in Humble, Tx. Which is basically Houston it is on the North side of Houston. They also said they have started pushing out updates to activate Spark on all capable phones now. I know that the G2 was one of the first ones and She told me they were doing it in waves. She also said something about the HTC One Max and was making of all of the Spark capable phones that would be getting it. I just told her She did not have to tell me what all of the phones are because I already new which ones they were. This could be an area thing I suppose since Houston just got Spark turned on recently.


Now I am starting to have less credibility in this rep.  Just FYI, the LG G2 is not the first phone to get Spark enabled.  The G2 just started rolling out the Spark update last week on 1/27.  The GS4 mini, Galaxy mega 6.3 and HTC One Max (on day 1) all got the Spark update on the same day last year since 11/15.  


I have my doubts about a triband Note 3 but if it comes all the power to them.  I just think efforts are better spent to ensuring the triband GS5 comes out on time and working on a triband Note 4.

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At this point in the game, I'd imagine Samsung would be better off concentrating on Triband in the Note 4 rather than yet another re-release of a previous model.

Although I doubt there will be a GN3 Triband model (as indicated by the sources mentioned throughout this thread) I wouldn't doubt that Samsung would be greedy and do one if they wanted to. Just look at the GS4. The GS5 is coming out in a few months and they ended up doing a triband S4T recently. 



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Although I doubt there will be a GN3 Triband model (as indicated by the sources mentioned throughout this thread) I wouldn't doubt that Samsung would be greedy and do one if they wanted to.


Samsung is the Aerosmith of the wireless handset world -- a dozen different variations of the very same thing:  "Cryin'," "Amazing," "Crazy," "Amaza-crazy," "Crazy Cryin'," and "Janie's Got a Gun 'cause She's Crazy Amazing Cryin'".


(Since neither script nor media are available, all credit go to the Saturday Night Live writing staff and Adam Sandler.)



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Just so you know, we have lots of Sprint corporate store employees, and Sprint corporate store managers who are S4GRU members.  as well as many fine and not so fine third party Sprint retailers.   ;)



Maybe someone else could call that store and ask about it and see what they say. I believe that it is true why would they tell me that? I was looking at phones to buy one when the girl volunteered the information to me after I told her that I liked the Note 3 but did not want a phone with out Sprint Spark.

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    • S23 and S24 (at least ultra versions) have 4xCA NR. I currently have n41+n41+n25+n71 most places I go.  I think select devices have 2xCA upload but I do not think it is in widespread use yet. CA is still mostly download focused.
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