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LG G2 -- the first Sprint tri band LTE handset (was "LG Optimus G2")


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Actually my possible concern with the release schedule would be that it arrives too close to the potential upcoming "Nexus 5." Who knows, maybe they are scheduling it this way to give the iPhone time to sell a bunch since Sprint does have that $billions in contract orders to Apple to fulfill.


Anyway, I'm on a MVNO so I'd be happy to buy a used G2 in a few months but I would LOVE to buy a Nexus off contract directly from Google. For me it comes down to the price mostly but a new non scuffed phone would be nice.


Exactly!!  With all these exciting smartphones coming out like the iPhone 5S, alleged HTC One Max, Galaxy Note 3, Nexus 5, maybe triband GS4, its going to be a tougher sell since LG still doesn't have that brand recognition for high end smartphones.

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I don't buy that Sprint is getting it last because it isn't their largest customer because Tmobile is getting it Sept 25th and Sprint has more customers than them. However you might have a point in that manufacturing the Sprint variant due to 800 MHz may take some more time.

Both contribute. If att or vzw needed a special band LG would make it happen to have access to their customer base.

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Both contribute. If att or vzw needed a special band LG would make it happen to have access to their customer base.

T-Mobiles spectrum is the same with most European carriers, so that's why they can get T-Mobiles g2 ready so quickly. Verizon is usually the slowest because they want extra security (locked/encrypted boot loader) and additional carrier branding. Sprint's is pretty unique this time because of the 800mhz band. What's strange is I believe the note 3 will launch first and I don't even think we have confirmation its Triband yet. It's interesting to keep up with.
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T-Mobiles spectrum is the same with most European carriers, so that's why they can get T-Mobiles g2 ready so quickly. Verizon is usually the slowest because they want extra security (locked/encrypted boot loader) and additional carrier branding. Sprint's is pretty unique this time because of the 800mhz band. What's strange is I believe the note 3 will launch first and I don't even think we have confirmation its Triband yet. It's interesting to keep up with.

Damn right its interesting to keep up with.. and a lot to keep up with! Thank God we have S4GRU to keep us up to date. I went back to another forum I used to frequent (Sprint section of AndroidForums) and, damn, most of the people there just have no clue what they're talking about.  

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To me, as long as the G2 comes out before December, I'll probably be picking it up day of my upgrade. The October pre-order date is nice for anyone who has an upgrade available already. It's not like LTE 800 and LTE 2600 is everywhere right now anyway, and the CM and Slimrom teams are working hard on bringing 4.3 to the GS3 anyway, so I still have a lot to keep me entertained.


In addition, I'm surprised there's still no mention of Tri-band LTE in this LG G2 specific press release. I know we have the FCC docs backing us up, but I hope Sprint also announces it soon (probably with the finalized release date).

Edited by metayoshi
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To me, as long as the G2 comes out before December, I'll probably be picking it up day of my upgrade. The October pre-order date is nice for anyone who has an upgrade available already. It's not like LTE 800 and LTE 2600 is everywhere right now anyway, and the CM and Slimrom teams are working hard on bringing 4.3 to the GS3 anyway, so I still have a lot to keep me entertained.


In addition, I'm surprised there's still no mention of Tri-band LTE in this LG G2 specific press release. I know we have the FCC docs backing us up, but I hope Sprint also announces it soon (probably with the finalized release date).


I still don't know where it says in the LG G2 press release where Sprint kept advertising triband LTE?  Can someone point that out to me.

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I still don't know where it says in the LG G2 press release where Sprint kept advertising triband LTE?  Can someone point that out to me.

I'm saying there isn't a press release from Sprint advertising Triband, and I want there to be one.

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I am thinking that Sprint won't mention it. I have a feeling they will just have triband quietly slither in like a spectrum ninja in the night. They probably figure 90% of the customer base don't know or don't understand what a band is or its purpose so they don't want to confuse the product line with "These do triband but those over there don't".

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Dumb question: Without SVDO/SVLTE, would recieving a call just boot you off of data while on the call, or would being on LTE block the call entirely?




For me, I've been sitting on my upgrade since July, waiting for the right phone to drop. Each month that passes I get more and more antsy to get away from my againg Galaxy S2. So yeah, a whole month is a bit significant for me.


Im in the exact same boat (my upgrade was Aug 1).


I dont know if I can wait any longer for triband. Things arent looking good for the S4 tri coming out any time soon either

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I am thinking that Sprint won't mention it. I have a feeling they will just have triband quietly slither in like a spectrum ninja in the night. They probably figure 90% of the customer base don't know or don't understand what a band is or its purpose so they don't want to confuse the product line with "These do triband but those over there don't".


I expect Sprint won't be screaming out Tri-band LTE capability for any of the triband LTE phones because they don't want to alienate those LTE phone customers who bought GS4 and HTC One phones earlier in the year.  The average customer doesn't know anything about triband and how to figure out if their phone is triband LTE capable. 


I think its best for Sprint to keep triband LTE on the DL for the rest of 2013 LTE phones because lets be honest, the LTE 800 footprint is nonexistant and the LTE 2600 footprint is relatively small (~2-3K sites with LTE 2600 don't cut it).  Even for the rest of 2013, I don't expect LTE 800 and LTE 2600 to be of any significance at all in most of the country.  I still need to see proof that Sprint and its vendors can deploy LTE 800 overlay as quickly as it is expected to be.


 I think by April/May 2014, Sprint should be marketing triband LTE capability with the GS5 and HTC One 2? or HTC Two? flaghip phones since by then a lot of markets should be covered with LTE 1900 and the LTE 800/2600 footprint will be bigger.

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I am thinking that Sprint won't mention it. I have a feeling they will just have triband quietly slither in like a spectrum ninja in the night. They probably figure 90% of the customer base don't know or don't understand what a band is or its purpose so they don't want to confuse the product line with "These do triband but those over there don't".



I expect Sprint won't be screaming out Tri-band LTE capability for any of the triband LTE phones because they don't want to alienate those LTE phone customers who bought GS4 and HTC One phones earlier in the year.  The average customer doesn't know anything about triband and how to figure out if their phone is triband LTE capable. 


I think its best for Sprint to keep triband LTE on the DL for the rest of 2013 LTE phones because lets be honest, the LTE 800 footprint is nonexistant and the LTE 2600 footprint is relatively small (~2-3K sites with LTE 2600 don't cut it).  Even for the rest of 2013, I don't expect LTE 800 and LTE 2600 to be of any significance at all in most of the country.  I still need to see proof that Sprint and its vendors can deploy LTE 800 overlay as quickly as it is expected to be.


 I think by April/May 2014, Sprint should be marketing triband LTE capability with the GS5 and HTC One 2? or HTC Two? flaghip phones since by then a lot of markets should be covered with LTE 1900 and the LTE 800/2600 footprint will be bigger.

I completely understand all of this, and I completely agree. However, that didn't stop them from officially announcing Tri-band for their hotspots:


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I completely understand all of this, and I completely agree. However, that didn't stop them from officially announcing Tri-band for their hotspots:



I think Sprint really wanted to emphasize the triband hotspots but are keeping a low profile on smartphones for now.  I just don't think its going to make much of a difference at this point to emphasize triband especially when the network is non existant.  I really do expect that Sprint will emphasize triband LTE capabilities with the GS5 and all other flagship phones beginning in 2014.

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The original press release about the G2 from Sprint did indeed mention Triband.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4



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The original press release about the G2 from Sprint did indeed mention Triband.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4


When you are talking about the "original press release" you are not talking about this one right?  Because I don't see any mention of triband triband triband!  Or are you saying that Sprint pulled it down quickly with the reference to triband and replaced the press release with this one.



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The marketing aspect of it would be tough for retail, honestly. You will have a bunch of single band LTE phones that won't be "good enough" after a sales associate explains and talks up the amazing benefits of triband LTE and recent customers who will be pissed after just buying their bogo S4/One and Moto X along with stock just sitting because everyone will want triband. I just have a feeling that once the G2 comes out, there will be little to no emphasis on it. It will be all about the 2.3ghz processor, huge screen, funky buttons, etc..

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The marketing aspect of it would be tough for retail, honestly. You will have a bunch of single band LTE phones that won't be "good enough" after a sales associate explains and talks up the amazing benefits of triband LTE and recent customers who will be pissed after just buying their bogo S4/One and Moto X along with stock just sitting because everyone will want triband. I just have a feeling that once the G2 comes out, there will be little to no emphasis on it. It will be all about the 2.3ghz processor, huge screen, funky buttons, etc..


Exactly why Sprint should not be emphasizing triband LTE for all the rest of the 2013 LTE phones.  They should save that marketing for 2014 flagship phones when they actually have a LTE 800 and LTE 2600 network.  Right now it would be pointless for Sprint to market LTE 800 when its nonexistant.  Even the average Sprint customer doesn't even know about LTE 2600 since its only been soft launched.

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Damn right its interesting to keep up with.. and a lot to keep up with! Thank God we have S4GRU to keep us up to date. I went back to another forum I used to frequent (Sprint section of AndroidForums) and, damn, most of the people there just have no clue what they're talking about.  

It makes me hesitant, at the same time.  I'm starting to wonder if the Note 3 is Triband or not.  LG G2 is taking a really long time to get things prepared for Sprint's LTE, and if the Note 3 does indeed launch before the G2, then it's likely it wont have triband support.  Although the difference is Samsung is rolling out the most 800 mhz service as of now and they might have been able to complete testing a lot quicker than LG can.  Time will tell.

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Perhaps this is splitting hairs, but, just because you are the first to announce Triband support doesn't mean the same thing as being the first to market with it. Just because the LG G2 was announced as the first Triband phone doesn't mean that Samsung can't sell a Triband phone a month sooner.

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It makes me hesitant, at the same time.  I'm starting to wonder if the Note 3 is Triband or not.  LG G2 is taking a really long time to get things prepared for Sprint's LTE, and if the Note 3 does indeed launch before the G2, then it's likely it wont have triband support.  Although the difference is Samsung is rolling out the most 800 mhz service as of now and they might have been able to complete testing a lot quicker than LG can.  Time will tell.

Even though the Galaxy Mini recently passed through the FCC with tri-band LTE, you still think the Note 3 will not support tri-band LTE?

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It makes me hesitant, at the same time.  I'm starting to wonder if the Note 3 is Triband or not.  LG G2 is taking a really long time to get things prepared for Sprint's LTE, and if the Note 3 does indeed launch before the G2, then it's likely it wont have triband support.  Although the difference is Samsung is rolling out the most 800 mhz service as of now and they might have been able to complete testing a lot quicker than LG can.  Time will tell.


The Note 3 will be triband LTE.  You can bank on that.  We don't know why Sprint decided to release the LG G2 so much later than the rest of the other carriers but that doesn't mean that all other LTE phones will not be triband just because the LG G2 has not been released yet.  


The LG G2 does not need to be released first in order to prove that other LTE phones can be triband.  Like Ben said above that the GS4 mini recently passed the FCC with triband capability which proves that even midrange LTE phones will be triband.  Keep in mind that the GS4 mini was announced back in June worldwide which is almost 3 months before the Note 3 was announced.

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Even though the Galaxy Mini recently passed through the FCC with tri-band LTE, you still think the Note 3 will not support tri-band LTE?

It's in the air.  They haven't announced the Galaxy Mini - which leads me to think they're testing it. On the other hand, the Note 3 has been announced but no FCC documents are available.  This likely means the Note 3 will have 1900 LTE, and none else.  I'm not saying it's impossible for the Note 3 to have Triband - just saying it's unlikely.  The Moto X just recently launched last Friday and that's not triband so we know it's still possible for single-band phones to launch.


The Note 3 will be triband LTE.  You can bank on that.  We don't know why Sprint decided to release the LG G2 so much later than the rest of the other carriers but that doesn't mean that all other LTE phones will not be triband just because the LG G2 has not been released yet.  


The LG G2 does not need to be released first in order to prove that other LTE phones can be triband.  Like Ben said above that the GS4 mini recently passed the FCC with triband capability which proves that even midrange LTE phones will be triband.  Keep in mind that the GS4 mini was announced back in June worldwide which is almost 3 months before the Note 3 was announced.

I never solidified that the Note 3 wouldn't have Triband - I'm only suggesting it's possible that it doesn't.  I know it's wishful thinking that it does - but that also doesn't confirm that it will.  Still interested in seeing how it turns up.  From Sprint's economic standpoint, it would only make sense to do Triband since these users will be with the device for 2+ years, and offloading onto the soon-to-be-available LTE 2500 will be very helpful.

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It's in the air.  They haven't announced the Galaxy Mini - which leads me to think they're testing it. On the other hand, the Note 3 has been announced but no FCC documents are available.  This likely means the Note 3 will have 1900 LTE, and none else.  I'm not saying it's impossible for the Note 3 to have Triband - just saying it's unlikely.  The Moto X just recently launched last Friday and that's not triband so we know it's still possible for single-band phones to launch.


I never solidified that the Note 3 wouldn't have Triband - I'm only suggesting it's possible that it doesn't.  I know it's wishful thinking that it does - but that also doesn't confirm that it will.  Still interested in seeing how it turns up.  From Sprint's economic standpoint, it would only make sense to do Triband since these users will be with the device for 2+ years, and offloading onto the soon-to-be-available LTE 2500 will be very helpful.


The Moto X went pass through the FCC back in May so its possible that it might have been one of the last phones to get single band LTE.  I think you are analyzing it too much.  Who cares if the GS4 mini hasn't been announced yet.  Sprint is just timing the releases so that not one phone topples the sales over the other types of phones.  The GS4 mini will be announced eventually and we have the FCC docs to prove that it is triband. Just because it hasn't been announced yet doesn't mean that they are still testing the unit.  At that point its all about trying to ensure the product is ready for launch which most likely means inventory.  Sprint could be getting word from its suppliers about estimates in terms of inventory that there are delays for that phone due to X number of reasons (supply chain making less GS4 minis in order to ramp up Note 3 production, customs delay, etc) and they don't feel comfortable about giving out a release date atm since they can't gauge the amount of inventory it will have by a certain date. 


In terms of the Note 3, none of the other carriers have had FCC docs released yet and ATT is set to launch the Note 3 on Oct 1st.  There is still plenty of time for Sprint to announce it.  I think we will get an announcement of the Sprint Note 3 availability by the end of this week since today Sprint is going to make an announcement of the iPhone 5S availability.  In terms of FCC docs for the Note 3, it can be any day now and even next week is not too late and it should be triband given the track record of the GS4 mini.  Take a deep breath and just relax.

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Im in the exact same boat (my upgrade was Aug 1).


I dont know if I can wait any longer for triband. Things arent looking good for the S4 tri coming out any time soon either

I'm in that boat with you guys. GS2 and all. Bought a Galaxy Nexus off craigslist to get some of that LTE goodness in MKE. I actually bought 2. Looking to sell the other if you're looking.


With CM10 and free hotspot, I can wait out for a good phone for another few months.


I would be willing to wait for the GN5 over the G2 simply because I love stock Android. I can't go back.

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