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IOS7 Announcement at WWDC


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Was reading afar until I saw this comment...  anyone who continues to bring up the fragmentation comment today is an absolute idiot as they have no idea what they are talking about.  They should pull their heads out of the sand/apple sauce as this hasn't been the case for a long time.




Jeez, chill out man. I don't know where you get your information, but 94% of all iOS devices are running iOS 6. Half of all Android devices are still on 2.x. Those are just facts. I write software, lest you forget. I like to think I know a little bit more about the state of fragmentation than almost everyone else on this forum because I have to deal with it on a daily basis.


Android is harder to develop and test for partly due to version fragmentation and device fragmentation. There are tools and techniques that help and it certainly isn't the end of the world, but it is harder and no amount of hand waving will change that. It does mean there are a wider variety of devices, so its a trade-off.


On the flip side, to get apps in the Apple App Store you have to submit them for approval. As a developer, that can be annoying at times, but for users it means no malware or reluctance to try new apps so again its a trade-off.


If the Android fanboys want a real talking point, you should try arguing that Apple needs a more modern language than Objective-C. That's a legit issue, but like fragmentation won't make or break the platform.




what do you guys think about the facetime voice only call option?

not that it may be disruptive for the carriers but some frugal parents may hold on off on getting lil johnny on their plan when they can do it this way.



It is interesting. I think it may be aimed more at Skype and that ilk, though knowing Apple they probably did it because people click or tap FaceTime and expect it to do voice or video calls, not due to any overarching competitive strategy. Sometimes I wish they'd go after other companies and undercut their business, but they don't seem to. (Eg make iAds available on the web and attempt to cut into Google's ad revenue).



This.  And then some.


Apple makes a living off forcing you to upgrade.  Android has such a fragmentation because really, unless you are a power user, the reason to upgrade is minimal.  Android doesnt pull half the crap iOS does with what device can do what.


What universe did this post come from? The list of Android hardware on sale today that doesn't have some hardware feature or doesn't have the horsepower to run something (eg a game) is a mile long because every OEM decides what grab-bag of stuff to implement. With the exception of a few new features, Apple generally makes updates available for older devices for years and releases them to everyone on the same day.


Apple says that Siri requires hardware audio processing not present on the iPhone 4. Chipworks broke down the SoC and did find such a unit. Maybe Siri could work but not as well in noisy environments. But everything else has a legit reason. The devices not getting the camera filters are because those filters require newer GPUs. The devices not getting AirDrop are because AirDrop uses the new WiFi Direct support built into the 802.11ac chips which allow peer-to-peer connections with no base station or setup and Apple doesn't want the feature to be hamstrung by who is connected to what WiFi network or who is on cellular. And in fact those are the only features restricted to certain models that I know of... Your three year old iPhone 4 will get everything else, for free, the same day it is released. No one can claim that on Android, period. No three year old Android phone gets updated, ever.


Apple has a captive fan base. If they wanted to force people to upgrade, they wouldn't bother releasing OS updates for the older devices. If they wanted to rip you off, they wouldn't replace your dropped under contract iPhone 5 for 229 (assuming no AppleCare), way way less than the retail price the carriers pay. Tell me... Does Samsung extend that courtesy for Galaxy owners or do you pay 500-600 for it?




And for actual relevant info, iOS and OS X now have a Bluetooth game controller framework. Methinks the console makers may have problems if Apple got serious about AppleTV as a game console, especially in the casual gamer market (not hardcore gamers).

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Jeez, chill out man. I don't know where you get your information, but 94% of all iOS devices are running iOS 6. Half of all Android devices are still on 2.x. Those are just facts. I write software, lest you forget. I like to think I know a little bit more about the state of fragmentation than almost everyone else on this forum because I have to deal with it on a daily basis.


Android is harder to develop and test for partly due to version fragmentation and device fragmentation. There are tools and techniques that help and it certainly isn't the end of the world, but it is harder and no amount of hand waving will change that. It does mean there are a wider variety of devices, so its a trade-off.


On the flip side, to get apps in the Apple App Store you have to submit them for approval. As a developer, that can be annoying at times, but for users it means no malware or reluctance to try new apps so again its a trade-off.


If the Android fanboys want a real talking point, you should try arguing that Apple needs a more modern language than Objective-C. That's a legit issue, but like fragmentation won't make or break the platform.






It is interesting. I think it may be aimed more at Skype and that ilk, though knowing Apple they probably did it because people click or tap FaceTime and expect it to do voice or video calls, not due to any overarching competitive strategy. Sometimes I wish they'd go after other companies and undercut their business, but they don't seem to. (Eg make iAds available on the web and attempt to cut into Google's ad revenue).





What universe did this post come from? The list of Android hardware on sale today that doesn't have some hardware feature or doesn't have the horsepower to run something (eg a game) is a mile long because every OEM decides what grab-bag of stuff to implement. With the exception of a few new features, Apple generally makes updates available for older devices for years and releases them to everyone on the same day.


Apple says that Siri requires hardware audio processing not present on the iPhone 4. Chipworks broke down the SoC and did find such a unit. Maybe Siri could work but not as well in noisy environments. But everything else has a legit reason. The devices not getting the camera filters are because those filters require newer GPUs. The devices not getting AirDrop are because AirDrop uses the new WiFi Direct support built into the 802.11ac chips which allow peer-to-peer connections with no base station or setup and Apple doesn't want the feature to be hamstrung by who is connected to what WiFi network or who is on cellular. And in fact those are the only features restricted to certain models that I know of... Your three year old iPhone 4 will get everything else, for free, the same day it is released. No one can claim that on Android, period. No three year old Android phone gets updated, ever.


Apple has a captive fan base. If they wanted to force people to upgrade, they wouldn't bother releasing OS updates for the older devices. If they wanted to rip you off, they wouldn't replace your dropped under contract iPhone 5 for 229 (assuming no AppleCare), way way less than the retail price the carriers pay. Tell me... Does Samsung extend that courtesy for Galaxy owners or do you pay 500-600 for it?




And for actual relevant info, iOS and OS X now have a Bluetooth game controller framework. Methinks the console makers may have problems if Apple got serious about AppleTV as a game console, especially in the casual gamer market (not hardcore gamers).

38% are on Android 4.0. Most phones can't support android 4.2 or 4.1.

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I can't wait to get iOS 7. I like control center most, gestures and the ability to block messages and calls. Love the weather app and its animations and I think my fave is how it now looks 3D when you move the phone. And I love California. Lol

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For the record, the iPhone 3GS has been through 4 major iOS revisions. Released with iOS 3 and supported until 6.1.3, the iPhone 2G and the iPhone 3G only made it 3 major revisions each. The support for updates has been astounding for Apple. The iPhone 4 will be on it's 4th major iOS release when iOS 7 is released officially. I haven't seen a single android device receive official major OS updates for 4 years in a row, which is sad because some devices can support newer OS's.


I'm happy to hear about a GameController Framework, because it could easily give console makers a big run for the money if Apple jumps into console gaming. However, I myself as a future developer might find that to come in handy. Be prepared that I am going in to iOS game development by next summer. My first release should be by June 2014! This project has been 4 years in the making. And I look forward to supporting all iOS 7 supported devices.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

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After flashing the Beta 1, I have to say, pretty darn impressive. So far no major glitches, just small annoyances really. 



Really? I noticed my battery draining like crazy. 15% left after 2 hours and 21 minutes of use. And the phone is considerably hotter.

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Really? I noticed my battery draining like crazy. 15% left after 2 hours and 21 minutes of use. And the phone is considerably hotter.


Mine was hotter when it was first doing the sync/restore from iCloud, but after that, it has been running fine.


Although I do notice a significant battery drain, compared to 6.

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I really wish 7 were out now. My sleep button on my 5 died the other day so I had to take it in to Apple to get a refurbished one. Problem was that I was jailbroken before and had to restore back to factory before I took it in. The one they gave me was on 6.1.3 and there's no jailbreak for that yet as they're saving it for 7. So now I'm stuck back on stock and it's just painful.


I tweeted the other day that 7 is amazing, it's the best parts of Android and Metro. Which isn't a bad thing, stock iOS is pretty stale and outdated. I love my Nexus 7, but I like my iPhone hardware much more and I do like how stable the OS is.

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I really wish 7 were out now. My sleep button on my 5 died the other day so I had to take it in to Apple to get a refurbished one. Problem was that I was jailbroken before and had to restore back to factory before I took it in. The one they gave me was on 6.1.3 and there's no jailbreak for that yet as they're saving it for 7. So now I'm stuck back on stock and it's just painful.


I tweeted the other day that 7 is amazing, it's the best parts of Android and Metro. Which isn't a bad thing, stock iOS is pretty stale and outdated. I love my Nexus 7, but I like my iPhone hardware much more and I do like how stable the OS is.

I agree, it is very stable.  I never get any force close notices vs. Android.

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I agree, it is very stable.  I never get any force close notices vs. Android.

Same, I get them on my Nexus fairly frequently still. 7 looks like it'll finally catch them up in some OS features and design.. Fall was the supposed release. That's so far.

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There are some weird bugs though.


For example, if you're in an app, the keyboard that comes up is the older iOS6 keyboard, and not the new iOS 7. That only happens on third party apps such as Facebook. If you're using the stock email, iMessage, etc. the keyboard is the new one.

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I agree, it is very stable. I never get any force close notices vs. Android.



Same, I get them on my Nexus fairly frequently still. 7 looks like it'll finally catch them up in some OS features and design.. Fall was the supposed release. That's so far.

It'll come out when the 5S is released, probably mid-September.



Sent from my iPad/iPhone using Tapatalk

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Huh? Who's copying who now?


Control Center: Copy of Android's quicksettings

Notification Center: looking rather Jelly-bean like with the expanded notifications

Multitasking: MUCH more Android-like with full-screen previews

iTunes Radio: right on the heels of Google Play Music All Access...

Airdrop: Galaxy S3's Allshare


It definitely looks like a nice update, with a very sleek interface - but I don't think Android is going to be copying much from it. Frankly, I figured we could leave the OS fights out of this, but...


To bad WebOs had the ideas of Control Center, Notification Center, and Multitasking like in iOS 7 well before Android or iOS. iTunes Radio probably took more than a few measly months to put together so in reality they did not copy Google. Finally AirDrop is just an improved version of AllShare. Before my iPhone I had a Samsung Galaxy S III and it AllShare worked horribly and was always malfunctioning. AirDrop in beta for me has worked quite nicely and is far better than anything Samsung could produce.

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To bad WebOs had the ideas of Control Center, Notification Center, and Multitasking like in iOS 7 well before Android or iOS. iTunes Radio probably took more than a few measly months to put together so in reality they did not copy Google. Finally AirDrop is just an improved version of AllShare. Before my iPhone I had a Samsung Galaxy S III and it AllShare worked horribly and was always malfunctioning. AirDrop in beta for me has worked quite nicely and is far better than anything Samsung could produce.

Yes, WebOS was ahead of its time.


You missed the point of my post. The part where I was responding to the comment of "Google and Sammy are gonna copy this!", pointing out things that were in Android before iOS, and therefore were not going to be copied by Google. Because they came to iOS after being in Android. It's patently obvious (except to patent law, heh) that the entire business of mobile software copies itself. Many of these "features" are things already tried and true on the Desktop, but they're brand new for Mobile.


And, you know, I straight up said I'd rather this not be an OS fight. You like some things. I like some things. I really don't care who's better for you - I care who's better for me, and for my customers. Your opinion of Airdrop being subjectively better than Allshare really has no bearing on a conversation about interface convergence. 

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Yes, WebOS was ahead of its time.


You missed the point of my post. The part where I was responding to the comment of "Google and Sammy are gonna copy this!", pointing out things that were in Android before iOS, and therefore were not going to be copied by Google. Because they came to iOS after being in Android. It's patently obvious (except to patent law, heh) that the entire business of mobile software copies itself. Many of these "features" are things already tried and true on the Desktop, but they're brand new for Mobile.


And, you know, I straight up said I'd rather this not be an OS fight. You like some things. I like some things. I really don't care who's better for you - I care who's better for me, and for my customers. Your opinion of Airdrop being subjectively better than Allshare really has no bearing on a conversation about interface convergence. 

I agree let us not start any OS fight. I just did not like the fact you made it sound like Google and Android dont copy

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I'm glad it's just Beta 1 and certain elements are likely going to be changed. The icons should look a little more sophisticated.

IMO....I don't see the icons changing much. In the keynote and on their site, they were pushing the icon changes as one of their key points. It's all part if ivey's "new look and feel". They may but probably not much.


I too am glad this is a beta, because I dropped it on my old 4s and man o' man the battery drain is fierce! The jump from iOS 5 to 6 was bad enough, but this is harsh! They gotta work this out for sure!


I LOVE the control settings page tho! It's nice to finally have toggles!



Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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Has anyone seen any screenshots of it on iPad?  I know the beta hasn't been released for it yet, but I'm really interested to see how it looks.


I wonder what Apple will do with the Find My Friends App, as it's full of skeumorphism.  I kinda wish they just merged its functionality with the regular Maps app.

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I haven't seen a single screenshot or even apple showing us anything for the iPad yet. I'm waiting for that as well! That's the one I really wanna play with. If the beta messes up my iPad it wouldn't hurt as bad as my i5. Like I said I put it on my 4s, but the iPad and i5 is where I wanna really feel it out. I will probably wait for at least beta 3 before I touch my i5. If I can find a screenshot for iPad I will share it here. Macinjosh is probably the one to ask. If anyone has a shot of it, he might.



Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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I haven't seen a single screenshot or even apple showing us anything for the iPad yet. I'm waiting for that as well! That's the one I really wanna play with. If the beta messes up my iPad it wouldn't hurt as bad as my i5. Like I said I put it on my 4s, but the iPad and i5 is where I wanna really feel it out. I will probably wait for at least beta 3 before I touch my i5. If I can find a screenshot for iPad I will share it here. Macinjosh is probably the one to ask. If anyone has a shot of it, he might.



Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Sorry. I don't have a screenshot yet either. I'm not a registered developer at the moment, but hope to be early next year.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

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I haven't seen a single screenshot or even apple showing us anything for the iPad yet. I'm waiting for that as well! That's the one I really wanna play with. If the beta messes up my iPad it wouldn't hurt as bad as my i5. Like I said I put it on my 4s, but the iPad and i5 is where I wanna really feel it out. I will probably wait for at least beta 3 before I touch my i5. If I can find a screenshot for iPad I will share it here. Macinjosh is probably the one to ask. If anyone has a shot of it, he might.






Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Sorry. I don't have a screenshot yet either. I'm not a registered developer at the moment, but hope to be early next year.






Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

True! :) if figured if anyone on this forum could dig one up it would be you lol. I mean your the "Mac" daddy on here haha. I'm sure we will have one soon enough. Keeping eyes peeled. If I see one I will post.



Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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I haven't seen a single screenshot or even apple showing us anything for the iPad yet. I'm waiting for that as well! That's the one I really wanna play with. If the beta messes up my iPad it wouldn't hurt as bad as my i5. Like I said I put it on my 4s, but the iPad and i5 is where I wanna really feel it out. I will probably wait for at least beta 3 before I touch my i5. If I can find a screenshot for iPad I will share it here. Macinjosh is probably the one to ask. If anyone has a shot of it, he might.



Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

Apple has a screenshot posted on their website. Go to http://www.apple.com/ios/ios7/features/ and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Not much but gives an idea of what the iPad will look like with iOS 7.



Sent from my iPhone 5 running iOS 7

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I haven't seen a single screenshot or even apple showing us anything for the iPad yet. I'm waiting for that as well! That's the one I really wanna play with. If the beta messes up my iPad it wouldn't hurt as bad as my i5. Like I said I put it on my 4s, but the iPad and i5 is where I wanna really feel it out. I will probably wait for at least beta 3 before I touch my i5. If I can find a screenshot for iPad I will share it here. Macinjosh is probably the one to ask. If anyone has a shot of it, he might.






Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Apple has a screenshot posted on their website. Go to http://www.apple.com/ios/ios7/features/ and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Not much but gives an idea of what the iPad will look like with iOS 7.






Sent from my iPhone 5 running iOS 7

Good find. I see them at the bottom. They are really small but I'm sure in the next few days, or closer to the seeding of the iPad beta, they will start popping up.



Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk

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