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Network Vision and LTE deployment strategy

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I have seen a new sprint tower being installed here in Butler, PA. A samsung van was there, or it may have been alcatel lucent, couldnt make out the name very well... anyways, the tower had two panels at the top, and looked more standard than anything.. the only difference is it was much taller than other sprint towers i have seen in the past. Im not entirely sure on what sprint plans to use this tower for(Expanded 3G, or LTE), but we shall see..

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I have seen a new sprint tower being installed here in Butler, PA. A samsung van was there, or it may have been alcatel lucent, couldnt make out the name very well... anyways, the tower had two panels at the top, and looked more standard than anything.. the only difference is it was much taller than other sprint towers i have seen in the past. Im not entirely sure on what sprint plans to use this tower for(Expanded 3G, or LTE), but we shall see..


How do you know it's a Sprint tower?

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Also, notice how sprint has been swirming over PA with LTE deployment? I think sprint focuses on one larger region at a time. This is why they are deploying LTE faster, and deploying it much faster than they deployed WIMAX

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After sprint wraps up the northeastern part of the country, i think they are going to start pouncing on the mid part of the country, especially because they now have acquired more spectrum in some areas such as Chicago. More spectrum equals more capacity on cell sites, which means your connection will not slow down as much when the entire population decides to inhabit your precious LTE ;)

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Also, notice how sprint has been swirming over PA with LTE deployment? I think sprint focuses on one larger region at a time.

After sprint wraps up the northeastern part of the country, i think they are going to start pouncing on the mid part of the country...


Uh, no, what you think is not really how Network Vision deployment works. We know most of the schedule -- become a sponsor and you can, too



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How do you know it's a Sprint tower?


It was being set in place with a previous sprint tower, and i used open signal maps to find it


This begs the question of how you knew the "previous Sprint tower" was actually a Sprint tower. And what does "being set in place" with it mean? Sounds like there are multiple towers at this location, and Sprint may or may not be sited there.


Also, Open Signal is notoriously wrong about towers. It does not even purport to map actual tower locations, only imputed geographic coordinates derived -- usually inaccurately -- from crowdsourced signal-strength collection.

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I'm a little confused still.


I read that the 3G experience will be better, but that they're just upgrading existing towers.


Does that mean that where existing weak reception areas will continue to be weak? The reason I ask is that over the past year or two, I've noticed Sprint has gotten weaker around here. My phone frequently switches to roaming and back again.


When my area finally gets NV upgrades, in addition to 4G LTE, will I also get better reception?

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I'm a little confused still.


I read that the 3G experience will be better, but that they're just upgrading existing towers.


Does that mean that where existing weak reception areas will continue to be weak? The reason I ask is that over the past year or two, I've noticed Sprint has gotten weaker around here. My phone frequently switches to roaming and back again.


When my area finally gets NV upgrades, in addition to 4G LTE, will I also get better reception?


There is a slight power boost when the upgrades come through. They are installing all brand new equipment on every tower, and this equipment is capable of giving up to a 20% boost in signal, so yes you may get slightly better coverage. A bit deeper into 2013, Sprint will be activating 800 SMR for 1x Voice and LTE, which will boost coverage significantly. If you have a weak, signal now, when 800 1x and LTE comes online, your signal will get a lot better. Though, iPhones don't currently support 800 LTE.

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Uh' date=' no, what you think is not really how Network Vision deployment works. We know most of the schedule -- become a sponsor and you can, too




When I get some money, I'd love to be a sponsor

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I have seen a new sprint tower being installed here in Butler, PA. A samsung van was there, or it may have been alcatel lucent, couldnt make out the name very well... anyways, the tower had two panels at the top, and looked more standard than anything.. the only difference is it was much taller than other sprint towers i have seen in the past. Im not entirely sure on what sprint plans to use this tower for(Expanded 3G, or LTE), but we shall see..


Lots of towers (the one 100 yards from me right now for example) have more than one cell phone company's equipment on it. Lots of towers are not owed by a cell company too. Some how it works out better for them to sell the tower to a 3rd party and lease it back with the other company handeling maintenance. I guess because they can lease to more than one cell phone company and split the costs. If its a tall tower it very well could be for public service radio (fire, police, etc). They really can use the added height more because they may have one transmitter to cover a whole county that may have dozens of cell sites. The locals here are trying to stop the county from putting in a 190 foot tower for public service radio. They say it will hurt property values.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lots of towers (the one 100 yards from me right now for example) have more than one cell phone company's equipment on it. Lots of towers are not owed by a cell company too. Some how it works out better for them to sell the tower to a 3rd party and lease it back with the other company handeling maintenance. I guess because they can lease to more than one cell phone company and split the costs. If its a tall tower it very well could be for public service radio (fire, police, etc). They really can use the added height more because they may have one transmitter to cover a whole county that may have dozens of cell sites. The locals here are trying to stop the county from putting in a 190 foot tower for public service radio. They say it will hurt property values.

From what the tower is looking like now, it has one main panel at the top, but thats all im seeing on this one. I have noticed my signal jumping from -86dBm in the area of this so called "tower" to -65dBm when im near this new tower. Well where i was, right across the road at sheetz, and speeds have stayed around 0.55-0.95 Mbps down, but a low ping at 93 milliseconds. Weird but we shall see
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Id figure since i didnt get a chance to take a picture of the actual tower, id find an image that best fits the look of what i saw. Not sure what it is but im sure yall can help me out on this one.

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Exactly? Its not really common to see a tower that looks exactly like another due to the thousands and thousands of differences.

I should not of said "Exactly". What i meant was they share similarities with each other. Its not like im gonna eye ball a tower for the enite day lol
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