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Not really. Frankly the days of needing to master a game by playing it a lot are long gone. Nowadays all you need to do is just sit at one spot and kill people and "unlock" overpowered perks like calling in airstrikes or shenanigans like that which kills people / buffs you and makes you obscenely powerful with no skills involved.


Not to mention the annoying people on XBL and PS online is just... man. I'll stick to my indy / small studio / valve / Bethesda games where it's actually fun to play.

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I play, and have played, 99% of my games (RTS, racing) on PC. That said, I do drive a mean Kart (Wii edition). But that console isn't at my current place of residence, as I don't have a large enough monitor/TV to hook it up to.

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We used to play Halo 1 almost every night on the LAN when I was deployed, then switched to Halo 2 when that came out. We also played some Unreal Tournament on PC. After that, I have never really gotten back into 1st person shooter games.


My gaming console history is: pong>NES>SNES>Playstation>PS2>XBOX>Wii>PS3>XBOX360 I also had an original gameboy and a gameboy advanced. I gave the OG gameboy to my ex's kid when I deployed and he called it a "boygame" it was hilarious.


I think about the only gaming I do anymore is to play "road to the show" on MLB The Show 2010, maybe it is 09... I have been dabbling at it for several years.

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Who's waiting in line for Halo 4 right now?


Sent from my EVO 3D powered by Jelly Beanz


I preordered mine online. Out for next day air delivery now. Did you end up picking it up?

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I have been a huge gamer for a long time. Over the years I have logged thousands of hours on xboxlive but since I am older with lots more responsibilities in life its really hard to play as much as I used too. In either case though, my gamertag is raggamuffin, add me if you like. Oh and if you add me, please let me know you are from s4gru, or else I will probably just ignore it.

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Played the hell out of Halo 1 and 2 especially online with xbconnect for free. Those were the days to have 3 original xboxes in the house hardwired ethernet with them all sporting large hard drives. Still have those machines and play them from time to time. They were great for their time with xbmc, game loading for no discs, emulators, mame, etc. Still lots of value in my eyes. I play it more than the 360 it sits next to! I am lazy to switch discs I guess and really don't like the 360s small controllers. Prefer the old school xbox large controllers. They just fit your hands better. I hated the play station controllers as the were so small you couldn't press the buttons.


I played a bit of halo 3 but just got burnt out. Today's games just got too crazy and you have to play online 24/7 to even last 5 minutes.


Sent from the EVO 4G sometimes-LTE


I was a beast on multiplayer on all the halo games but halo 2 was by far the one I was best at.


I will say this, and it will probably make you guys all mad but I never played Halo 1 and Halo 2 and I didn't understand 3. Did you guys understand the storyline at all from playing the games? Or did you have to read the books?


I played every single halo game and read all the books, personally I think the storyline is pretty impressive and mesmerizing if you are into that sort of sci-fi thing.

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Bleh, consoles.


Real gamers game on PC's.


Probably going to pick up BO2 at least to play the single player and zombies. I love MP, but the horrible console ports of the MP game for MW2 and 3 sucked ass. First Modern Warfare rocked and BO was pretty good once I got use to it.

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Bleh, consoles.


Real gamers game on PC's.


Probably going to pick up BO2 at least to play the single player and zombies. I love MP, but the horrible console ports of the MP game for MW2 and 3 sucked ass. First Modern Warfare rocked and BO was pretty good once I got use to it.

I, too, can agree with the call of duty assessment. Cod4 was epic, mw2 and mw3 had too many exploits people took advantage of that made the game unfun. (Mw2 being the infinite grenade launcher combo). Black Ops didn't really suffer from this problem, which is why I'm getting black ops 2. But Infinity Ward has lost their touch.


I prefer console gaming for most of the games I play. PC has a lot of games that I prefer belongs on PC (any RTS game should always be on PC.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Wii U has shipped!



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Wii U was just delivered. U got nothing on me.



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BF3 is my drug!!


I got a 6-core PC with 8 gigs of ddr3 that would easily run BF3...but my PS3 gets the glory...


While PC may rock-out with smoother gaming experience...unless you use a magnifying glass on your TV, you can't convince the casual gamer to go with PC over console....plus, console ...errr..PS3 doesn't cost anything for multiplayer...that sells me.


BF3 will be it until the PS4 drops..whenever that may happen to be.

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Super Mario finally in 1080p via HDMI is a beautiful thing.



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I can play the same Wii U game in full 1080p on my world class TV in my living room or in slightly reduced resolution on the LCD tablet-like game pad on my bed. Genius, Nintendo.



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The Wii U functions as a console and handheld system rolled into one. I am impressed.



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