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PRL 24009/25009 Changes

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Someone at Sprint reads most posts ;) The 24009 is simply adding the needed MCC/MNC records in the last 3 missing Sprint native GEO's. The only place that this was noticed was in PR and I already made a PRL for these guys with the MCC/MNC. So I guess you can say Sprint is playing catch up to me.


The other 2 GEO's are Omaha and Honolulu. I was hoping they would have added the other 1XA 800 SMR SIDs and save me a bunch of work but oh well. I'll finish it up and they can play catch up again. Maybe they should just contract me to do the PRLs for them? I would even fix up the many other glaring errors in the PRLs! I know they are using the toolkit and not looking at them with anything else or looking at things by hand as some errors are duplicated. Tsk tsk tsk...


Now if only I get their attention to fix the EVO's LTE connectivity issue!

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I've always wondered to what degree our site is monitored.


Robert via Samsung Note II using Forum Runner


More than you know... On another site that I wrote a very complex diff report tool for monitoring satellite channels lineups for engineering channels (it even included maps for coverage areas... Go figure). I had many employees of the company contact me with additional info and even some to verify some things.


So it would not surprise me to have the same here as well reading PRL updates, looking at our LTE sitings, pictures of sites, etc.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge



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Robert does Sprint send you anything like events invites or network updates


No. Only press releases. Sprint would require me to sign a NDA to be involved with them officially on any level. Which I cannot do.


Robert via Samsung Note II using Forum Runner

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Digiblur, should I keep your PRL or update it to the latest one?


Im keeping yours unless you tell me to update. If your works, why change it! :D


The other PRL is based on 56xxx which has 3G roaming from the get go, but I don't know if that is even available in your area from another carrier. You can update it, your phone might automatically do it one night too, but you can always go back.


Does this mean that there be any signal improvement in Honolulu? Thanks


Sent from my Coconut Wireless


Typically a PRL update will NEVER improve any signal and/or speeds. It's not going to make you pick up new towers. Sprint could add 20 towers to one city and I could pull out my flip-phone from 2005 and it would pick up the signal from all 20 towers. There are a few times it could improve signal. For instance, if you have a 800SMR device in an 800SMR area, the PRL update could have the records to use this new frequency. This would result in better signal. The only time you'll see improved speeds is if you were in an area such as PR that had the missing records for LTE and now you can pick up LTE. I don't remember seeing any completed towers in HI but it's not a bad thing to have your phone ready to pick up LTE.

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well this PRL certainly didn't amount to a hill of beans here in socal


Yep.. Unless some how you have Omaha, Honolulu or Puerto Rico in Socal.


99% of prl usually don't mean a hill of beans to anyone. Only one that will make a difference for most in the future is when 800smr is added.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge



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My mom's iPhone 5 updated to 55009 from 5500x (can't remember if the last digit was a 6 or 8) Does that PRL update have any relation to 25009?


Someone said that the 55xxx PRL's don't have CDMA 800 capability?


I don't get why the iP5 has a different PRL then an LTE android phone such as my GS3.

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Just for roaming right? I can't remember the last time I was on roaming.


Most of the time yes. LTE enabling and 800SMR support are exceptions.


The only other non roaming changes would be carrier agreement changes that look like native Sprint signal.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge



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