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  1. I'm located 2500 miles from the west coast Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless \000/
  2. I dunno how accurate the test are according to the speed test app. But I can really tell the difference in the way my phone reacts say when I open and play netflix, showbox, etc. Buffering/loading doesn't even last 2 seconds. BTW, earlier today Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless \000/
  3. For the last 2 to 3 years the speeds have constantly gone up not down from when lte first went live started at about 20 MBs. Heck, even if the speeds were cut in half later on I still be really stoked. Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless \000/
  4. I believe 15x15 I don't have the service menu to tell me what I am connected to. All I know is that most places here ave over 90-100MB+ . It's just at my home on the east rural end of the island I Ave in the 130's MB now for the last 2 months the or so Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless \000/
  5. Pretty much all of Honolulu is full bars or at least 3 out of 5.But speeds are very good here Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless \000/
  6. what location was this? Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless \000/
  7. My interpretation of capacity would be like... The capacity to provide up to 400 data connections per tower without slowing down. Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless
  8. Wouldn't capacity have a direct correlation to speed? Sent from my Sony Xperia Z3 via the Coconut Wireless
  9. What is the current setup now on Oahu? 5x5mhz
  10. Can't wait to see those speeds.Hopefully,they pass at&t and Verizon here
  11. Grapplefu, Last night there was another bump in speed on Oahu.I was averaging about 103MB Down in Hawaii Kai real world.
  12. T-mobile speed in my house. In Hawaii Kai, Honolulu https://www.dropbox.com/s/eky0tjidnz4sdry/Screenshot_2014-10-30-17-06-30.png?dl=0
  13. My question was directed at the statement of Sprint will blow away the competitors. I am assuming he meant speed of download? Because as far as coverage is concerned? At&t and Verizon has the edge here on Oahu in that regard.
  14. My coworker had 4G Lte at the Hawaii Kai golf course this past Sunday
  15. In terms of speed?T-mobile in town especially in Waikiki averages about 60-70+MB download 15-20MB upload My Co workers on Sprint will be happy with Spark if it tops T-mobile speeds
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