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Network Vision/LTE - Hawaii Market (including Honolulu, Oahu and all Hawaiian Islands)


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Just so everyone is aware, a TOY cell is a macro site set up inside a Sprint MSC or DDC that is used to test, evaluate and train. It is not intended to be usable even outside the building. Sometimes they can be usable a few feet outside the building, but I've never heard of an instance of someone using a TOY more than a block away.


Often TOYs are locked down and the public cannot authenticate with the network on them. We mark TOY cells on our maps so people realize it is not a public macro site. We allow them on our maps more as informational to see where Sprint's DDC and MSC's are located. Not so much for locating signals.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

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Just so everyone is aware, a TOY cell is a macro site set up inside a Sprint MSC or DDC that is used to test, evaluate and train. It is not intended to be usable even outside the building. Sometimes they can be usable a few feet outside the building, but I've never heard of an instance of someone using a TOY more than a block away.Often TOYs are locked down and the public cannot authenticate with the network on them. We mark TOY cells on our maps so people realize it is not a public macro site. We allow them on our maps more as informational to see where Sprint's DDC and MSC's are located. Not so much for locating signals.Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

So there's a training center in Waipahu?


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk



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So there's a training center in Waipahu?


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

No. It is a Data Center. They have a TOY unit there. I explained what a TOY is used for.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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No. It is a Data Center. They have a TOY unit there. I explained what a TOY is used for.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

Street view of the "data center" on kahuhale st Posted Image


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Street view of the "data center" on kahuhale st Posted Image


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk

I'm not in the mood to be mocked. I think you have completely misunderstood my posts. I am discussing how the one accepted LTE site on our maps is not actually a site and is not broadcasting to the public. You are discussing a Sensorly report. I am trying to explain to you that the signal from Sensorly IS NOT COMING FROM THE DATA CENTER.


If any other phantom signals appear, they also will not be coming from the data center. The Hawaii market is receiving NV deployments. The signal could very well be coming from a site in progress. I try to run around and provide helpful information to 98 markets. I don't appreciate being "mocked" by you for giving you good information about yours.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro



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Hawaiian time for the permits.  None of the permits that is approved by the county is being worked on.  You can tell by no inspection date or start or completion time for the permits.  Only 3 permits approved by the county so far.  Permits are moving faster on the Maui, Kauai, and Big Island.  I is funny the permit approved for Maui county is for Molokai and not schedule to be complete for 30 years. (permit have the date 2043 year for completion) .  Now that is Hawaiian Time.

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  I is funny the permit approved for Maui county is for Molokai and not schedule to be complete for 30 years. (permit have the date 2043 year for completion) .  Now that is Hawaiian Time.



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I'm not in the mood to be mocked. I think you have completely misunderstood my posts. I am discussing how the one accepted LTE site on our maps is not actually a site and is not broadcasting to the public. You are discussing a Sensorly report. I am trying to explain to you that the signal from Sensorly IS NOT COMING FROM THE DATA CENTER.


If any other phantom signals appear, they also will not be coming from the data center. The Hawaii market is receiving NV deployments. The signal could very well be coming from a site in progress. I try to run around and provide helpful information to 98 markets. I don't appreciate being "mocked" by you for giving you good information about yours.


Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro

Not mocking you, just trying to understand how that data point got that gps data there


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I'm probably not the only one who got the msg that the "new network will be largely completed in your area...", right?  does this finally mean lte is right around the corner?

In Hawaii no way!


Everyone in the states have been getting that text. I got it too.Sprint unfortunately sends it to people all over the country.


I don't blame people being mad and leaving Sprint. Sprint gave their customers a date that their network will be completed in 30 days which for some markets it could be true. But for other markets it's almost impossible to finish the network in 30 days. When the 30 days are up, people will be even more angry because they've been lied too. Now that competition like T Mobile is offering to pay your early termination fee, these angry customers (which will be a lot) will switch carriers. Sprint SHOULD HAVE NEVER sent this text. It will confuse and mislead the customers. Bad business move.


For example Hawaii is farrrrrrr from being finished. Permits in this state really take forever to be approved.

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In Hawaii no way!


Everyone in the states have been getting that text. I got it too.Sprint unfortunately sends it to people all over the country.


I don't blame people being mad and leaving Sprint. Sprint gave their customers a date that their network will be completed in 30 days which for some markets it could be true. But for other markets it's almost impossible to finish the network in 30 days. When the 30 days are up, people will be even more angry because they've been lied too. Now that competition like T Mobile is offering to pay your early termination fee, these angry customers (which will be a lot) will switch carriers. Sprint SHOULD HAVE NEVER sent this text. It will confuse and mislead the customers. Bad business move.


For example Hawaii is farrrrrrr from being finished. Permits in this state really take forever to be approved.

I get what you're saying. And I pretty much agree. However, please be a little more careful how you post critical Sprint comments. Someone may mistake that for a rant, which would be against the S4GRU posting guidelines.


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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Hawaiian time for the permits.  None of the permits that is approved by the county is being worked on.  You can tell by no inspection date or start or completion time for the permits.  Only 3 permits approved by the county so far.  Permits are moving faster on the Maui, Kauai, and Big Island.  I is funny the permit approved for Maui county is for Molokai and not schedule to be complete for 30 years. (permit have the date 2043 year for completion) .  Now that is Hawaiian Time.

You know they approve they double digit pay rises quickly enough! Tmo just got a minor permit approved (upgrade to mi mo) and it took well over a year (entered 8-29-12). Permit fees are pretty low though,  perhaps charging more would give them more resources since they got slashed in 2007/ 8 .

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I get what you're saying. And I pretty much agree. However, please be a little more careful how you post critical Sprint comments. Someone may mistake that for a rant, which would be against the S4GRU posting guidelines.


Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

If someone mistakes that as a rant I'll give them the dictionary definition of a rant :P

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If someone mistakes that as a rant I'll give them the dictionary definition of a rant :P



Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk



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You know they approve they double digit pay rises quickly enough! Tmo just got a minor permit approved (upgrade to mi mo) and it took well over a year (entered 8-29-12). Permit fees are pretty low though,  perhaps charging more would give them more resources since they got slashed in 2007/ 8 .

Perhaps bribing the county of maui and the state of Hawaii will work, idunno..

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40 new Markets were announced today. Obviously Oahu wasn't one of them. I did wake up this morning however to a text saying that the network would be largely completed in my area in the following month, but it appears most people don't believe this is even true, so thats exciting and then not exciting. haha

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40 new Markets were announced today. Obviously Oahu wasn't one of them. I did wake up this morning however to a text saying that the network would be largely completed in my area in the following month, but it appears most people don't believe this is even true, so thats exciting and then not exciting. haha


The text went out to pretty much everyone, even people who don't live in Sprint coverage areas anymore, so I wouldn't read much into it. Sorry :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a spoiler for those that live on west Maui side, Lahaina shores is getting the lte tower upgrade slowly but surely. The solar company I'm working for is installing panels up there so by chance I seen some guys upgrading radio equipment up top. They said it will be a few days to install (give or take abit due to the rain) and a month of testing before it goes live. I'm finally stoked .... (Sorry Oahu guys)

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My brother in law said his friend picked up LTE at a Starbucks near HNL. I'm going to Hickam to do a job on the 18th, I'll see if the Pearl Harbor iden conversion tower is live


Sent from my SM-N900P using Tapatalk


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Just a spoiler for those that live on west Maui side, Lahaina shores is getting the lte tower upgrade slowly but surely. The solar company I'm working for is installing panels up there so by chance I seen some guys upgrading radio equipment up top. They said it will be a few days to install (give or take abit due to the rain) and a month of testing before it goes live. I'm finally stoked .... (Sorry Oahu guys)


Is there any chance it was AT&T and not Sprint as AT&T are the only ones with a recent ish permit in the system for that TMK \ Address or their normal Designer \ Engineer? Although I wouldn't be shocked if the system was borked.

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