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Network Vision/LTE - SF Bay Market


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Go to the northern California market thread and look at the maps of all the sites in Napa. All those sites will eventually be upgraded with a few exceptions.


Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 4

Thanks, according to that map I have one thats a couple miles from me. Didnt see any others close.

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San Jose here and Sensorly actually shows LTE on my street. Thing is you cant get it unless u stand in the middle of the street and when u do that u get 2 bars, but if u walk in your home there is no 4g signal... Also there is no damn 3G signal either.. 2 years ago my 3G was perfect inside and outside my home even 4g WiMax work inside my home.... But for the past 12-18 months the signal has gone to 0. its sad. Its to the point that im probably going to switch to Verizon or AT&T...


Ive also noticed that signals come in different speeds. for example a 3 bar 3G signal in one part of San Jose will be drastically slower then a 3bar 3G signal in another part of San Jose.  i seriously cant enjoy my phone unless i have wifi.   I cant share pictures, videos, use social media, text, call, browse the web unless i have WiFi. 

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Does anyone know why there seems to be 0 upgraded towers in Berkeley?


Say hello to 100+ page zoning applications, 100+ page building applications, a shit ton of nimbys and local ordinances. I'm not kidding about that either... Berkeley area is a high barrier to entry market and will likely be the last done in the market. 

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Does anyone know why there seems to be 0 upgraded towers in sf (for like a couple months now)?


I did some digging and it seems a lot of permits are approved for most of the untouched sites for weeks now. I thought the permit approvals were the delay but maybe something else is up.


Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk 4



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I was at the Oracle conference at the Moscone center yesterday and Sprint's LTE was present (outside) but useless. AT&T's LTE was doing fine; not sure about how VZW and T-Mob fared.


parts of downtown lte used to be great. Now during the day its crawling in those same parts. Triband phones can't come soon enough.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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Lte in the fidi is still unusable. I just ordered the tmobile 5s and will try it for a few days. If it's us usable I will unfortunately pay the etf and switch even though I don't want to.

Yeah sucks in fidi these days. Are you an iPhone guy or are u willing to try a triband android? I'm curious how 2600 performs downtown.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4



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Yeah sucks in fidi these days. Are you an iPhone guy or are u willing to try a triband android? I'm curious how 2600 performs downtown.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4

I'm unfortunately an iPhone fan.  Stupid question but I know that Sprint has 800 mhz LTE.  Is that available now in SF or is this something that will happen sometime in the future.  If it is available now, I would consider buying the new 5s if it gives me any sort of reasonable speed.  If it's just another promise, then life is too short to wait.  I'm sure this has been discussed many times before so apologize for the repetitive question.

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I'm unfortunately an iPhone fan.  Stupid question but I know that Sprint has 800 mhz LTE.  Is that available now in SF or is this something that will happen sometime in the future.  If it is available now, I would consider buying the new 5s if it gives me any sort of reasonable speed.  If it's just another promise, then life is too short to wait.  I'm sure this has been discussed many times before so apologize for the repetitive question.


Should begin deployment next month. 

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Back to the original question though.  It looks like all the action right now is in San Jose.  Just look at all the "white pins" of towers in progress.  I wouldn't be surprised if San Jose got prioritized above San Francisco. 


I hope I'm wrong since I live in SF.

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Interesting. Can you direct me to where you are seeing these white pins please.


You can access the full map in the sponsor section. Its in this post


And if you go into the Northern Cali Market thread you can see what towers in the area will eventually be updated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Still very little progress in San Francisco for LTE. The rest of the bay seems to be moving right along but San Francisco has not had many acceptances in months. Nobody has any insight into what's going on?

Yeah its been months since any movement. I did some research on permits and it seems many many untouched sites have permits approved. So who knows what the hold up is.


Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk



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I think the white pins only appear when ppl post pictures of the towers. So more white pins in an area may just mean more members taking pics there, not necessarily more actual tower development going on. 

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