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iPhone 5 data connectivty issues


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So I've seen a few people having data connectivity issues with the new iPhone 5 on Sprint.


The issue seems to be pretty bad. Often times uploads will time out, other times the phone will appear to get stuck on 1x and won't flip back to 3G, toggling airplane mode doesn't seem to fix it either.


The sprint forums seem to have a few threads on this, one guy even got two replacement iPhones from apple without fixing the problem.


It definitely seems to be a iPhone <--> Sprint issue (not a defective handset issue) and nobody knows how to fix it.


Has anyone on s4gru seen this?

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Try... Phone -> Dialer -> ##UPDATE# -> Dial

Basically the same as a profile update on other phones. If that doesn't work (or fails)...

Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings

Should make things happy again.

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I noticed this same thing. Seems to happen when connected to the Airave for me. I should have a strong 3G signal when connected to the Airave, instead it's a strong 1X signal. When I leave Airave coverage, 3G pops back up. Not sure if this is related to the topic above or some other issue. I have two Airaves, one at home and one at work, same issue with both units and the iPhone 5.

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So I've seen a few people having data connectivity issues with the new iPhone 5 on Sprint.


The issue seems to be pretty bad. Often times uploads will time out, other times the phone will appear to get stuck on 1x and won't flip back to 3G, toggling airplane mode doesn't seem to fix it either.


The sprint forums seem to have a few threads on this, one guy even got two replacement iPhones from apple without fixing the problem.


It definitely seems to be a iPhone <--> Sprint issue (not a defective handset issue) and nobody knows how to fix it.


Has anyone on s4gru seen this?


I have heard a few verizon iphone 5 customers complain about inconsistent data performance as well so definitely not isolated to sprint.

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Try... Phone -> Dialer -> ##UPDATE# -> Dial

Basically the same as a profile update on other phones. If that doesn't work (or fails)...

Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings

Should make things happy again.


Apparently that's not working for people. It's pretty interesting to see so many issues (not a ton, but definitely a substantial amount with the same exact problem).

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Funny, ive found the 5 to be excellent signal wise. There was only once where I as in an LTE area and had to toggle to get it. It holds on to LTE admirably, and has greatly raised my experience with (usually quite crappy) sprint data.

When im on 3g though, its a completely different story... :angry:

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I have noticed it dropping to 1X when I'm at home near my Airave; if I leave it be for a few minutes it will reconnect to 3G and works fine after that. Hasn't been an issue because I'm on WiFi at home most of the time.


I'm also just on the edge of LTE coverage so it will switch back and forth between the Airave locally and the remote LTE tower as I can see the bars jump from 5 to 1 when it happens, but again doesn't seem to be a problem because it always jumps to 1X on the Airave to make calls anyway.


I presume this will go away once NV is done rolling out and/or the Airave gets a firmware update, or possibly iOS 6.1 depending on where the problem lies.



Haven't seen this issue in the wild so far but I will keep an eye out.

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NYC!!! Call sprint 15 times I think!!!! NO Internet at all, They telling me that a tower in my area is down( (zip code10040)!!! ������


And that could very well be the case.

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No LTE No 4G here in NY


This should give you a better idea of what is going on with New York:




There has been significant steps made since this article was written, becoming a sponsor of s4gru will give you access to quite a bit of information that you won't get any where else, no minimum amount is required. Right now though, new york is in the middle of major ugrades towards their network vision roll out, so things will probably continue to be a little on the bad side but there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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I have noticed it dropping to 1X when I'm at home near my Airave; if I leave it be for a few minutes it will reconnect to 3G and works fine after that. Hasn't been an issue because I'm on WiFi at home most of the time.


I'm also just on the edge of LTE coverage so it will switch back and forth between the Airave locally and the remote LTE tower as I can see the bars jump from 5 to 1 when it happens, but again doesn't seem to be a problem because it always jumps to 1X on the Airave to make calls anyway.


I presume this will go away once NV is done rolling out and/or the Airave gets a firmware update, or possibly iOS 6.1 depending on where the problem lies.



Haven't seen this issue in the wild so far but I will keep an eye out.


Mine does this when connected to my Airave as well, but so does my Photon Q. When I'm out and about my iPhone does do it but typically switches back right away. It makes me wonder if it's something in the software that disconnects from the EVDO network, perhaps to preserve battery life. Sounds like it may need to be tweaked.

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I have very annoying problem, but I'm not sure of it is the problem with the phone or its caused by "unbelievable" Sprint network. When I check my Internet speed with Speedtest.net app very often I can see that there is incoming traffic but no outgoing. The upload speed measuring gets stuck at 0%. If I turn the data off and on again, it starts working. Also it may start working by itself after a while. And when the upload speed is not showing I can't use some apps, like weather for example. Also I have major problems with iMessage. Very often I get the message that my message was not delivered. And sometimes messages dont go through, the orher times come much later. Even when i send from iMessage to iMessage. Again, I'm on Sprint and their 3G really sucks. Does anybody else have these problems?

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I have very annoying problem, but I'm not sure of it is the problem with the phone or its caused by "unbelievable" Sprint network. When I check my Internet speed with Speedtest.net app very often I can see that there is incoming traffic but no outgoing. The upload speed measuring gets stuck at 0%. If I turn the data off and on again, it starts working. Also it may start working by itself after a while. And when the upload speed is not showing I can't use some apps, like weather for example. Also I have major problems with iMessage. Very often I get the message that my message was not delivered. And sometimes messages dont go through, the orher times come much later. Even when i send from iMessage to iMessage. Again, I'm on Sprint and their 3G really sucks. Does anybody else have these problems?


iMessage is very cranky in even good data service, as my friends have issues even on 30Mbps Cable. Apple has had some issues with it lately on and off. It'll work itself out.


In weak signal areas the Speedtest app has been known to lock up on upload. And I've had it happen on my Evo Shift too, so I would think it's a network issue.

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I have very annoying problem, but I'm not sure of it is the problem with the phone or its caused by "unbelievable" Sprint network. When I check my Internet speed with Speedtest.net app very often I can see that there is incoming traffic but no outgoing. The upload speed measuring gets stuck at 0%. If I turn the data off and on again, it starts working. Also it may start working by itself after a while. And when the upload speed is not showing I can't use some apps, like weather for example. Also I have major problems with iMessage. Very often I get the message that my message was not delivered. And sometimes messages dont go through, the orher times come much later. Even when i send from iMessage to iMessage. Again, I'm on Sprint and their 3G really sucks. Does anybody else have these problems?


This seems to be a iPhone <---> sprint problem, not a sprint 3G problem.


I hope they fix it, it seems annoying.

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I think that it is the Sprint's 3G network problem. I went to New York for this weekend, and, on our way we were passing Baltimore where LTE network had recently been launched. The download/upload speeds were amazingly fast. In New York, there is still 3G, but it seems to work much better then here. I didn't have any problems with sending messages, images and even short videos to my wife's iPhone and my friend's Android phone. Also I didn't have upload lock ups in Speedtest app.

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I think that it is the Sprint's 3G network problem. I went to New York for this weekend, and, on our way we were passing Baltimore where LTE network had recently been launched. The download/upload speeds were amazingly fast. In New York, there is still 3G, but it seems to work much better then here. I didn't have any problems with sending messages, images and even short videos to my wife's iPhone and my friend's Android phone. Also I didn't have upload lock ups in Speedtest app.

Baltimore is getting pretty amazing right now- getting used to 1.8Mbps downloads (and 20Mbps on LTE) is very very easy! :P

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Baltimore is getting pretty amazing right now- getting used to 1.8Mbps downloads (and 20Mbps on LTE) is very very easy! :P

Yeah, I know. I wonder when Sprint will launch LTE in Washington, DC area. I talked to the manager at Sprint store and he said that they are all ready for a launch and planing to do it in the forth quoter of this year. I wonder how far it is from the truth. :)


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Yeah, I know. I wonder when Sprint will launch LTE in Washington, DC area. I talked to the manager at Sprint store and he said that they are all ready for a launch and planing to do it in the forth quoter of this year. I wonder how far it is from the truth. :)

Would love a DC launch.

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