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Apple accused of stealing design


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Just thought this was a little interesting, I'm pretty sure apple will pay the fee for using the design.

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From my point of view apple kinda a copied googles design with the nexus they made it longer and of course added lte.


Somehow i doubt apple will lose if they are sued for LTE.

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Haha that's too funny there.... Watch it get tossed out and apple continues its claims on such things against others..... That's how crazy good their law firm is. Lol


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


I am going with a mixture of this, dumb jurors, poor justice system, and excellent law firm.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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I am going with a mixture of this, dumb jurors, poor justice system, and excellent law firm.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge


Really has to do with the trance everyone else has been put into to think apple is the greatest ever done by their marketing team. Lol


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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I am sure they will change their design of their clock. Not a big deal! Probably some junior designer saw a clock design that he liked and was not aware it was copyrighted. If the money demands are not exorbitant, they might elect to pay. Either way the guy will probably lose his job.

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BTW, my world clock does not show that design. Do I have to put in a Swiss city? Oh, never mind it's for the iPad. I have not upgrade yet.


LOL, as I hit reply, the edit took effect. I found this link anyway... http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/hold-on-a-second-swiss-rail-company-claims-apple-stole-design-of-iconic-station-clocks/2012/09/21/7c539b2e-03cf-11e2-9132-f2750cd65f97_story.html

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I'm no Apple fan. But I don't believe this infringement was a conscious decision by the company to copy. However, since they did infringe, even if unintentional, they just need to pay the copyright holder and move on.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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