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Just landed in LA.


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Well, he certainly told you what you wanted to hear.






Yup, he told me what I wanted to hear because I want to hear what is going on in Los Angeles' Sprint network. :realitycheck: If you read my posts I am generally a sceptic when it comes to rep's word unless I have proof elsewhere as well from various sources. I just confirmed an almost identical description of what is going on in the western San Fernando Valley at a Sprint store nearby, a relative with connections, and a separate rep on the phone also. Pretty safe to say my above post is legitimate. Of course time of launch in LA will tell who has accurate sources.


:whisper:...Memories of Michael Hyatt & Y2K

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In our Sponsor section, we have maps that show actual NV sites complete and you won't have to depend on generic info pimped by Sprint reps.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner


Thanks. Would love to but my body needs food and my car needs gas more than I need info. I'm happy with Sprint's info (I can tell when they're lying and when theyre not) and the info I glean from other sources. :thx:

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4G LTE San Fernando Valley, L.A. Coming Soon!


Today I spoke with Sprint for almost 30 minutes about the condition of the towers. He seemed to know exactly what he was talking about. He explained that the rep (see my previous posts) probably meant that 4G LTE ready towers were completed last night.. and they were. Since about 4-5am this morning, I suddenly have not been getting many if any duplicate texts, my data speeds are still awful but there is no EVDO, everything is 1X or Ehrpd. Data speeds near the tower are 3G but much better. I'm seeing close to 1mbps at the 101 Freeway and Topanga Canyon (Hwy 27).

The Sprint rep told me that an enormous amount of towers in the San Fernando Valley went live last night (meaning they are 4G LTE ready, but the switch hasn't been flipped to ON) and 101 Frwy/Hwy 27 Tower was one of them. He said if I am getting Ehrpd on my phone now, I will get 4G LTE when the switch is flipped ( :cool: ). He also told me that when the EHRPD begins appearing, 4G LTE will follow in roughly 90 days or less. So I asked 'Like 3 months?' and he said 'Way sooner! They'll turn it on in a few weeks, I'm pretty sure. We have enough towers up now to begin rolling it out. Corporate told us within 90 days and I'm sure It'll be earlier'.

Thats encouraging! Not just for 4G LTE lovers, but just those (like me) that want to see some usable Sprint service soon so we can use our smartphones and do more on them than take pictures to transfer to our PCs!

It's nice to talk to Sprint reps that really know what they're talking about and this one seemed like he certainly did.

Sure, it's a waiting game, but certainly more is happening now than even a week ago when I would call and get the standard issue answer of 'give it 3-6 months. Network Vision is deploying.'.

:wavey: My faith in Sprint is slowly being restored on what they say..

Now.. some action please. :clap:

Ben Ditzel



If I had a dollar for ever post on how "this time, I got good information from a sprint rep."


Usually posts like that are followed by "I am tired of being lied to by Sprint."


It's sort of sad. It reminds me of the wimax days where "I got this magical information from a sprint rep that wimax is coming soon to my area."


While I hope LA gets LTE soon, I think you were being fed a very "optimistic" scenario.

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Thanks. Would love to but my body needs food and my car needs gas more than I need info. I'm happy with Sprint's info (I can tell when they're lying and when theyre not) and the info I glean from other sources. :thx:


All I have to say is...good luck with that. Maybe one day I too can get an extra sense of when a Sprint rep makes stuff up or tells the truth. I wish I was cool, too.


Damn, missed it by that much!


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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@digiblur Not to be 100% contradictory but duplicate texts are one of the symptoms from Network Vision construction. No rhyme or rhythm and one phone may suffer, the other may not. Los Angeles is receiving Network Vision upgrades. The same hour that the upgraded towers were finished my duplicate SMS issues were solved. And not all phones have the issue because not all phones are being affected by Vision upgrades. One of the forums about the relation here; not common, but certainly not unrelated. My fiancé's phone doesn't have any issues at all with duplicate SMS' but the data is slow on her's also. I had EVDO and duplicate texts until about 4 h 00 on the 21st. At 4 h 00, suddenly, all duplicate texts stopped and at about 4 h 30 I noticed for the first time that my phone was on EHRDP.

:confused:Let's not get off topic now.


So the same exact problem happening in a third round market that isn't even really scheduled yet is due to Network Vision? If it was only happening in markets where NV was going now I could understand. But it's pretty cut and dry, it's just a network as a whole issue. It's not isolated to just NV markets.


If I went by your comments if right now we had a voice failure on the entire network of Sprint for 30 minutes. Since it happened in NV markets it would be due to NV rollouts?

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So the same exact problem happening in a third round market that isn't even really scheduled yet is due to Network Vision? If it was only happening in markets where NV was going now I could understand. But it's pretty cut and dry, it's just a network as a whole issue. It's not isolated to just NV markets.


If I went by your comments if right now we had a voice failure on the entire network of Sprint for 30 minutes. Since it happened in NV markets it would be due to NV rollouts?


Sprint NEVER had a duplicate txt problem before network vision... that's why when you search "Sprint duplicate text messages" between 1/1/2005 and 1/1/2010 there are zero results from google.



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Ya know, Robert (S4GRU) and digiblur are some of the smartest guys around here and I'd take what they say over just about anyone in Sprint Corporate.


It only takes $1 donation to become a sponsor and see the actual data on sites that Sprint is accepting from the OEMs.


Good luck believing a low level CSR who only knows what is on their scripts or what they probably read here...

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If I had a dollar for ever post on how "this time, I got good information from a sprint rep."


Usually posts like that are followed by "I am tired of being lied to by Sprint."


It's sort of sad. It reminds me of the wimax days where "I got this magical information from a sprint rep that wimax is coming soon to my area."


While I hope LA gets LTE soon, I think you were being fed a very "optimistic" scenario.


Makes me think of what the Sprint store reps told me about WiMax. "It's coming very soon" "they just have to upgrade the existing 3G Clearwire towers to WiMax and we will have it." Good thing I didn't hold my breath.

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Makes me think of what the Sprint store reps told me about WiMax. "It's coming very soon" "they just have to upgrade the existing 3G Clearwire towers to WiMax and we will have it." Good thing I didn't hold my breath.


If you'd held your breath you'd be more than just blue in the face:



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We do know that the San Fernando Valley will receive 4G LTE from Sprint. And we do know the entire LA market is being upgraded. However, the SFV is not being specifically targeted for completion right now. And a whole bunch just din't get completed the other night.


Network Vision deployment in the LA County market is more like a shotgun approach. A few sites are being worked on in all corners of the market. And then when those are done, a few more. Then a few more. Below is a map showing all the completed sites in the SFV to date (which is shown in our NV Sites Complete Map in the Sponsor section).




While this map may look impressive, note that these don't even make up half of all the sites in the area. It's a good start. We here at S4GRU have watched this map week after week add more sites. Back in April there was only one site in this area. And next week there will be even more sites, and the week after that. While calling Sprint may yield some generic information which may or may not be accurate, here at S4GRU you can follow along the process weekly. Very specific down to each tower.


So you can see that we are very well informed here.


For comparison, here is the SFV site map after Network Vision is complete:




Please note there is no magical 4G switch. And eHRPD is no special indicator of LTE. To say if you have eHRPD means you will have LTE one day is pretty generically uninformative. Did you know that eHRPD is being deployed over the entire network? Also, did you know that Sprint is deploying LTE over the entire network? So the statement the rep made is true. However, it is no indication of when. He could say the same to a person calling from Macon, Georgia right now, and that statement would also be true.



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These are the speeds I got while I was in LA last Saturday. The speedtest listed on 8/18 @ 10:44am and the speedtest @ 4:22pm were on EVDO and the rest in between were all eHRPD. I was down off El Segundo near Central Ave for most tests on the list. My best test, the 934k/834k was on the South 405 offramp going on to the Eastbound 105 Freeway.




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Sprint NEVER had a duplicate txt problem before network vision... that's why when you search "Sprint duplicate text messages" between 1/1/2005 and 1/1/2010 there are zero results from google.




That means absolutely nothing, I have been with sprint for over 10 years and I have experience duplicate text messages long before anyone knew anything about network vision. Now I don't know what specific factors need to occur that would create duplicate texts but I have definitely experience it over the years.

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That means absolutely nothing, I have been with sprint for over 10 years and I have experience duplicate text messages long before anyone knew anything about network vision. Now I don't know what specific factors need to occur that would create duplicate texts but I have definitely experience it over the years.


Heh, did you click the link?

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Heh, did you click the link?


Oh, looks like your response to the other person was sarcastic.......my bad. :blush:


I am at my office right now and I can't multi-task too much so I didn't read the link. Getting ready for the endless amount of rain that is suppose to fall here in the next two days from tropical storm isaac

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Sprint NEVER had a duplicate txt problem before network vision... that's why when you search "Sprint duplicate text messages" between 1/1/2005 and 1/1/2010 there are zero results from google.




:td: You people are brutal on here.. Sarcasm, tearing each other down, and arrogance is rampant. NOT COOL GUYS!

And even one step further... If you're having duplicate text issues in a non-NV area, its kind of like sitting in traffic wondering if it's from the President coming to LA or a big rig overturned on the 405. No way of knowing. But, if the President is still in town, and the big rig gets towed away and you start to move again, you know where the problem lay.

I had duplicates, Network Vision construction was completed in my area, duplicate texts went away. Simple.

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If I had a dollar for ever post on how "this time, I got good information from a sprint rep."


Usually posts like that are followed by "I am tired of being lied to by Sprint."


It's sort of sad. It reminds me of the wimax days where "I got this magical information from a sprint rep that wimax is coming soon to my area."


While I hope LA gets LTE soon, I think you were being fed a very "optimistic" scenario.


Nothing like beating up your own troops. Gangs of pessimists. All I'm saying is my issue got fixed when Sprint said it would so I have good reason to believe that if the same rep that told me the truth (obviously because it happened) tells me other things that start happening as well, I have reason to believe him. Can you STOP bashing everything positive I say? :dep: I am not here to argue or make myself feel superior.. I'm here to relay what information I find out. :whisper:

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These are the speeds I got while I was in LA last Saturday. The speedtest listed on 8/18 @ 10:44am and the speedtest @ 4:22pm were on EVDO and the rest in between were all eHRPD. I was down off El Segundo near Central Ave for most tests on the list. My best test, the 934k/834k was on the South 405 offramp going on to the Eastbound 105 Freeway.


The best, so far, for me is in the SF Valley: 1775kbps/872kbps

This was on a eHRPD tower. As I was moving along on the freeway, it dropped back down to 87kbps.


I just wish the 405 voice coverage would get fixed soon. Data I can live without as long as the voice call doesn't get dropped. There has always been weak spots in the 405 pass, but lately... gaping holes!

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The best, so far, for me is in the SF Valley: 1775kbps/872kbps

This was on a eHRPD tower. As I was moving along on the freeway, it dropped back down to 87kbps.


I just wish the 405 voice coverage would get fixed soon. Data I can live without as long as the voice call doesn't get dropped. There has always been weak spots in the 405 pass, but lately... gaping holes!


Ditto in Calabasas / Woodland Hills. But when you have a smartphone, data is important too. Is anyone else receiving speeds of about 0.05mbps 3G?

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Ditto in Calabasas / Woodland Hills. But when you have a smartphone' date=' data is important too. Is anyone else receiving speeds of about 0.05mbps 3G?[/quote']


My worst data speeds in LA was back in May in the same area I was last Saturday. One test was 10 Kbps. Too many users and not enough carriers & backhaul to support them.


Sent from my LG Viper 4G LTE using Forum Runner

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Sprint NEVER had a duplicate txt problem before network vision... that's why when you search "Sprint duplicate text messages" between 1/1/2005 and 1/1/2010 there are zero results from google.




And the tea in China is how much again?


I am so confused now.


What I was stating is the texting issues has nothing to do with markets which means it's not a NV thing. Remember the problems with hand offs in Chicago? That was a NV related issue. It was happening in an active NV roll out market. This texting thing is happening in third round markets where they haven't lifted one wrench to work on NV yet.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge

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Nothing like beating up your own troops. Gangs of pessimists. All I'm saying is my issue got fixed when Sprint said it would so I have good reason to believe that if the same rep that told me the truth (obviously because it happened) tells me other things that start happening as well, I have reason to believe him. Can you STOP bashing everything positive I say? :dep: I am not here to argue or make myself feel superior.. I'm here to relay what information I find out. :whisper:


You say that. However, we just started to share with you info about what we know. And we know a lot. And we know more than the average Sprint customer service rep. Your responses back to our initial points were kind of snarky and had an air of being superior or contradictory. In reality, your information that you received is not necessarily contradictory to ours.


The responses you received are from our core membership group. These are advanced wireless nerds. You will have to pardon us if we don't take very kindly to the direct affront of our knowledge that you portrayed. You did not seem open to anything we were saying except that it is wrong when compared to a Sprint customer service rep. Sprint CSR's are not exactly known for quality information.


We are not bashing positive things you say. We are all about positive information about the Sprint network. However, there were many points that you discussed that were worthy of alternative opinions, yet you immediately dismiss them. All based on communication from an unreliable source. You can expect more lampooning if you don't want to discuss these points. Why did you even bring them up if your comments are above reproach?



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And the tea in China is how much again?


I am so confused now.


What I was stating is the texting issues has nothing to do with markets which means it's not a NV thing. Remember the problems with hand offs in Chicago? That was a NV related issue. It was happening in an active NV roll out market. This texting thing is happening in third round markets where they haven't lifted one wrench to work on NV yet.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge


Sorry, it was a poor attempt at sarcasm by me. There are something like 85,500 search results on duplicate text message problems between 1/1/2005 and 1/1/2010 (well before anything network vision).


Verizon: 6,890

AT&T: 8,780

T-Moble: 259,000

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And the tea in China is how much again?


I am so confused now.


What I was stating is the texting issues has nothing to do with markets which means it's not a NV thing. Remember the problems with hand offs in Chicago? That was a NV related issue. It was happening in an active NV roll out market. This texting thing is happening in third round markets where they haven't lifted one wrench to work on NV yet.


Sent from my C64 w/Epyx FastLoad cartridge


LOL, he was being sarcastic towards the other guy and supporting what you were saying. It totally threw me off when it read it at first hence my total off base response to irev210.

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You say that. However, we just started to share with you info about what we know. And we know a lot. And we know more than the average Sprint customer service rep. Your responses back to our initial points were kind of snarky and had an air of being superior or contradictory. In reality, your information that you received is not necessarily contradictory to ours.


The responses you received are from our core membership group. These are advanced wireless nerds. You will have to pardon us if we don't take very kindly to the direct affront of our knowledge that you portrayed. You did not seem open to anything we were saying except that it is wrong when compared to a Sprint customer service rep. Sprint CSR's are not exactly known for quality information.


We are not bashing positive things you say. We are all about positive information about the Sprint network. However, there were many points that you discussed that were worthy of alternative opinions, yet you immediately dismiss them. All based on communication from an unreliable source. You can expect more lampooning if you don't want to discuss these points. Why did you even bring them up if your comments are above reproach?




Point taken. I was just trying to be helpful; I apologise if it came across in a wrong light. I am usually in your crowd (this being the first time EVER that Sprint has excused their poor service for something.. and it actually turned out to be legit).

On the flip side.. I am still receiving some duplicate SMS'. Not nearly as many as before but I have experienced it about 3 or 4 times today.. Which shows it isn't 100% fixed after all.

Thanks for explaining your position; I'll try to word my posts more from a 'theoretical' position as opposed to a 'definitive case closed' position.


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Point taken. I was just trying to be helpful; I apologise if it came across in a wrong light. I am usually in your crowd (this being the first time EVER that Sprint has excused their poor service for something.. and it actually turned out to be legit).

On the flip side.. I am still receiving some duplicate SMS'. Not nearly as many as before but I have experienced it about 3 or 4 times today.. Which shows it isn't 100% fixed after all.

Thanks for explaining your position; I'll try to word my posts more from a 'theoretical' position as opposed to a 'definitive case closed' position.



Thanks. We definitely came on strong too. I think we need to be open to the fact that sometimes a Sprint rep may be right. We just don't see it very often.


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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