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Network Vision/LTE - Atlanta/Athens Market


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And this is why everyone needs to relax, lte has been live officially for 1 day so far so there are bound to be issues. I mean seriously, if 6 months had past then I could understand the frustrations but not after 1 day.

I was pretty relaxed when I went to the store; I just wanted to know what was going on. If a reputable company makes a promise for a service, then you'd think that it wouldn't come out jimmy rigged. A launch is one thing; the shuttle chillin on the platform is another. That probably wouldn't be the issue that it is if 3G wasn't so painfully slow compared to dial up and the 2G from other service. I speedtested 3G at like 0.25 Mbps today with full bars. I purposely kept my EVO 4G turned on until today just so that I could stay with 4G and not be stuck on it.


I mean, I feel you; day one, they have leeway to drop the ball, but that shouldn't take away consumers rights to feel like they should have something they don't. IMO, the EVO 4G LTE and S3 came out too early; they prolly should have dropped after LTE was tested, etc. Sprint built up hype. It's like the night before christmas, but santa says "hold up.. lemme get something right first." It don't help that other cities are like 'yo! check out my speedtests for LTE' and ATL is kinda like... ya we'll catch up.'


Not to take away from your point, but ppl should have a right to feel however a situation makes them feel; at least I think so. Unless it's blatant belly aching and talk about returning phones, etc.

Edited by ballinjin2k
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So realistically should the ATL speeds be more like the speeds I'm seeing posted from the Houston area? I saw just under 8 Mbps DL today during my LTE flyby...seems like Houston getting in the 20-30's from some of the pics I've seen. If there is a problem as reported on pg 9...then we've got more to look forward to.

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I was pretty relaxed when I went to the store; I just wanted to know what was going on. If a reputable company makes a promise for a service, then you'd think that it wouldn't come out jimmy rigged. A launch is one thing; the shuttle chillin on the platform is another. That probably wouldn't be the issue that it is if 3G wasn't so painfully slow compared to dial up and the 2G from other service. I speedtested 3G at like 0.25 Mbps today with full bars. I purposely kept my EVO 4G turned on until today just so that I could stay with 4G and not be stuck on it.


I mean, I feel you; day one, they have leeway to drop the ball, but that shouldn't take away consumers rights to feel like they should have something they don't. IMO, the EVO 4G LTE and S3 came out too early; they prolly should have dropped after LTE was tested, etc. Sprint built up hype. It's like the night before christmas, but santa says "hold up.. lemme get something right first." It don't help that other cities are like 'yo! check out my speedtests for LTE' and ATL is kinda like... ya we'll catch up.'


Not to take away from your point, but ppl should have a right to feel however a situation makes them feel; at least I think so. Unless it's blatant belly aching and talk about returning phones, etc.


Again, its been barely one day. This is a fresh brand new network, there are bound to be issues. Don't you think verizon and at&t had issues as well? Don't you think tmobile will have issues when they build out their lte network? How can you say sprint dropped the ball? That literally makes no sense to me at all. If you honestly believe that there were not going to be issues on day 1 then I don't know what to say to you but I know one thing, that kind of thinking is very unrealistic. There is no cost effective way of testing a network on a large scale than simply having your customers(aka early adopters) do the testing. As far as releasing the phones too early, what else was sprint suppose to do? Everyone else is releasing beast phones not to mention there were millions of OG evo customers coming off contract. If sprint delayed the phones until their network was complete then many of their customers would probably look else where instead of waiting.


So realistically should the ATL speeds be more like the speeds I'm seeing posted from the Houston area? I saw just under 8 Mbps DL today during my LTE flyby...seems like Houston getting in the 20-30's from some of the pics I've seen. If there is a problem as reported on pg 9...then we've got more to look forward to.


As far as speeds in atlanta, I am on the southside(jonesboro) and I been getting 15meg all day yesterday and today from inside my house including my basement, if I go outside it jumps to 25 to 30meg on average with peaks at 36meg. In my opinion though, after sprint does some fine tuning on the network, I personally believe that they may limit download speeds to maybe no more than 15meg or so, so that all of us can maintain the pleasant 4g experience but again that is just my opinion.

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So realistically should the ATL speeds be more like the speeds I'm seeing posted from the Houston area? I saw just under 8 Mbps DL today during my LTE flyby...seems like Houston getting in the 20-30's from some of the pics I've seen. If there is a problem as reported on pg 9...then we've got more to look forward to.


Have you not read through the thread at all? I posted a 37.7 down and 14.3 up screenshot and I consistently get 15-25 down in my house with 5-10 upload. I have seen several other people posting speeds from the teen's to the twenty's in the Atlanta area also.

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So realistically should the ATL speeds be more like the speeds I'm seeing posted from the Houston area? I saw just under 8 Mbps DL today during my LTE flyby...seems like Houston getting in the 20-30's from some of the pics I've seen. If there is a problem as reported on pg 9...then we've got more to look forward to.


I'd say thats more than enough...for a smart phone anyway. If Houston is getting 20-30...god bless'em. I know first hand that its possible but I'll take what I can get ...especially so early in the game. Can you imagine if Atlanta wasn't on the intial rollout list? We would only be able to hate from a far.

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Also let me add that y'all should be glad that you are in a first round market, there are many other people that still has a year if not longer to go before they ever get a whiff of lte. Robert, the admin of s4gru, will probably be one of last people to get lte in his area and I don't see him complaining to much about it. I have been with sprint for over 10 years and I have been just as frustrated as the next person but at the end of the day what can you do? Either deal with it and hope for the best or find another carrier that can give you what you need.

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Have you not read through the thread at all? I posted a 37.7 down and 14.3 up screenshot and I consistently get 15-25 down in my house with 5-10 upload. I have seen several other people posting speeds from the teen's to the twenty's in the Atlanta area also.


37 down??? Must be nice to have a tower in your back yard!

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37 down??? Must be nice to have a tower in your back yard!


LOL, I was walking down my subdivision's street and got full bars 4G and ran a speed test at that moment. I live on a hill. Bad for tornadoes if they ever happened but good for signals I guess. Inside it is more like 15-20 and right outside my house at the most like 25-30. I don't expect to always be like that though. I am sure the speed will reduce eventually as they mess with the network. I am probably about a half a mile from I-85 through the woods. I can hear the interstate if I go outside. Live in Northern Coweta County. I think the tower is fairly close to me though. I need to donate so I can figure out where the towers are.

Edited by troyd96
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@ post 203 - Well, I’m not really arguing that point w/you. All I’m saying is that it’s unreasonable to expect people not to be anxious about the current situation… especially when they’ve been waiting for so long (like the end of May til now).


The main thing I hear from people complaining (like at work and stuff) is “I’m dropping Sprint b/c I have a LTE phone that doesn’t do LTE.” People in general are fed up with the network for one reason or another (I mean, 3G is pretty bad… I mean really… really bad). It’s not about the current complications, intricacies, or any of that. It’s an expectation of service and a lack of care for details. It has less to do with the release/day one flop of LTE in ATL, and more with the anticipation build up for the enabling of something your phone should be able to do. The people on this forum (including myself) are probably the only ones who would take into account ‘yeah, they have to work out the kinks.’ The non technical rest of the world probably doesn’t care at all about the kinks.


I agree that you can take into account the other carries, but in black and white terms it’s like this: I work in IT. Clients/customers/consumers want to know 1) why isn’t it working, and 2) when will it be working.

If there’s one thing our clients could care less about, it’s our problems and struggles in getting it working. I know what Sprint’s going through. We’ve implemented systems that had complications that had to be fixed which took longer than expected. Still, it’s a given that you’re going to get heat when that happens. That’s all I’m really saying.


Good point about the EVO contract date, though. I fell into the category and didn’t even realize the logic behind it. I was going to stick it out for the S3, but by then, the rumors of the release date were so vague and unsubstantiated that I got the Evo LTE. The day after I got it, the S3 release date was confirmed! Lol.


@post 206 - I’m not sure if we should be ‘glad’ though. It seems like it makes sense marketing wise to hit ATL, given our demographics. Companies don’t do us favors; they make money. Be happy you get what you get? Freal? Lol.

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@ post 203 - Well, I’m not really arguing that point w/you. All I’m saying is that it’s unreasonable to expect people not to be anxious about the current situation… especially when they’ve been waiting for so long (like the end of May til now).


The main thing I hear from people complaining (like at work and stuff) is “I’m dropping Sprint b/c I have a LTE phone that doesn’t do LTE.” People in general are fed up with the network for one reason or another (I mean, 3G is pretty bad… I mean really… really bad). It’s not about the current complications, intricacies, or any of that. It’s an expectation of service and a lack of care for details. It has less to do with the release/day one flop of LTE in ATL, and more with the anticipation build up for the enabling of something your phone should be able to do. The people on this forum (including myself) are probably the only ones who would take into account ‘yeah, they have to work out the kinks.’ The non technical rest of the world probably doesn’t care at all about the kinks.


I agree that you can take into account the other carries, but in black and white terms it’s like this: I work in IT. Clients/customers/consumers want to know 1) why isn’t it working, and 2) when will it be working.

If there’s one thing our clients could care less about, it’s our problems and struggles in getting it working. I know what Sprint’s going through. We’ve implemented systems that had complications that had to be fixed which took longer than expected. Still, it’s a given that you’re going to get heat when that happens. That’s all I’m really saying.


Good point about the EVO contract date, though. I fell into the category and didn’t even realize the logic behind it. I was going to stick it out for the S3, but by then, the rumors of the release date were so vague and unsubstantiated that I got the Evo LTE. The day after I got it, the S3 release date was confirmed! Lol.


@post 206 - I’m not sure if we should be ‘glad’ though. It seems like it makes sense marketing wise to hit ATL, given our demographics. Companies don’t do us favors; they make money. Be happy you get what you get? Freal? Lol.


I agree with what you are saying but there is a difference between being "anxious about the current situation" and letting that anxiety cause you to let those frustrations get the best of you. And as far as you last statement, I am a glass half full kind of guy so yeah, things could be a whole lot better but at the same time it could be a whole lot worse. Me and Robert are paying the same damn bill and while I am enjoying my lte goodness, he won't be for at least another year to a year and a half. So again, be thankful you are in a first round market and not a last round market.

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I am pretty pumped. I am currently in California on business and went in and bought a nice, shiny new SG3 today. It was a little sad to trade in my EVO 'OG' that I bought on Jun 10th, 2010 (I was #3 in line @ the time), but it was at the point that either I got a new phone or I was going to throw it out the window. Anyway, I am hopeful that when I get back to Atlanta next week some of the glitches will be dealt with. I saw that the tower near my place of employment was scheduled for update last month, so I am very excited. It's about 3,000 feet away from my office, so I have high hopes!


Anyone getting LTE signals around the west side of Lockheed? (Pat Mell and Dixie Ave area) and/or around Lower Roswell and Johnson Ferry?

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I agree with what you are saying but there is a difference between being "anxious about the current situation" and letting that anxiety cause you to let those frustrations get the best of you. And as far as you last statement, I am a glass half full kind of guy so yeah, things could be a whole lot better but at the same time it could be a whole lot worse. Me and Robert are paying the same damn bill and while I am enjoying my lte goodness, he won't be for at least another year to a year and a half. So again, be thankful you are in a first round market and not a last round market.

Ah okay, I must've missed the part when people's frustrations were getting the best of them. That's definately never a healthy thing. I know I was quoted originally, but that doesn't seem to apply to what I said; the other guy's comment seemed pretty mild too (another guy just wanting to know what was going on) so it must apply to others in general. I'm still cool on thanking companies for their grace and mercy regardless of the glass's contents. But cheers to a hopeful tomorrow, even tho you're good already.

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Unfortunately, still no LTE for me up in the Buford area (near Mall of Georgia, 2 upgraded towers within 2 miles). I have done all the usual updates, toggling, and reboots. I'll watch for LTE as I head in to work this morning in Duluth.


Sent from my EVOlte using Tapatalk 2

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I thought I remember a post where someone had a really good connection at Mall of Georgia. Hmmmm...


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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went to sprint. There's an open ticket for the ATL market; the LTE is on, but not propagating to devices properly. The expected resolution time it tomorrow around 1 PM.


...just a reminder. And btw...the Atlanta/Athens market is not 100% complete which means although the coverage maps on Sprint.com show your neighborhood as very orange...you may or may not get an LTE signal...just yet....I know im not.

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My co worker sent me a screen of his 4G in Snellville. With 1 bar he pulled 3.09 Mbps.


I'm in Snellville. I don't get a signal that sticks at home...but If I leave out of my subdivision and head to the nearest intersection I get signal...2/6 bars...9+ megs down. I looked back at at a screenshot I took back on 7/3 when I pulled 29+ megs down...I had 5/6 bars...I think they were just testing at that time because it was gone the next day...thats how I know that my area is capable. The two locations of the two speed tests are less than 1 mile apart.

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I just dont understand how all these signal thing work.


I got LTE connection at my house. Rock solid. 4/5 bar. Never drop. I am in upper Jonesboro.


I had been driving and watching my LTE signal on my phone as I am driving.


I was driving and pulling into the ATL parking lot. Still got LTE signal. Walk into office and LTE is gone.


Walk back out onto the parking lot, see LTE on the verge. 2/5 bar. Make a Skype video call. Snap. Signal too weak for video. It went back to 3G. Trying toggling back n forth, can never get LTE.


Trying putting the phone next to the window? That is funny.

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I just dont understand how all these signal thing work.


I got LTE connection at my house. Rock solid. 4/5 bar. Never drop. I am in upper Jonesboro.


I had been driving and watching my LTE signal on my phone as I am driving.


I was driving and pulling into the ATL parking lot. Still got LTE signal. Walk into office and LTE is gone.


Walk back out onto the parking lot, see LTE on the verge. 2/5 bar. Make a Skype video call. Snap. Signal too weak for video. It went back to 3G. Trying toggling back n forth, can never get LTE.


Trying putting the phone next to the window? That is funny.


Where were you exactly when the signal dropped?

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cool, I went over to the tower today(it's behind the school & fire dept.) and nada lol, called support and talked with tech, they said they were aware and working on it so we will see how that goes. Are you by any chance getting a signal?

nothing,but i did get a good signal in forest park, off old dixy hwy.

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I just dont understand how all these signal thing work.


I got LTE connection at my house. Rock solid. 4/5 bar. Never drop. I am in upper Jonesboro.


I had been driving and watching my LTE signal on my phone as I am driving.


I was driving and pulling into the ATL parking lot. Still got LTE signal. Walk into office and LTE is gone.


Walk back out onto the parking lot, see LTE on the verge. 2/5 bar. Make a Skype video call. Snap. Signal too weak for video. It went back to 3G. Trying toggling back n forth, can never get LTE.


Trying putting the phone next to the window? That is funny.


There are two issues. One, LTE deployment is only on 20% - 30% of sites currently in the Atlanta market. More sites will be added weekly and the coverage will just keep growing and growing. The second is the LTE signal thresholds need to be lowered on Sprint LTE devices. Once you drop below a certain LTE signal level, it wants to go back to 3G. However, a moderate or weak LTE signal is better than a strong 3G signal in most cases. Hopefully they will improve the thresholds in the next OTA.



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