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Everything posted by ballinjin2k

  1. I'm not sure if others are following the sprint thread (http://community.sprint.com/baw/thread/94177?start=30&tstart=0), but a sprint employee spoke out basically confirming most things that were said here (not comprehensive at launch and will fill out over the next months). I at least think that it's a good start to informing the customers who were mad about not being in the loop. 285/Johnson Ferry Rd. still pulling 1.60Mbps 33.91108 -84.32065
  2. Thx Pyro, it's just really odd to me that they'd put this in and then take it out... Checking in this morning, no 4G, but my 3G seems a little faster in Lawrenceville.
  3. So if they upgrade the legacy equipment, will that mean that normal 4G might take a speedboost?
  4. I'm looking at the sprint map on https://network.sprint.com/. I'm not sure if its accuracy has already been discussed, but I'm starting to see consistencies in it. There are 3 types of towers it marks: voice upgrades, data capacity upgrades and data speed upgrades. I looked near Discovery Mills where I don't have LTE, but there are 4 towers there that are all data capacity towers. I looked near I-85/Jimmy Carter where there is LTE and I see data speed towers. I'm making the assumption that data speed upgrade towers are the LTE ones and the others are just eye candy on the map that increase voice (not dropping calls) and data capacity (faster 3G in heavy use areas). Does that seem like it could be right? ^Iphone - it's probably not that they use more data, but that they brought in a new population to Sprint quantity wise.
  5. If you revert to back to factory conditions, will it remove the OTA if you've already updated?
  6. This happened to me as well for some reason. I went in, changed the mode to LTE only and then applied changes, but it connected 3G. I went back and just re tapped the LTE only selection I made and after that it stuck (very weird). Since I was near Discovery Mills, I didn't get any type of signal at all, but it didn't reconnect to the x1 or 3G (just no reception).
  7. Lol, that's pretty bad. I think there might be validity in the belief of some that we might need an OTA to assist with helping us keep a 4G connection. I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than being near a tower that works. Like right now I'm at work, my phone screen is by the window and off. If I turn it on, I see 4G with 3 bars, but if I reach out to my phone or pick it up, those bars fade to 1, then 0, then 4G goes away and then it changes to 3G. I'm sure a lot of the more knowledgable guys around here know the process, but it seems like if your 3G is > your 4G, it switches to 3G automatically. The funny thing is, 0-1 bar of 4G was faster than 5 bars of 3G for me. Edit: Ignore the last part; I see he answered just as I was hitting send.
  8. Yeah, that's pretty much what I was sayin earlier. I think the misunderstanding is that Robert's blog probably doesn't apply to people like you. I think it's more suited for people who are basically at the point of rage quitting sprint. You won't get a lot of it on this site, but sites like Sprint (http://community.sprint.com/baw/message/4486) got it bad. I've voiced my opinion about whiner's whining about whiner's, but everyone's goin gto feel however they feel when given a situation. But in checking in! Yesterday, I got LTE on and off @ 285/Johnson Ferry Rd, but it never lasted more than 30s. It was mostly 3G with maybe 4G 2% of the time. This morning I'm on 3G at the office, but on the way here (coming south on 85 from Lawrenceville) I got 4G pretty nicely around the Jimmy Carter and Pleasantville exits. It didn't last all the way to 285/85, but it was pretty strong for a little bit. Speeds ranged from 8Mbps - 10Mbps. The connections lasted less than a couple mins each though, I had to keep updating my PRL in order to reclaim them, etc.
  9. There’s an exaggeration of response from those unimpressed by the LTE launch. ‘Get a grip’ and ‘it’s not the end of the world’ might not apply to people who are just mad that they don’t have LTE. I’m sure they know life will go on, but as for Sprint, they don’t like it so much. I’m not one for telling a group of people how they should act; especially grownups. In my experience, I’ve seen that people generally complain when they don’t get what they want. General populace end users aren’t going to have the same level of knowledge than us here, so in taking the high road, we can emphasize with their whining, instead of bashing them for feeling a certain way. It’s a bold statement for Sprint to say ‘we’re launching in Atlanta’ when they mean ‘Jonesboro’ or ‘bits and pieces of Atlanta.’ Most of the news articles I found online simply stated that Sprint was releasing LTE in various markets; not much mention of percentages and increments. If you go to sprint.com/4GLTE it will tell you that customers in Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Kansas, etc are ‘already experiencing 4G LTE service and improved 3G coverage.’ So if I’m Joe sitting in ATL with an Evo 4G LTE and 3G bars, it may leave me a bit confused and upset that I don’t have this thing the Sprint website says I should have. Those hypocrites! Rob, you’re basically saying “don’t whine at Sprint” while kind of whining at whiners. ‘…our geek party was frequently interrupted by incessant whining’ and ‘…I feel like I am at a breaking point here.’ Those are valid feelings that you have, which I support you sharing with us, which very well could parallel similar feelings coming from those you’re talking about. Not to single you out of course, because there have been vocal others who feel just as you do; the many others who are fed up with the whiners who are fed up with Sprint. But, that’s all for me though, I’m a new guy with less than 20 posts, so I don’t actually matter but good article, peace, love and fried chicken.
  10. oh snap! Your boy just got LTE at work (1100 Johnson Ferry Road #670, Sandy Springs, GA/basically 285 and 400). 4 bars dropped to 1 during the speed test, but it goes me at 1.63 Mbps down and 1.45 Mbps up. Seeing as it probably just came on, it's probably warming up or something? When they said up by 1, maybe they weren't playing around.
  11. My co worker sent me a screen of his 4G in Snellville. With 1 bar he pulled 3.09 Mbps.
  12. Things like this make this site awesome; thx for the lesson teach.
  13. Ah okay, I must've missed the part when people's frustrations were getting the best of them. That's definately never a healthy thing. I know I was quoted originally, but that doesn't seem to apply to what I said; the other guy's comment seemed pretty mild too (another guy just wanting to know what was going on) so it must apply to others in general. I'm still cool on thanking companies for their grace and mercy regardless of the glass's contents. But cheers to a hopeful tomorrow, even tho you're good already.
  14. @ post 203 - Well, I’m not really arguing that point w/you. All I’m saying is that it’s unreasonable to expect people not to be anxious about the current situation… especially when they’ve been waiting for so long (like the end of May til now). The main thing I hear from people complaining (like at work and stuff) is “I’m dropping Sprint b/c I have a LTE phone that doesn’t do LTE.” People in general are fed up with the network for one reason or another (I mean, 3G is pretty bad… I mean really… really bad). It’s not about the current complications, intricacies, or any of that. It’s an expectation of service and a lack of care for details. It has less to do with the release/day one flop of LTE in ATL, and more with the anticipation build up for the enabling of something your phone should be able to do. The people on this forum (including myself) are probably the only ones who would take into account ‘yeah, they have to work out the kinks.’ The non technical rest of the world probably doesn’t care at all about the kinks. I agree that you can take into account the other carries, but in black and white terms it’s like this: I work in IT. Clients/customers/consumers want to know 1) why isn’t it working, and 2) when will it be working. If there’s one thing our clients could care less about, it’s our problems and struggles in getting it working. I know what Sprint’s going through. We’ve implemented systems that had complications that had to be fixed which took longer than expected. Still, it’s a given that you’re going to get heat when that happens. That’s all I’m really saying. Good point about the EVO contract date, though. I fell into the category and didn’t even realize the logic behind it. I was going to stick it out for the S3, but by then, the rumors of the release date were so vague and unsubstantiated that I got the Evo LTE. The day after I got it, the S3 release date was confirmed! Lol. @post 206 - I’m not sure if we should be ‘glad’ though. It seems like it makes sense marketing wise to hit ATL, given our demographics. Companies don’t do us favors; they make money. Be happy you get what you get? Freal? Lol.
  15. I was pretty relaxed when I went to the store; I just wanted to know what was going on. If a reputable company makes a promise for a service, then you'd think that it wouldn't come out jimmy rigged. A launch is one thing; the shuttle chillin on the platform is another. That probably wouldn't be the issue that it is if 3G wasn't so painfully slow compared to dial up and the 2G from other service. I speedtested 3G at like 0.25 Mbps today with full bars. I purposely kept my EVO 4G turned on until today just so that I could stay with 4G and not be stuck on it. I mean, I feel you; day one, they have leeway to drop the ball, but that shouldn't take away consumers rights to feel like they should have something they don't. IMO, the EVO 4G LTE and S3 came out too early; they prolly should have dropped after LTE was tested, etc. Sprint built up hype. It's like the night before christmas, but santa says "hold up.. lemme get something right first." It don't help that other cities are like 'yo! check out my speedtests for LTE' and ATL is kinda like... ya we'll catch up.' Not to take away from your point, but ppl should have a right to feel however a situation makes them feel; at least I think so. Unless it's blatant belly aching and talk about returning phones, etc.
  16. went to sprint. There's an open ticket for the ATL market; the LTE is on, but not propagating to devices properly. The expected resolution time it tomorrow around 1 PM.
  17. I appreciate this. I did it, but didn't get 4G where I'm at. I'll try Lawrenceville and see if I have better luck there. Good looking out.
  18. I just turned off my Evo 4G and activated my Evo 4G LTE to test LTE So I checked in Lawrenceville (Discovery Mills) last night - No LTE Right now I'm at St. Joseph's (400 & 285/Johnson Ferry Rd) - No LTE Saucratiz - where are you getting the LTE only option? I just have CDMA/LTE or CDMA only.
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