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Sprint sports its I ♥ NYC T-shirt...New York City is a Sprint 2012 Network Vision/LTE market



blog-0924152001330106639.jpgby Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Friday, February 24, 2012 - 5:59 AM MST


OK, a pattern is emerging. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning we are releasing the next Network Vision/LTE market Sprint is planning to start deployment during 2012. And today is Friday, so that means we will announce a new market name...


New York City!


Yes, the Big Apple. Sprint's Network Vision vendor Alcatel/Lucent will begin to deploy its Hail Mary Network Vision and LTE in the Sprint NYC market. We are announcing the Sprint markets that will receive NV/LTE in 2012 roughly in order. There is absolutely no guarantee of the order in which these markets come live, because there is a lot of variability in the plan.


Three different vendors, with several different crews in several markets at once. There could be final permitting and design delays, some vendors and/or crews will work at different speeds, weather issues and any number of unforeseen circumstances. First round market starts are much easier to predict, but second round and third round markets starts are predicated on the timing of the previous market wrap up preceding it. This is likely the reason why Sprint has elected not to announce these markets themselves at this time.


With these caveats understood, we are releasing the Network Vision markets in the order that they anticipate to start deployment. For Alcatel/Lucent, Baltimore and Boston will start first. DC, NYC and the market to be announced on Monday may start after those wrap up. There could be some overlap if A/L has the manpower to execute them sooner, given that the design work and permitting associated with all 5 markets is largely complete.


Sprint's NYC market covers all the Boroughs, Westchester, and the Hudson Valley all the way up to Saugerties. North Jersey, Long Island and Southern Connecticut are in separate markets and will deploy at a later date. Alcatel/Lucent will be preparing for mobilization in the near future and work should commence on converting these 1,100+ sites to Network Vision standards. The entire market will take more than 8 months to complete, but there will be many sites coming online monthly for first round LTE device holders to enjoy.




Sprint's NYC Market. All 1,100+ Network Vision sites are shown for the NYC market in this map. Click on image to enlarge.



We will continue to scour through the data and gather deployment information for your use. It is our intent to provide at a minimum, all the Sprint markets that will likely begin Network Vision/LTE upgrades in 2012. And we intend to do so in a series of articles over the next few weeks. We will not likely announce communities slated for 2013, because the dates we hold for 2013 markets appear very tentative and subject to change. With the many variables to sort out between now and 2013. Sprint could make significant shifts in deployment plans based on dynamic need change, funding, market permitting difficulties, etc.


With the release of New York City today, that brings the total of Network Vision markets announced to eleven. Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Baltimore and Kansas City as announced by Sprint. Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Washington, D.C. and New York City announced by Sprint 4G Rollout Updates.


Stay tuned to Sprint 4G Rollout Updates. On Monday we will be announcing another Network Vision/LTE market that Alcatel/Lucent will be working to bring online for Sprint in 2012. This is likely the final A/L market for 2012. If A/L gets ahead of schedule (and Sprint has the cash flow to accelerate), it's possible they may start the next round of market deployments prior to the end of 2012.




Photo Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.


Information about the source: The information for all of our Network Vision information has been obtained by several internal sources close to the Network Vision program who choose to remain anonymous. No source information will be released to protect anonymity.


Special thanks to S4GRU Member digiblur for creating the NYC Market map! Kudos!

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I thought they were going to roll out Network Vision in Long Island at the same time frame as New York City.


Who said that? I never did. I said in past posts there were several tri-state area markets. NYC/Westchester, Long Island, N Jersey, C Jersey, S Connecticut.

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Gotta announce some Ericsson cities soon!

Ericsson already announced ( Dallas, Atlanta, San Antonio, and Houston)


All the markets that will start for Ericsson, A/L and Samsung by Midyear will have been released by S4GRU by Monday. These are for the most part the First Round deployments.


We will then announce the Second Round deployments starting on Wednesday next week. We will not be giving dates for these, because the starts will be very dependent on the conclusions of the First Round starts.


But if everything goes to plan, the Second Rounders will have start dates between October 2012 and January 2013, should no significant delays or issues arise with the first rounds of NV deployment. Stay tuned.

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so monday is the last of the first round of deployment markets and everyone after is the second round.


Yes. But note that not all first round markets have started in the field yet.

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This is getting scary. If there is likely only 1 A/L market that has yet to begin construction in 2012, I would have to think its Los Angeles since its the only remaining big market that hasn't been announced yet. Los Angeles is going to take a long time to build out even if it isn't completed by end of 2012.


I guess we will see on Monday.

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This is awesome news, and I am thinking they are already mobilized in NYC. There is one tower in the Bronx I connect to occasionally that has speeds up over 1.0Mbps on 3G and the connection has improved greatly. I live in Westchester and there have also been a few towers that are noticeably better.

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Looking at the map, I was very surprised that NV was not stretched out farther on Long Island. I am looking at the Oct 7th presentation slides and for New York they showed most if not all of Long Island would get NV.


Any insight on that? Does Sprint plan to come back to these huge markets and expand their NV in this example farther out on Long Island?

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Looking at the map, I was very surprised that NV was not stretched out farther on Long Island. I am looking at the Oct 7th presentation slides and for New York they showed most if not all of Long Island would get NV.Any insight on that? Does Sprint plan to come back to these huge markets and expand their NV in this example farther out on Long Island?


Long Island is getting NV. Just not at the same time as NYC market. That slide showed area coverage post Network Vision, not post NYC market deployment.


It's not really an issue of coming back. The OEM's bid based on Sprint markets. Sprint has their network broke up this way. The crews that are doing the NYC market NV work may not even end up working on Long Island. Or N Jersey, C Jersey, S CT or Upstate NY East for that matter.


We will be discussing Long Island deployment in the future. Sprint is not relegating LI out to the wastelands like Clearwire. Stay tuned.

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This is very exciting!!... even though it looks like my hometown will not be included in the first round of Network Vision. If these roll-outs go as planed, it sure is going to be a real slap in the face to Clearwire (how a network should be rolled out Vs. ...well.. lets just say Clear was pretty sporadic/unpredictable it seemed). I do think that since Sprint is working with 3 well qualified partners on this (Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson, and Samsung), the odds are in Sprints favor. I dont want to jump to any conclusions, but this is looking like a VZ-style roll out. :)

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Part of me wants to be critical of Clearwire's roll out with WiMax. They do deserve some criticisms, certainly. However, I knew from the beginning deploying a nationwide network on 2500/2600 was going to be a huge challenge. The number of sites it would have taken to get a seamless comprehensive WiMax network over Sprint's existing footprint would have taken a whopping 100,000 sites. And the finances for that could have never penciled out to something profitable.


Add on top of that, FCC Minimum Coverage Requirements mandating deployments even well beyond Sprint's native coverage areas made a road to profitability for a nationwide WiMax network on 2600 a virtual impossibility.


But as I have said many times before in our forum and many others, 2600 is a very valuable spectrum to hold for extra capacity, only adding on top of an existing lower frequency spectrum comprehensive network. But a go it alone, national network...no. :dazed:

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NV in NYC?mmm...yes. This I like.


I was thinking of you when I wrote this article. I thought you would especially would appreciate it.


- Robert

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I was hoping for Columbus, OH to be sooner than later but it's not looking good.... For being in the best coverage for voice, data and 4g, in buidling coverage is HORRIBLE.....


Time will tell and I have nothing but time.....Unless Sprint keeps chaning the plans and raising the $$prices$$.

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