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Is Sprint going to show up "Sooner" in the Show Me State?




by Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Tuesday, April 10, 2012 - 1:31 AM MDT



Sprint 4G Rollout Updates has completed announcements on the first two rounds of Network Vision, naming just over 40 of Sprint's 97 markets as slated to begin deployment before the end of 2012. Sprint's Network Vision and LTE Deployment are in full swing with First Round markets cranking out production. Even some Second Round markets will begin deployment as soon as May.


S4GRU has recently been apprised of some additional Network Vision information. As you may recall, when Sprint originally announced Network Vision details and explained their change to LTE for its 4G technology, Sprint also said that planning/design/permitting is under way at the first 22,000 sites. S4GRU has now been able to see information on those initial 22,000 sites. Sprint originally said that these sites were the first sites to receive Network Vision upgrades.


In the data for all these sites, there were not many surprises. But two things immediately jumped out. Or, I should say, two markets. All of the markets comprising the 22,000 sites are in the first two announced rounds, except two. There are two markets that it appears Sprint is proceeding with complete site planning and design that have not been announced to date by S4GRU.


Missouri and Oklahoma



Missouri/Oklahoma. There are over 1,175 sites in the Missouri and

Oklahoma Sprint markets.

The Missouri and Oklahoma markets are included in Sprint's initial 22,000 sites planning. However, in a cross check, these two markets are not in the Sprint schedule for the first two rounds. It's quite possible since all the planning and permitting for these two markets will be done in advance, they may actually be moved up in to the second round. We cannot say with any certainty at this time. This should be seen as good news though for the folks living in these two markets.


We do not have any more details than this to report on these two markets currently. S4GRU will keep pushing for all the latest information for you on Sprint's Network Vision and LTE Depolyment. Stay tuned to S4GRU.com for breaking Network Vision news.





Photos Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

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Hopefully you get more information soon. It would be awesome to see OKC, Tulsa and St. Louis added to the second round.

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So I always wondered this and i'm sure someone here can answer for me....


after reading this article awhile ago I've always been wondering some things.



That states that VZ lit up its 200th market with LTE and that they also plan to double the # of markets with it by end of year...so 400 markets by years end...


When I first read it I was shocked by the # stated as its grossly higher than Sprints markets being stated for LTE...So my initial thought was that big red was playing an excellent marketing game stating that each individual city is its own market unlike with Sprint where a market includes multiple cities/areas usually...


I know VZ covers more area than Sprint in general but the # stated just seems grossly high and can't really see how Sprint would be not even 1/4th the markets VZ has....



BUT after seeing VZ's actual list it seems they do combine some markets like Raleigh/Durham...http://news.verizonwireless.com/LTE/Markets.html


whats the explanation for the vast different number of markets i guess is the ? here. Sprint really have less than 1/4 the markets VZ does in the US?

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Edit:BUT after seeing VZ's actual list it seems they do combine some markets like Raleigh/Durham...http://news.verizonw...TE/Markets.htmlwhats the explanation for the vast different number of markets i guess is the ? here. Sprint really have less than 1/4 the markets VZ does in the US?


I don't know much about Verizon's markets as compared to Sprint's, but from what I've seen in Robert's maps vs Verizon coverage in this area the Sprint Raleigh/Durham market covers a much wider area.


For instance, I live just north of Raleigh and would not be able to get Verizon 4G LTE yet. But if the Sprint Raleigh/Durham market map holds then I would be covered by Sprint.


I don't know what Verizon would call these more rural market areas, or if it would just be an expansion of an existing market.

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The way wireless companies divy up their markets is a giant mystery. But Sprint does appear to have the largest markets by far.



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Sprint's Minnesota market, for instance, has 4 of Verizon's "Markets" in it.

Duluth, Minn.

Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minn.

The Rochester Area, Minn.

St. Cloud, Minn.

While some of Verizon's markets cover several cities, they don't cover large geographical areas as Sprint's do. Minneapolis/St. Paul covers a huge metro area also, but St. Cloud doesn't cover much territory.

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yeah its stuff like this that will greatly misinform customers that dont know much...


thanks for the response.


can't wait to hear all the "VZ covers 300+ markets while Sprint only covers 50..." crap from those that dont have a clue...

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Dang but it's about time there was news at all on the OKC market.

They lost my personal phone to Verizon last year but I've still got the 4 Sprint family phones that need better service.

(no Sprint signal of any kind in N Bixby, which is really just S Tulsa, kids have to use an Air Rave at home)


Wonder if there's any chance that Sprint's LTE will compete with Verizon's data speeds? I usually get better download speeds on the phone vs. the 25Mbps Cox Cable for the PC.

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Dang but it's about time there was news at all on the OKC market. They lost my personal phone to Verizon last year but I've still got the 4 Sprint family phones that need better service. (no Sprint signal of any kind in N Bixby, which is really just S Tulsa, kids have to use an Air Rave at home)Wonder if there's any chance that Sprint's LTE will compete with Verizon's data speeds? I usually get better download speeds on the phone vs. the 25Mbps Cox Cable for the PC.


I reported about Sprint LTE speeds in early testing in this article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-83-new-network-visionlte-deployment-details-and-central-jersey-market-work-is-under-way-with-several-sites-live/


Go down to Item #3 near the bottom of the article. Performance is not as fast as Verizon, but it's fast enough that you can't possibly notice any difference in speeds on a smartphone. Only in tethering would you notice the speed difference. But Sprint's LTE speeds will still be faster than most people have for their personal home ISP.



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I reported about Sprint LTE speeds in early testing in this article: http://s4gru.com/ind...ral-sites-live/Go down to Item #3 near the bottom of the article. Performance is not as fast as Verizon, but it's fast enough that you can't possibly notice any difference in speeds on a smartphone. Only in tethering would you notice the speed difference. But Sprint's LTE speeds will still be faster than most people have for their personal home ISP.Robert

Also, with your next upgrade (2014-2015) it should obliterate Verizon with all the additional spectrum (LTE Advanced aggregating 1900 A-G, 800 SMR and 2.5Ghz BRS)

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So I always wondered this and i'm sure someone here can answer for me....after reading this article awhile ago I've always been wondering some things.http://www.engadget....le-4g-coverage/That states that VZ lit up its 200th market with LTE and that they also plan to double the # of markets with it by end of year...so 400 markets by years end...When I first read it I was shocked by the # stated as its grossly higher than Sprints markets being stated for LTE...So my initial thought was that big red was playing an excellent marketing game stating that each individual city is its own market unlike with Sprint where a market includes multiple cities/areas usually...I know VZ covers more area than Sprint in general but the # stated just seems grossly high and can't really see how Sprint would be not even 1/4th the markets VZ has....Edit:BUT after seeing VZ's actual list it seems they do combine some markets like Raleigh/Durham...http://news.verizonw...TE/Markets.htmlwhats the explanation for the vast different number of markets i guess is the ? here. Sprint really have less than 1/4 the markets VZ does in the US?
What Verizon does is that they list cities which they refer to as markets so the number of markets Verizon claims they are supporting are really inflated. Sprint on the other hand based on Robert's maps seems to be bunching a group of cities together and calling that as 1 market.


For example in Upper Central Valley in CA...sprint is calling Sacramento, Stockton, Reno, Modesto, Carson City as 1 market while Verizon would call that as 5 markets. Honestly I could care less what Verizon claims as a market but its just all about marketing and they are doing a good job of that since its gotten many people convinced that the LTE market gap is very large between them and the rest of the competition.

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When you say "will begin deployment as soon as May." does that mean they will start the upgrades needed for NV or there already live and will be switched on for use?

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When you say "will begin deployment as soon as May." does that mean they will start the upgrades needed for NV or there already live and will be switched on for use?


It means that subcontractors will start to show up at sites in those markets and start setting new panels, RRU's, pulling coax, etc. Preliminary work like equipment deliveries and backhaul setup is happening in all the first and second round markets now. Even in some third rounders.



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its gotten many people convinced that the LTE market gap is very large between them and the rest of the competition.


Why wouldn't they market that, when in fact Verizons LTE markets is significantly larger than their competitors?

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Robert... Please post a new article. I miss reading your new articles.- David


Sorry for the quiet. I am extremely busy this week. I am "bi-vocational."



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Very glad to hear this!

I check the site daily for updates and am thrilled to finally see some news for OKC/Oklahoma. I have noticed what looked like contractors working on two Sprint cell sites near me in OKC; I'll try to get some pictures in the next few days and post them (assuming they have actually started any work). Data speeds are once again crashing here in OKC, so this can't happen fast enough!

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Any news on this deployment?


I have no new news on these markets since the article was posted.



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Thank you for the reply!


Please do let us know if you get any info here. I live in one of the low-population segments of this deployment and would be very excited if I were getting LTE well before the end of 2013. :)

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FYI to all. Just spoke to a supervisor with sprint about a different issue but asked him the question about LTE roll-out to the sooner state. He told me the plan was to start turning the lights on in three months. Also I asked about us users who had Wi-Max devices with the hopes of getting and it didnt. He said they had a plan in place for some kind of phone exchange. I would assume they would let us upgrade early.

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