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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. hmmmm Same thing here. my contract ends then too. I guess thats what it will cost me as well.But whats very confusing is that both of the lines are Photons and both were acquired in July 2011. yet one of them shows I can upgrade in 43 days and the other shows 347 days. So odd. TS
  2. Speaking of this, has anyone ordered the phone (or any recent new phone) lately and have a upgrade due date further out than November? I'm curious to know how far away from the contract end date and how much one had to spend on upgrade. TS
  3. and now there is word of light bleed issues. If memory serves me right, the original EVO had the same problem. aarrgghh.
  4. I've brought this up with Sprint a while back as a suggestion to let some of their employees/advocates etc be beta testers for these phone out in the real world instead of behind a lab that might not encounter all the bugs. Even if there is a penalty clause in the contract for broken functionality and getting their money back, once this goes mainstream media, they will have a field day with it and Sprint might not be able to overcome the stigma attached to it. I hope the S3 doesn't have such issues. TS
  5. Which is why I am glad i invested in the Evelyn Woods Speed reading courses when i was younger. Anyway back to topic, I thought I saw last year a compare list of the top 4 carriers plans and it determined that Sprint was the best money wise and data wise. Verizon if I am not mistaken came in 3rd. but this is all before LTE. TS
  6. I remember the switch, I almost had shakes not being able to get online that day. lol TS
  7. Its so funny how the Apple states that using a stylus is not good, that a 3.5 is more than enough screen size, and people fall for it. yet many wish the screen was bigger and countless folks use a stylus with an ipad. Now it seems that Apple is reversing itself and will increase the screen size and possibly make their own stylus. So I guess those followes will be retrained/remarketed into thinking a 4" screen is good as well as using a stylus. TS
  8. Its actually quite funny how Sprint manages to say one thing and then say another thing elsewhere that totally contradicts the previous statement. Yet the internal documents allow working on rooted devices. Sprint Root Policy 1 Sprint Root Policy 2 Anyway, regardless if the new Verizon plans are good or not for the customer or Verizon themselves, i do see this as a trend and possibly having folks jumping ship to other carriers like T-Mobile and Sprint that offer better plans. Once Sprint's network Vision gets done and people see the changes, I am sure Sprint rolls will increase like never before. Hopefully Sprint would handle the load. And one final thing, lets try to be as cordial as possible with each other in posts. I would not hesitate sending anyone to Banlandia if need be for a cool off period. TS
  9. I sense seeing you holding the writing pad in your hands like a football knocking down folks in your way to get to teh Samsung rep first. lol Glad you had a good time. Its fun going to these places. TS
  10. Lucky the old lady didn't break a hip being thrown to the floor. She would have probably gotten a Galaxy for life. Well I completely forgot the event was yesterday, so mercado, did you get there early? As for the conversation with the Samsung rep about the HTC EVO's HD voice, sure, granted they will downplay the competitors stuff, but calling it a gimmick is false. I experienced the HD Voice on the EVO and wish all phones had it. So crystal clear that you can hear a pin drop. (Yeah i went there) So no, its not a gimmick at least to me. Its true you need another EVO to notice the difference but I still wouldn't call it a gimmick. As for the power button on the right, I still haven't gotten use to that on my Note so i know I probably won't get used to it on a S3 either. I keep turning off the damn phone. lol Even without HD Voice, I still feel that the S3 is a (very small and tiny) bit better than the EVO LTE, but not by much. Each has its highs and lows and each would do well in anyone's hands.
  11. The Tectiles seems to be an awesome idea. Damn that S3 looks nicer by the day.
  12. twospirits


    Is it me, or am I seeing more and more issues with this phone lately?
  13. Who's complaining (about Robert)? I don't think anyone is.
  14. I think that may be the reason Robert sees it and others don't. As for the NY thread, well Robert has mentioned that the reports coming for NYC are slow, but that does not mean work isn't being done here in the city. As for NY'rs hating sprint, I've always have advocated sprint and have no issues whatsoever with their service, signal, plans etc. And while its true that my main line is now on AT&T its only because Sprint doesn't have the Note. Even with the Note, on AT7T, i keep it connected to my Sprint Tri-Fi. Once LTE comes to the city, not only will this thread pick up but you will see quite a few folks coming back to Sprint from the other carriers that are gauging their customers left. TS
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