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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. twospirits


    What the heck is going on with these phones? The HTC EVO? The Samsung S3? Its starting to get weird and troubling seeing these issues pop up. At least the Samsung has the extra benefit of being a hot plate or a burner to warm food. But all joking aside, I don't like seeing these types of issues. TS
  2. Trust me when i say that even this site is in Sprints line of sight. While personally I feel that ISN is doing a service that alot want, poking at the bear will only make it get up and start tearing its paws into you. Transparency is the key, but at times copyright laws, patents and general common sense gets in the way of being transparent. I do wish him the best, and I'll support him if I can, but at this point its going to be hard for him to make a comeback without being noticed by the bear. As for this site and what it offers, true, alot want more info. But patience is the key, you all have to trust Robert in what he is doing and if he feels that posting a document would jeopardize the source or the site, then it just won't be published. TS
  3. As Darth vader would say 'I find you lack of faith disturbing" let me play Devils Advocate here, what if he does? Can they still go after him? So true. That is true.
  4. Well if there is gas, just make sure you are standing next to a iPhone user and ask Siri "what is that smell" lol TS
  5. i would open the window and take a deep breath and scream out "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore" Other than that, I feel for you. I've been to Morningside Heights and that whole area is so iffy. between the two parks on boths sides and Columbia University it seems that signals just go into a Bermuda triangle type wormhole. I've noticed the same phenomena around City College a few blocks up from that area. I guess you can complain to Sprint and ask to see if they can give you an Airwave for free, since a few folks have gotten them when their signal are really bad. But that only takes care of the 3g signal and only at home. While traveling it won't help. For traveling maybe a personal hotspot, (I have the Tri-Fi one and I get a good signal in the city. I even keep my AT&T Note connected to it). But that might be too expensive having two devices too lug around. TS
  6. Wow a thread that is so dear and close to my heart. lol I hashed this out over in the Sprint forums to death, might as well do it here too. Its gonna be long folks, so grab some coffee or tea. Be afraid, be very afraid. lol Ok here goes,,.Sprint did not jump on the Note bandwagon this past round as we all know by now, but I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the reps from Samsung (and any other manufacturer) came to Sprint corp to showcase their new phones and see why Sprint turned it down then. I think it was a mistake then but eh, can't cry over spilled milk. With the success that the international version has had as well as AT&T, any other carrier would be foolish not to carry the second generation Note once it is out at the end of the year. I'm betting that besides AT&T, not only will Sprint get it but all the major carriers and even some lesser ones, especially if what we are seeing with the current Galaxy S3 being sold across the board is any indication. Now rumor has it that Samsung will debut the 2nd generation about the one year anniversary of the 1st generation Note, It may also be around the time that Apple showcases its new iPhone. Personally i wouldn't want Samsung to rush out the device just to compete with the iPhone because I think they are two totally different beasts that shouldn't even be in the same category. If it is October, mark my words it will be the international version only. And most likely for distribution to the general public by Nov/Dec. Just for the holidays. The US version, won't probably come out till Jan/Feb of the next year (2013). As for specs, well, too many rumors, all of them good. So these are my favorites and mind you these are my opinions and not fact. It certainly won't come with that flexible display. (That would probably be in Note # 3 or 4). Now if they pull it off I wouldn't complain, but I don't think it will have that type of display. I'll rather have a Pixel Qi type of display so i can read stuff in direct sunlight instead. But I don'tr see those two companies getting in bed anytime soon. I think it will stay at 5.3 but be more rounded in the corners. If they make the bezel thinner than maybe the display can get up to 5.4 or 5.5. The S-Pen will be updated to also work with the menu buttons. (That is if it has any.) And it will still stay as thin as it is. The optional S-Pen holder will also be updated as shown in this new patent by Samsung. Speaking of which, if that new s-pen is true and makes it way to the new Note, then one wouldn't have to worry about placing the big tablet like phone next to your ear for calls, just use the pen. lol I hope the battery lasts longer otherwise a nuclear reactor is in order. I also hope they up the front facing camera to 2.5 and of course Jelly Beano. lol TS
  7. I love the cover for my folio Galaxy Note and always wondered why they don't make them for other phones, well boom, it seems that they did. Samsung galaxy S3 Flip case If I were to get the S3, I surely would get this for it. TS
  8. Stop it, you folks are making me jealous. I'm starting to get that "I need a new device every 5 minutes" syndrome and these posts are not helping. aarrgghhhh must.... resist....... btw, Congrats to all those that pre-ordered and are getting the S3,
  9. While the dates are when the device was officially sold to the public, one also has to take into account how far back they were in development. Its my understanding that both the Prada and iPhone were basically neck to neck with the Prada having the development cycle started by a year before the iPhone. But it really did not matter in the end since Apple showed off the superior product. Word had it LG had a good case against Apple but never followed through with it. As for the Other two, hmmm i sort of remember the HP, but the Ericsson, not at all. TS
  10. But if i am not mistaken its not that bad, it is still better than wimax and if the unlimited stays around I feel that would be a win win. TS
  11. Whats' so funny? Oh btw Rob, there is an issue going on in Banlandia that needs an admin. can you check to see what it is? Thanks (quick, someone close the gate once he goes through,)
  12. ^ I so agree. Anyway, has anyone figured out if other media outlets have done of their own testing? TS
  13. Like i said, wow. Who would have thought that the first anti-Apple rant / off-topic bleeding edge of everything / i-anything insults thread would be started by a staff member, let alone me. But eh, there is always a first time for anything to happen I guess. Trust me it was not intentional for it to be a anti-rant thread. But with that said, let me clarify as to my posting that was originally in the PC mag LTE thread and not on its own here. @xenadu (and anyone else for that matter) If I have hurt anyones feelings or stepped on anyones toes, then I sincerly apologize. I have no issue doing so. Its not really my intention and I certainly was not trying to put anyone down, I was just laying down the point of view that so many clearly see (but apparently alot also do not). I also was told that my comments were insensitive and down right mean, and that the meaning behind the <add anything you like here> was simply the word "turd". On the contrary, I specifically wrote it like that because it could be for any device that Apple makes and I am sure there are quite a few folks that could easily put in there any i-device. I myself cannot single out one i-device and is why I put in that phrase. Now, the reason and meaning behind that comment was plain and simple, Apple has a major marketing war machine that is second to none. They should be applauded to a point but on the same token, it is unfair to the countless fans on both sides of the team. They can make anything look good through their marketing. As mention by a few here already in this thread and not so detailed in my post is the minute differences that are introduced between models (mind you this can also be applied to android and windows models as well). The only difference is that Apple has that wonderful marketing that makes the device look so much better (except for a few little things) than the previous one. Other than Siri, everything else was basically done already or not that great of a reason to upgrade to (in my opinion). Now xenadu, in conclusion, I read and re-read my original post and still fail to see where I said or claim that the original iPhone was the same as other smartphones. In between models is a totally different matter and one that I still stand by. I never said what you claim I said. Regardless of my role here as a mod, I am still a member like anyone else. We all have to abide by the rules and there was no reason for you to have gone off to me like you did. We all can be passionate about things, some more than others, but lets not get carried away. I'm sure we all can point things out and or debate things without having to cross the line. @s4gru If i am not mistaken, Apple was not the first to market with a touch screen smartphone, that honor goes to the LG Prada, Apple just marketed as such. @bigsnake49 ummm, lets not. I do believe we can continue the convo in a rational way. there is no need for a anti-<insert any carrier / manufacturer here> forum. Doing so will certainly leave to problems. Then again I hear there is a very good anti-<insert any carrier / manufacturer here> forum in Banlandia. lol (above part was me being sarcastic too) We can just have one thread. Anyway, lets start anew, first on the agenda is a better freaking title. Any suggestions people? How about Apple / Android/ Windows Rant thread. TS
  14. Wow. I'll respond in full once I get back on the pc in a bit. Sent from my Samsung-Galaxy Note using Forum Runner
  15. This. It one of the reasons why Apple has a successful following. You can take a <add anything you like here> and wrap it up nicely in colorful colors and add a bow tie on it it will still be the same old <add anything you want here>. but market it like its the second coming of bliss and people will be lining up around blocks just to get their hands on it. It's just like a pair of sneakers, any can do its job, but if i have a pair of latest and greatest Nike that jump over the moon, then you are perceived as cool. If Sprints LTE is even a tiny bit faster than Wimax, I'll be happy. But from what I see in that report its much faster and that makes me very very happy. . TS
  16. I actually like what Microsoft actually showed off today in their new tablet, but as usual, nothing of price, availability, if it has 3G, 4G, LTE, etc. Its thin enough but will probably get priced way too high to make any mark on any other tablet out there. TS
  17. Wait, What? There are t-shirts of the site. I'll buy one. Speaking of the event, earlier today Samsung tweeted that one is coming to NYC, but that was it, nothing else was mentioned. I do not have anything in my emails. TS
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