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Everything posted by burnout8488

  1. Me too - hopefully the pricing structure for the US is different. That's nuts.
  2. Mine does that too, I'm wondering if it's just a SignalCheck bug. You'd never know it if it weren't for Signalcheck since the icon only says 3G.
  3. I went to check out the speeds last night just for kicks, it was actually pretty terrible. 0.01Mbps down with a 600 ping on 3G :-) The backhaul probably hasn't changed with the new equipment install. But coverage most likely increased a little bit with the NV antennas. Can't vouch for it yet, but next time I'm down riverside drive I'll pop down one of those neighborhoods and see. The subscriber density and amount of MVNO customers down there are probably overloading the site immensely.
  4. Interesting, did not know that. So 8T8Rs are going to be multi-carrier from the get-go then? And B25 carriers will not be aggregated at this time in the markets that do implement it?
  5. Should we even care about not having single band CA? Especially in markets that don't even have multiple B25 carriers? Doesn't seem like a "need to have" feature yet. Although it's nice to have a maxed out spec-sheet.
  6. The Binghamton market is 100% upgraded! Our little problem site downtown has finally received NV upgrades. Now it's only a matter of time before it, like the other sites here, receives LTE and 1x800 acceptance. Now I know where those ALU guys have been hanging out the past few weeks, maybe they'll get on optimizing the LTE 800 soon. :-) Coverage down Riverside drive might be a bit better now given the recent update.
  7. Whenever it happens to me, the "R" indicator comes up next to the signal strength in the notification bar. Wonder if something's related to that. I'll turn off roaming and see.
  8. YES! Finally someone else who has this problem. Makes me wonder if this would happen on another triband device connected to the same site I'm having this problem with.
  9. Sprint is pretty well covered in this thread now, what about the other carriers?
  10. My gf's 5C and her brother's 5S both will idle on and use 1x800 at their home which is right on the 1900mhz fringe. Perhaps it's area specific? Kind of sucks 800 is blocked on these Kyoceras, it's the main reason I recommended these devices to them. If I had known it wouldn't work, I would have gotten them a pair of used smartphones that are known to work well on 1x800.
  11. I guess I'm most curious on who the other networks will roam on rather than who sprint roams on. But its cool to see how it differs in different areas. In my hometown, we only have the big 4 networks. Would Verizon customers roam on Sprint? Are the devices capable of this?
  12. Of the big 4, who roams on who? Sprint will roam on Verizon. Will Verizon roam on Sprint if there is an area where Verizon is not covered but Sprint is? ATT on Tmo? Tmo on ATT?
  13. After upgrading, they both had different PRLs. I can't remember off the top of my head, I think the Kona had 55006 (?) and the DuraXT had one that started with a 2.
  14. I sure hope not. Maybe a call to Sprint technical support might be in order tomorrow. Thanks for the response though, never thought of that.
  15. My gf's mother and father snagged these phones recently when they joined our framily. They live right on the fringe of 1x1900, and have a decent-enough 1x800 signal in their home. (-90 to -100dBm) Neither phone will connect to 1x800 for some reason, when my Nexus 5 will idle on it. I have verified that the iPhones in their home will also idle on 1x800 as well, and make calls on it just fine. So as you would expect, calls drop and their phones lose service often. I am wondering if it is possible that these phones have 1x800 disabled in some sort of hidden band selection menu? They are both advertised as supporting 1x800. Edit: When roaming, the band indicator switches between 1900Mhz and 800Mhz very frequently as needed. When on Sprint, it does not. DuraXT spec sheet confirms 1900 and 800Mhz capability: http://www.kyoceramobile.com/duraxt/DuraXT_Spec_Sheet_en.pdf
  16. Whenever I receive a call and am connected to LTE, my phone will lock up at the "answer" screen. If I slide to the right to answer the call, the phone freezes and continues to ring/vibrate endlessly until I turn the phone off. If the phone is on 3G only, this doesn't happen. I want to say it's an eCSFB issue, but the phone IS getting the call. It just won't answer it. Not sure what's to blame here, the phone or the network? When I'm in PA, I have always been able to answer calls just fine when connected to LTE. But I'm wondering if it's a device issue.
  17. How does a handoff work from Wi-Fi to 1x? Say I get in my car in the garage, call someone while still connected to WiFi, then pull out of the garage and drive away. Will it handoff to 1x seamlessly? Or will the call drop?
  18. Noooo!!! But actually, it seems like the move made sense.
  19. Trip down to Rehoboth went well yesterday. I had LTE 800 all the way down the turnpike from Allentown on, and even caught some Band 41 through Wilmington, then some decent B25 through Dover. After Dover, it all went downhill. 3G is absolutely unusable on the way to and at the beach. Thank god the condo we are staying in has it's own modem and router. There is a Sprint site 500 feet away behind the condo and we can't even browse the web Maybe the 2015 beach season will be more wireless friendly for us. *fingers crossed*
  20. A used Nexus5 on Swappa is very budget friendly. It's not worth having an EVO LTE any longer than you absolutely have to.
  21. 55020 is making me roam more where it used to snag (weak) 1x800. However I can confirm it is 3G roaming now on VZW.
  22. Offtopic, but SERO is a subsidy plan. (Although mine is $50/mo+taxes/fees for exactly what you described)
  23. If you're already using an iPhone 5 on SERO, you won't have to change a thing. You will already have the $10 premium data on it. Greetings, my SERO brethren. *handshake* If we're ever kicked off this wonderful plan, there is a $60 unlimited individual plan now, so that'd be the next logical step.
  24. Yup, when both parties are using it is only when the call should theoretically be HD voice. But it should always be EVRC-NW on the transmitting device if it supports it.
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