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Everything posted by burnout8488

  1. Hopefully soon. Here's my Apple SIM, with some weird dog+beer patch covering up the numbers.
  2. I'll admit I never tried repositioning the phone higher up on my ear. Really wish the Boost version had Wi-Fi calling though, would have been a neat comparison.
  3. My replacement Air 2 finally came today. This time, no dings in the screen! However the backlight on the left edge is slightly dimmer than the rest of the panel. I'm not gonna return this one right away, maybe I'll take it to an Apple store in a month or two to exchange it if this isn't the norm. Not an immediate dealbreaker though, and maybe it'll burn in with time. The T-Mobile 5GB/5Month deal looks very attractive, but they don't even have 3G at my work, only 2G. I'll most likely be buying a Sprint data plan soon. If I move to Philadelphia soon I can suck down all of that sweet sweet Band 41 as well. Here are the Sprint plans available on my Air 2. IMO, 1GB should be ten bucks. These plans aren't as competitive as Tmo if you're in an urban area where T-mobile isn't a bad choice.
  4. Just sent mine back. After iOS was jailbroken, Signal 2 made it easier for me to check LTE bands at a glance on my iPhone and I didn't need the Aquos anymore. That, and phone calls in noisy areas were difficult. I had to press the phone very very hard against my ear in order to hear the other party speaking. The speakerless earpiece is a good proof of concept but it isn't ready for primetime, in my opinion.
  5. Now that 0.3 and 0.4 are out, it's been rock solid for me. You just need to follow the instructions perfectly. (Restore in iTunes, restore your backup, THEN jailbreak) And of course airplane mode, passcode off, etc.
  6. You're right, it only shows LTE. This may be proof, finally!
  7. Yes! It's somethin'. I just did the jailbreak last night as it seems it's finally stable enough for a non-developer to install. I've only installed one tweak (f.lux) as many aren't compatible or stable yet with iOS8. Really happy with it so far, stable as a rock!
  8. I wonder if the new 51103 PRL likes 1x800 more.
  9. Here's my rant... Got my cellular 64 from best buy last night. Opened it, there was a fingerprint on the Apple logo present under the plastic wrap. At this point, I'm worried. Get to the front, there's a deep scratch in the glass. On the back, there's what looks like dried sweat on the aluminum. How does this even happen Foxconn? This would have never passed a QC check if it actually went through one. I wonder if someone at Best Buy opened it, then re-shrink wrapped it. Gotta try to exchange it now, but Best Buy doesn't carry the cellular models yet in store.
  10. Very. I'm curious what Robert's findings on this are with his Aquos compared to the Nexus 5. I had a Nexus 5 prior to this and it was beautiful to type on, just like an iPhone. This thing is running 4.4.2 still.... I really hope Sharp updates it at least once before it goes EOL!
  11. Yup, SwiftKey and Fleksy. Both seem to have a speed "limit" where the keyboard just can't keep up after a certain rate.
  12. Yeah, this phone definitely needs a software update to address the poor keyboard performance. If you type too fast, it just skips letters and requires backspacing. It's bad, and I hope that it is purely software related, not just a cheap digitizer or something.
  13. Just activated this thing. I really like it! The Nexus was slightly snappier as far as typing was concerned, but this isn't gonna be my daily driver. Hope the keyboard speed increases as the phone settles... right now it kind of lags. I do not see Wi-Fi calling on the Boost version of this phone... so that's a bummer, unless I'm looking in the wrong place. Once it activated, a ton of bloatware pushed to it, but I was able to uninstall most of it. Signalcheck works great it seems. Call quality is excellent. When comparing call quality between my iPhone 6, the Aquos makes the other party sound "farther away" through the earpiece. It's slight, but voice through the iPhone sounds "right there," while it sounds like someone is talking through a pane of glass on the Aquos. (Probably because they are, ha!)
  14. Try a factory reset - The 4th Gen iPad is more than capable of running 8.1, but the old backups and OS upgrades tend to slow it down for some reason. My iPad2 was horrendous after OTA updating, but perked up after a restore. Wasn't great, but it did definitely improve.
  15. Welcome and thanks for donating!! You'll want to familiarize yourself with the "NV Sites Complete" map first to see the sites you're hitting most (or not at all in the rural areas), then see what's slated for them in the Premier schedule maps when you eventually upgrade to Premier Sponsor.
  16. Was it the 5 gig for 5 months for $10 deal? Even as a Sprint fanboy, that's hard to pass up. But I am curious if Sprint has daily plans now.
  17. Share your experiences! Just ordered my cellular model from Best Buy as soon as "Add to Cart" became available on their website this morning. Should be at my store later this week. What's everyone seeing as far as Sprint plan options on the cellular model? Screenshots?
  18. I know exactly what you're talking about... on to the next device!
  19. This is obviously a defective unit - see if she can exchange it before you write it off completely!
  20. My store had two on display, it looked like it was the feature phone of the whole store. Such a light device, I loved it. The staff was raving about it too. Best buy supposedly sells these too, check stock online.
  21. I just picked this up online from Boost. Couldn't turn it down. $149 for the device, + a $50 service credit when you buy the device online. Their 1 gig plan is only $35 for a month, so I get an awesome device for $150, and don't even have to pay for the first month's service. When I'm done playing around with this thing in a few months, I can hopefully get $100 or more for it. Not a whole lot out of my pocket to try this thing out.
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