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Everything posted by burnout8488

  1. Wish my GF still lived off of Lehigh St.! She's in North Philly now where the coverage is almost perfect, but I must fear for her life on a day-to-day basis.
  2. Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. I won't complain now It's gotta be right around the corner...
  3. Getting close to 6 months of B26 with no optimization yet. And 2 months of B41 with no optimization. :-( Is it possible I can call the Sprint technical line to ask if they have access to optimization crew schedule info? What if I just complain about poor signal strength on a specific band? The 5-10 people I've referred to Sprint are getting antsy wondering why VZW and ATT are still better here despite everything I've told them... I've almost wondered... what if they just, don't optimize here? Hoping Sprint has a big push to the finish in January. I know it's popular around the forum to say that optimization takes place within up to 6 months of a B26 card install, but does anyone know the source and if that is 100% accurate? Does Sprint have to follow that timeline?
  4. Calling from Upstate NY Central market to my gf in Philadelphia, I notice this. We both have great signal in our areas when we talk, but for some reason her voice just drops a word every 20-30 seconds it seems. It almost sounds like it's "clipping" due to over-volume. I know exactly what you're talking about. In our case, it's an iPhone 5C to an iPhone 6. Don't think it's the phones though, probably just the codec.
  5. Yep. Binghamton has a lot of B41 8T8R sites now as well. They just don't work unless you're sitting underneath the tower. Super low power mode right now!
  6. I don't believe Sprint's schedules are altered by the threat of more users in an area from a new business, unfortunately. But my guess is that the ground mount "leftover" highway sites in Upstate NY will be tackled in early 2015. We don't have any schedule info on these remaining 3G highway sites, so it's gonna be pretty far out. In any case, it definitely will have LTE at some point, but it won't be accelerated by any outside factors.
  7. But is your child on a landline? That is the only way we are capable of actually using minutes - doesn't every plan have unlimited mobile-to-mobile? (Regardless of network)
  8. Well, yeah, it's a nice gesture. But I don't think anyone is really going to get any value out of this promotion. It's just a "feel-good" promo for existing customers. I don't think there are many of us left going, "Damn! I ran out of minutes!"
  9. Thanks for being the guinea pig, would be cool to convert my SERO-P to unlimited minutes too even though I've never even come close to using 500 anytime minutes in 9 years.
  10. The loyalty credit made no sense to me either. I just helped my friend change his plan and they kept saying that his My Way loyalty credit was a great option... So instead, he went to the $50 iPhone 6 + Easy Pay plan and is now paying $77/mo.
  11. Because this is the only LTE site for miles :-) The only adjacent sites are non-LTE GMOs, and they're not close.
  12. I watched the progress of a B26 carrier card install at work today. (Technically...) Lost all Sprint service for about an hour, got B25 back, then lost LTE and had 3G for about an hour... then LTE turned on and I was able to catch blips of B26 during the LTE --> 3G handoffs in my building. It's at a super low power level right now, but I did see it for the first time here. This site recently got 1x800 so I'm happy the B26 card install only took a few weeks after that! I'll use this post as a moment in time to see exactly how long it takes to go from B26 installation to full optimization.
  13. Does anyone know of a tweak that allows the cellular connection type to be displayed simultaneously next to the wifi icon? When on wifi, it knocks out the 3G/LTE indicator, and I'm not fond of that.
  14. Working on my Air 2 and iP6, jailbroken 8.1. Just note that you can't install it unless you already own it from a previous OS release.
  15. Give it a rest. This got old a long time ago - you created your own thread for it.
  16. It will just say Sprint if you're on band 25 LTE. Then "Sprint B26", "Sprint B41" will appear when you're on those bands.
  17. I hope it's as "free" as we want it to be now, but I definitely understand where you're coming from with the whole T-Mobile/Sprint Nexus 5 issue of yore.
  18. Is this just speculation or do you have proof this is how the carrier-purchased Air 2s function? The Apple SIM in a T-Mobile iPad Air 2 shouldn't function any differently. I do not think your scenario applies anymore, since the Apple SIM's usefulness would be completely negated if it didn't function in T-Mobile purchased iPads.
  19. None. Switching carriers on an iPad is no different than switching wifi networks. It's just a different data connection. iMessage doesn't care where the data comes from - it only matters on a phone because the phone number switches when you swap SIMs.
  20. Yup, when you're on an iPad, it either uses your Apple ID e-mail address, or the phone number of your iPhone for iMessage. Depending on how you set it up.
  21. I just discovered something really cool. You can actually have two simultaneous carriers "activated" on the device, and swap between them whenever you want. I have 1GB/1mo of Sprint, and 5GB/5mo of T-Mobile activated on this device now, so I can use Sprint when at work, and T-Mobile everywhere else. Awesome! I figured you would have to sacrifice the other carrier to switch, but still maintain use of the Apple SIM.
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