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Everything posted by burnout8488

  1. Gotcha - I thought I heard about some new daily or weekly rate plans from Sprint that would become available with this tablet as well. Is this true?
  2. I tried today at a corp store, they said I couldn't due to the nature of the employee plan. But I'm not sure if that was entirely true. I could always ask online. Guess I slightly derailed the thread... back to Aquos! (Although I bet there are a lot of us considering this as a second device)
  3. If my Dad were in the market for a smartphone, this would definitely be the one I'd recommend, personally. Triband, Wi-Fi calling support, low price... it gets the S4GRU seal of approval, that's for sure.
  4. Gotcha. Will Sprint let me get an Aquos and activate it on a Framily plan if I went in tonight? I am a SERO customer currently, can I have these two very different types of plans on my account? (Would they show up as separate lines in "My Sprint?")
  5. However, every single site here is now LTE - I'm wondering if that has something to do with when optimization starts. Maybe it's only worth it to the teams if they can do everything at once. And that is the best feeling in the world. I went downtown last night to test out the new LTE... Didn't drop to 3G once on the way there and got 8Mbps down once I was in the middle of town. So the site is definitely heavily loaded down there, bring on the extra bands!!
  6. Good point, my family has a Framily with 2 free spots on it. If I can join that and have both lines show up under my "My Sprint" account...
  7. Interesting, it isn't on the Ting site, but they'll activate a postpaid version of the phone if brought over? If so, then Ting would definitely be the cheapest as far as the service plan goes... since I'd just buy a data pack and never use any voice/minutes.
  8. What's the cheapest way to get this phone as a secondary line for SignalCheck purposes? Boost, Virgin, Ting? Voice and SMS are probably irrelevant. Edit: looks like boost.
  9. Held an Air 2 last night at Best Buy. They weren't on display yet, but the super-knowledgeable tech lead (seriously) got one out for me and let me play around with it. Wish I could have bought one from him but they haven't received any information on when they're getting the LTE models in yet. Hopefully a few days, or at least while their iPad 2 $200 trade-in program is going on. This thing finally feels like a solid "slate," unlike the Air 1 which had the annoying air gap between the screen and LCD. Very very nice to hold.
  10. Looks like the cellular models will start getting into user's hands today or tomorrow. Really curious what the data plans are going to be for this device. I'd preorder one, but I might be going to Delaware soon and the whole no-tax thing is somewhat appealing. :-)
  11. Looks like the Binghamton market full-build sites are finally all LTE! Network.sprint.com is showing an LTE acceptance on the downtown Binghamton "problem-site" finally. About time. Downtown was the most unusable place in our whole market. Hopefully 800 LTE is activated... quickly. It's been dismal there for 2-3 years, I hope they didn't lose too many subscribers because of this. Also, maybe this will spur on the LTE800 optimization this market has needed since mid-Summer. :-) We've been slathered in non-optimized B26 for quite some time now.
  12. Remotely? Signal 2. But I don't remember if newer devices can install this unless they bought it back in the iPhone 4S days. It may not show up in the Cydia store for you... Totally forget though, anyone remember? I remember some sort of issue with Signal 2 and the iOS7 jailbreak last year.
  13. It sounds like Saurik is on it already, so hopefully a few days.
  14. I was just coming here to say that. Definitely used to be Sprint 17.0.
  15. Is the hesitancy of the phone to use 1x800 dictated by a PRL, or baseband? I've always been under the assumption that Sprint could push a better PRL out and it would alleviate this issue.
  16. Can anyone with a subsidized plan that is "upgrade eligible" verify something? It looks like the Aquos can't be sold at a subsidized price. It seems to just be a flat 239.99. But I'm also not upgrade eligible, so I'm not sure if the site is just blocking me out from seeing the 2-yr agreement price.
  17. The 800 accepted site in the middle of Rochester is listed as a "No 800" site elsewhere on S4GRU... Is this an error too, or is the Canadian border a non-issue now...?
  18. I took that as, it's exclusive to essentially one network. Not necessarily a con because it's Sprint.
  19. Works for me but you need to do a very long, slow swipe up half the screen for it to work. Swipe from below the actual screen, up past the keyboard.
  20. I'd assume they won't create a plan like that simply because tablets aren't upgraded on the same cycle as cellphones. But it'd be interesting to see if Sprint releases new, cheaper tablet data plans with the Spark enabled iPads. Sprint has been in a nice cycle of releasing faster devices, with more ability to suck down data, at lower and lower prices. It's been great for the consumer lately.
  21. Your girlfriend finds a pair of binoculars in your glovebox and has a serious minute of contemplation as to what I do when she's not around. But it didn't take long for her to figure it out.
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