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Everything posted by burnout8488

  1. Same here, I bet they prefer doing it in clusters when most if not all of the sites are 800 ready.
  2. As long as members aren't posting site IDs or specific sites that have B26 enabled, I think it should be fine. Eliminating locations from the thread entirely would be fine - just looking for the "before & after" stories really. :-) The fact that users are experiencing LTE 800 past what 1x1900 boundaries are is amazing. I'm glad I started this conversation!
  3. That's pretty incredible, and makes me actually believe VoLTE will be better than I expected. Keep 'em comin!
  4. With the extremely fast ramp-up of band 26 deployment in the recent months, a lot of the US is now covered by it. Some markets have been optimized, some haven't. For those markets that have seen band 26 optimization, what's your story? Did you used to get a weak 3G connection indoors, and now enjoy a usable 1-2 bar LTE connection? Is your 800Mhz LTE connection stronger, the same, or slightly weaker than 3G now? Let's try to keep this focused only on stories about areas that have seen a definite coverage improvement as a result of a fully optimized band 26 LTE deployment, not a thread that focuses on where optimization hasn't taken place yet. Perhaps we can boost morale and give us non-optimized folks something to look forward to. :-)
  5. As far as I know, B25 and B26 have the same capacity. It doesn't really matter which band you're on. The network controls it.
  6. On an unburdened site, I was watching HD Hulu content over 3G perfectly fine last year. 1.5-2.5Mbps is great, 3G or LTE.
  7. Most likely size - the iPad charger wouldn't package as well in the phone boxes. The 2.1 is a nice option to have though if purchased separately.
  8. The signal strength meter on the iPhone doesn't update as fast as SignalCheck. Is it possible it was frozen from an earlier time? I would let the phones sit for at least a minute or two in the same location before taking a comparison pic.
  9. B25 LTE is exactly the same for me, from a known spot. I always am at -102 at my desk, it didn't change at all after the 8.0.2 update.
  10. Awesome!! They must be in testing up in Syracuse. Let us know if it turns off within the next day or two... or if it stays on!
  11. iPhone 6/6+ are the only phones affected by 8.0.1 apparently. Lesser models should be safe.
  12. Any store reps here? My N5 was purchased at a Sprint store. NFC and wireless charging do not work. Do I warranty the device through the store or through LG? Since it's a hardware issue, will it matter if the "tamper" flag is set on the phone? I never rooted the phone, only manually flashed a radio and official software update.
  13. It definitely lit up very quickly. With the new NV equipment on the downtown site, your parents house actually might have improved 1xRTT and usable 3G now. Prior to this it was old legacy gear, which explains the whole problem in the past.
  14. The 6 sends and receives texts over LTE and does not have a simultaneous LTE/1x connection like the 5S/5C do. That is why texting is faster :-) And yes, eCSFB for calls.
  15. This! The LTE scan timer is amazing, if I'm on 3G it'll be on LTE within a minute of entering a known LTE zone. This alone will enhance Sprint's perception to new customers. My N5 would barely ever switch over after being in a dead spot, and my friends would always think "Sprint sucks" in this area even though LTE is totally deployed.
  16. Perhaps in an update or two. Maybe even 8.0.1, who knows.
  17. I feel this is definitely a solid "no regrets" upgrade over my N5. 3G performance seems a bit stronger, and it grabs LTE a lot more often. It's nice having SMS text over LTE now, very zippy! I'm so happy with this phone, can't wait to drop it!
  18. The first comment I see: "The biggest concern with cell towers are the radio frequency radiation exposures (classified as a class 2B possible carcinogen by the WHO) that local populations are exposed to BUT fires are also a genuine problem......particularly where cell towers are installed on buildings, near homes and schools. More stringent regulation is required." Well, we should probably get rid of cell towers then.
  19. Yes, as a premier sponsor he would have access to the 8T8R deployment maps (user submitted info so far) but I don't think we have any information on what the prioritized markets will be yet. Or if that information will become available. A lot of the 8T8R B41 information right now is pretty hush-hush within Sprint as far as when it will be turned on.
  20. Yep, mine just updated a few hours ago. I had the tracking # yesterday, but it didn't have any location information associated with it. Today, it says it left TN and is slated for delivery tomorrow. Happy!
  21. This phone is going to be forgotten and obsolete by the time it comes out. What gives? Wouldn't it have been wise to get this pushed out prior to the iPhone release? (And the subsequent price drops of the 5S and 5C models)
  22. I'm not blaming either - it could be either one. We won't know until it is officially released.
  23. I figure there will either be an 8.0.1 update in less than a week, Or all of these non-compliant apps will be updated in a mass wave tomorrow.
  24. My gf's 5C has been running like a dog since I put the GM on. Facebook scrolls super slow and freezes, same with safari. Apps will lock for 5-10 seconds then unfreeze randomly. I'm hoping it's just because the apps have not been updated for iOS8 yet. Have you noticed any of this?
  25. Don't waste your time - you'll get the phone on Friday if you had a successful pre-order with Sprint. You might not get a tracking number until Thursday. Even if I don't get one at all, I'm not worried.
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