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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by Vince

  1. I haven't had a chance to play with an m8 in real life, so maybe you all can answer this question: does this phone have a built-in "do not disturb" or "sleep" toggle like the iPhone and the g2?
  2. That's too long to wait for band 26. You can grab a 5c on CL for like 200-250.
  3. The only way is to walk into a Walmart and buy the special micro sim/package. It costs $40 which includes the first month. I did this, too, to see what all the fuss was about.
  4. I've noticed this on my g2 and n5 with the prl loaded. When on LTE, phone calls always ended up on 1900. If I disabled LTE, the phone would park on 800 and never move. Strange.
  5. Rooting/flashing radios on the n5 is by far the easiest thing ever. Google it. The app "flashify" will be your best friend for radio switching.
  6. Do you have 6+ signed up for spotify on your framily? Otherwise, it's $7.99 after 6 months for the next 18. I misunderstood the promotion, thinking just the number of framily members was all that mattered. They actually have to be enrolled to get the discount.
  7. I know exactly where your signal is coming from based on my findings. I work in your area and noticed I had a b26 signal a week ago over there, then stopped, then came back last night. Airplane toggles would give me 26 and would stay there until my data connection went idle, then back to 25. Sent from my Nexus 5
  8. Does it happen after installing an app? Mine does that, too. Just move an app to the blank screen, then delete it. I think it's a bug. Sent from my Nexus 5
  9. Go into your account on sprint.com then go to add/change services. You'll see it in there. Then they text you a link where you can login to apply it to a current Spotify username, or create a new one. Sent from my Nexus 5
  10. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    When I bought my n5 a month ago, she said, "at least you're buying it from us, and not Google. We have people coming in here for a Sim card and we're not allowed to give them one. Only replacement Sims if it's defective." And this was a corporate store. Sent from my Nexus 5
  11. Correct. But it's showing $9.99, not $7.99 Sent from my Nexus 5
  12. So, I just signed up. Just added it to my existing account. Seems like there's a billing mistake on Spotify's end. The discount doesn't reflect on their end. Hopefully it gets straightened out. This is a great deal for us sprint music fans. Sent from my Nexus 5
  13. I like it. Its easier to snap a shot when you're not looking. I've missed shots because of missing the shutter button before. Sent from my Nexus 5
  14. I was looking at it. I need to go play with a regular m8 in a store to see if I like it. I like the color scheme and I'm wondering if the extra $30 is worth it. I'm wondering side by side how different the audio is.
  15. Have we discovered a gci pattern for band 41? I'm noticing every band 41 site I've connected to in Chicago starts with 00.
  16. How do you trail log? It says that feature is coming soon. Instead of driving around, staring at my phone, which logging feature should I use? I'd like it to log every single site/sector that I connect to during the day, and then view it to check for our second carrier/b26 in Chicago.
  17. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Just thought I'd share: I was having problems with my gps, and began to research a fix. I came across an article, and subsequently a video explaining that the gps contacts on the battery cover don't make good contact with the phone. It fixed my problem, and I get a 10+ satellite lock now in less than 3 seconds, even indoors. Here's the link: (don't worry, the title of the video is foreign, but there is no audio in the video)
  18. Gotcha. I've only been to the ups freight, the NS rail yard, and the pilot truck stop up the river in Duncannon. Haven't been there recently, but judging by the maps, it seems service must be really good in the Harrisburg area.
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