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Everything posted by Vince

  1. Wow, those GCIs are all over the place. Good luck, mikejeep.
  2. The ups freight on Carlisle pkwy and Brondle behind HH Gregg? I drive a truck and used to run Chicago to that ups twice a week.
  3. Where did this second carrier come from? Was there a spectrum acquisition in the Harrisburg area? Chicago is in the process of adding a second pcs LTE carrier and I can't wait.
  4. The phone in general is a power sucker. You can watch the meter going down while using it. It almost has to have a custom kernel to get a good day of heavy use. On Sunday, I spent the whole day at home on wifi, and managed around 4.5 hours of SOT with on Franco's kernel with about 20% left.
  5. Yes. Band 41 is good in Chicago, and pretty open. I was referring to band 25 PCS. If your town has WiMax, there's a good chance you'll see band 41 by the end of this year/early 2015.
  6. 30+mbps was your speed test, someone driving by streaming Pandora, and your neighbor browsing m.cnn.com. 10mbps is a great connection speed. Try and use your phone downtown Chicago during lunch where speeds typically crawl to 10kbps (not a typo). And as far as your claims to 1x800 voice not working anymore, I can almost guarantee I can pinpoint your location on our sponsor maps. Needn't worry, shentel is a fantastic market to be in. They moved faster than anyone else, and will continue to do so.
  7. Not to be rude, but what is wrong with 10mbps? Or even the 5mbps that you get? That's about all to be expected on a 5x5 carrier in a civilized area with users.
  8. They were probably just testing on your nearest site. LTE 800 is in it's infancy around Chicago, and strange things are bound to happen.
  9. You need the .15 radio for b41. At least I did. And even then, it's still questionable. My connection would die, and I had to keep airplane toggling to get back on b41. As far as b26, any radio should work. I've picked it up on all 3. No tricks required for b26 other than having the radio enabled.
  10. I guess having a 10-person framily and a spotify account will finally pay off for me. That's a nice discount. Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  11. Shitter's full Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk
  12. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    Thank you, guys. I'm guessing having the phone rooted will make the technician just hand it back to me and say "sorry," right? Sent from my Nexus 5
  13. No, it was band 41. I was sitting in my truck bored, so I flashed the .15 modem to see if it worked, and it jumped right to 41. It's not stable, and sometimes locks the connection before it falls to 25, but it's something until the spark release drops. Band 25/26 5x5 max out around 37mbps per sector. Sent from my Nexus 5
  14. I was actually sitting on the rack. I felt warm and fuzzy, then my hair fell out. . About a block away, clear L.O.S. Sent from my Nexus 5
  15. I'm satisfied. I can deal with it until everything comes together with all our spectrum additions. Until then, these kind of speeds will suffice. This is the future that I'm holding out for. Sent from my Nexus 5
  16. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I pay for the insurance (tep), but doesn't that also cover repairs in a store? Or would the store repair it no matter what.
  17. No. It's still triband, single-path device. It should be an easy, 1 minute troubleshoot in a sprint store, or a friend with a triband sprint phone. Sent from my Nexus 5
  18. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    So sprint will actually swap it out on the spot without having to ship it? Their website says "replacements will arrive in 3-4 business days."
  19. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    I have an issue with my g2 and I'm hoping one of you know the answer. Since I've owned it, I've never been able to consistently get a GPS lock, and Bluetooth crackles when the screen is coming on or dimming away while on a call. I've tried tinkering with every setting possible. I've also read that this phone has some GPS/Bluetooth issues. Anyone ever experience this? Do I possibly have a defective phone? I probably should have done something within 14 days but I didn't. I have the tep plan added to my account. How does a repair work? In store? Or, does it need to be shipped to LG? Thanks.
  20. Get your msl and enable those bands. A stock n5 picks up 26 with no problem. It's 41 where it struggles. Sent from my Nexus 5
  21. It doesn't have to be a nexus. Wouldn't any triband device provide the same result? Spark update or not. Shouldn't matter. Sent from my Nexus 5
  22. You didn't pick up any band 26 in KC? I hear it's a great market for that. Sent from my Nexus 5
  23. Unfortunately, that's the nature of a 5x5 PCS LTE carrier being deployed. It's going to get saturated. We just have to play the waiting game for uscc/26/41. Help is on the way, and has been for some time. It's just taking far too long. Band 41 clearwire and NV 2.0 is understandable because it requires a physical build. Sent from my Nexus 5
  24. Triband and ecsfb issues just don't work, period. It's not a defective phone, it's the network. You can solve it by waiting, getting a single band device, or just learning to live with 3g. Sent from my Nexus 5
  25. Vince

    LG G Flex Users Thread

    G Flex to receive KitKat/knock code update starting this week http://newsroom.sprint.com/blogs/devices-apps-and-services/lg-g-flex-smartphones-on-sprint-to-begin-receiving-kitkat-and-knock-code-update-this-week.htm Sent from my Nexus 5
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