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Everything posted by Vince

  1. Usb 3.0 will still accept a regular micro usb charger. It will just charge a little slower. Was there a case on the phone partially blocking the port?
  2. But it's still there. If you need it, and have zero pcs, you'll connect. There's no need to be on 1x800 if you don't need it. It's for coverage expansion.
  3. True, and I've noticed better calls when they're HD on a regular headset. With this new headset, they're actually full HD. It's very nice. Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  4. Excellent. That was approximately the end of my several mile band 26 cruise last night. It turned off around Halsted on I-55. Look at your sponsor map. You'll see you're very, very close to a tower. But with a band 26 signal of -114, it's doubtful it was coming from your nearest site. Thanks for the report. Keep them coming, folks.
  5. Where is this? Please specify a location. Thanks.
  6. I love hd voice so much that I just bought a jabra extreme2 Bluetooth. I didn't know hd voice compatible headsets existed. Now I'm happy. Btw, I love amazon. Somehow, I ordered at 3am, and it was delivered by courier at 2pm. Insane.
  7. We have to accept the triband approach as a whole. It's what will make Sprint succeed. Their main pcs rollout is limited to their spectrum holdings. Deploying a 5x5 LTE nationwide carrier doesn't really work well in our technological age. People demand more and more data ever day, and will eventually crush that spectrum, especially in urban areas. Be thankful we live in a band 41 priority area, and work is happening at a rapid clip. Once that is widespread, capacity will be on par or above to all the other cellular providers.
  8. No need to fret. It's a total of at least $100 in donations. It doesn't have to be all at once.
  9. For band 26/41 tower updates, you need to be a premier sponsor. That requires a minimum of $100 donated.
  10. Firechat is strange. Under that "everyone" tab, is that really all firechat users? It doesn't seem like many are using it.
  11. If it was in fact a cluster (as I suspect it was) I can't wait for Robert to update the LTE 800 map and see exactly where these acceptances are, and how many are out there. I know I was hitting different towers as all the numbers on field test were changing while driving. Signal levels were changing, too. It was handing off very well. I can't seem to connect to 26 now when returning to that area, so the network is doing what it's supposed to do. I'm guessing it's because it's late, and this is usually the time of night in Chicago that band 25 is usable. All the data pigs are tucked away at home on wifi
  12. It's hard to say as I was driving, and didn't really go anywhere where my signal was so bad that it kicked me over to 26. I was out in the open and the network just had me stuck there to give a better data experience. I crossed the paths of approximately 5 towers and was never more than a half mile from a tower, and saw an LTE signal of -64dbm which is the lowest I've ever seen (really strong signal). I only ran one speedtest, and it was roughly 11mbps/8-9mbps.
  13. I drive the same areas every night at work, and it's all I check for. Testing appeared to have started Monday, and now several towers appear to be blasting band 26 now. I think it's going to start ramping up rather quickly. This is so awesome. I'm actually getting LTE speeds on LTE on my iPhone in Chicago. First time ever.
  14. Big news: part of the south side just got band 26 cluster launched! At 9pm, my phone started going crazy. Fluctuating between no service, 1x, and LTE. Then it settled on b26 with absolutely fantastic speeds. It stayed on 26 for at least 30 minutes. Network management has me clamped on to it like a hungry pitbull on steak. I was connected from 40th and kedzie, north on kedzie to 55, and all the way down 55 north to the 94 east exit. I think it's happening, so if you're in the city, start checking engineering screens!
  15. I'm on day 3 of being able to grab b26 near 47th and Pulaski. It's hit or miss, but I can get it. It's strange because the speeds don't always change. It must be some kind of testing phase.
  16. Both LTE and voice coverage on sensorly look good. Specifically, what is the problem in that town? Dropped calls, or slow data? That area isn't 100% with LTE, and slow speeds will happen until more LTE sites come online. When a geographic area has a bunch of phones slamming data on one tower, it can be a nightmare.
  17. Temecula looks pretty well covered based on sensorly and our sponsor maps. What kind of phone do you have? Do other Sprint users in your area have the same issue?
  18. I've always used my iPhone with the most minimalist case I could find. Apple black leather case, or spigen slim armor. My next option will be naked with the spigen glas.tr screen protector, and the included back film.
  19. Didn't find a single blip of band 26 elsewhere on the south side tonight. Only at my office. Went back there after my shift to see if earlier had been a fluke, and it was still partially on, or testing, or whatever you want to call it. I went inside where signal falls off and usually switches to 3G. Earlier, it was bouncing me back and forth between 25/26. This morning, the signal didn't matter. It just fell to 3G. Went outside and sat in my truck, and did airplane toggles, LTE/3G toggles for about 15 minutes and only latched on to 26 once. Pulled one 10mbps speed test in an area that has been <200kbps every day for 2 years. Also, band 25 is now consistently around 3mbps. Even inside the building b25 was great. Think there could be some down tilt/power adjustments/load balancing creating better all around speeds on this particular tower? Let's hope some big things get rolling in Chicago this week.
  20. Annnnd with that conversation, look what I just picked up in my office 10 minutes ago. It was coming and going. Idling on 25, data use kicked it to 26. Now I can't get 26. It seems random, could be testing. Signal was almost identical dBm on 25 as it was 26 at this location. In my office, I've never once crossed 100kbps, and it took absolutely forever to check trailer locations on a mobile site. Tonight it was flying, so I checked. Voila! I think it's finally happening, friends! This was on the south side around 47th and Pulaski. I'm starting my shift now and will be driving around all night looking at field test (and the road). I'll report back with any additional sightings.
  21. This is what I've been thinking all along. The timing is right. USCC shutdown here January 31st. If they planned on b26 being added to sites around spring, then it would be financially responsible of Sprint to only send a crew back to the towers once and install both simultaneously. Something has to be happening behind the scenes. We're a completely built out market, and the third largest city in the country (and way more built out than NYC or LA) with almost no traces of band 26 anywhere. I feel it coming soon, especially with someone catching 26 in the loop the other day.
  22. Vince

    LG G2 Users Thread!

    It could rollout for up to two weeks, I believe.
  23. It doesn't make sense. If some guy can create awesome battery life, why can't a multi-billion dollar company like Google do the same?
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