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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. Can Sprint just buy more of the shares now to get more ownership stake in Clearwire?
  2. I think this all started when Dish and Charlie learned that Sprint was up for sale. I think prior to the Softbank deal, no one knew that Sprint was up for sale. Since Charlie is so desperate to enter the mobile video business, he understands he needs spectrum and a wireless carrier that can build out a LTE network that can deploy their S-band spectrum. He understood that the cell phone service is where most of the mobile video traffic is coming from and that most people have a cell phone its a perfect market to enter in. Of course Charlie Ergen hates Softbank a lot because he is competing against them for a major wireless carrier that can help deploy his vision.
  3. What is the "standstill agreement"? Is this the thing about some period expires in November where it only needs 50% of the vote instead of 75%?
  4. Has softbank publicly acknowledged that the Softbank/Sprint deal is dependent on whether they acquire Clearwire outright? If so then that plan is definitely backfiring on Softbank's face. As Dish's attempts at getting Sprint grow dimmer with the national security issue resolved today, it seems that Dish can throw any arbitrary number higher than $3.40 to block the vote for Clearwire given that Softbank might say "No" if it can't get Clearwire with the Sprint package. Its genius if you ask me. It helps stall time to give Sprint more time to consider the Dish bid if they know Softbank would drop out if they don't get Clearwire. I am confused though, how can Dish still acquire Clearwire if Sprint still has majority vote on the company and they would obviously vote "No" on that deal? It seems like a DOA proposition and Dish is just trying to drive the price up. Why doesn't Dish just propose an outrageous number like $10/share and stop playing the cat and mouse game.
  5. Don't get me started. I am still livid about the abandoned ICS project on the Photon. Since its slated to be released in 2H 2013, it should have tri-band LTE so I am not so worried about that. I think Sprint knows the importance of needing to begin releasing tri-band LTE phones on its flagship products.
  6. Looks like there is going to be a Motorola X phone coming later this year that is suppose to compete with the iPhones, Galaxy S, HTC One, LG Optimus series. Hopefully it goes to all carriers and is slated for 2H 2013 release. What this also means is that if it does come to Sprint, it will most likely be a tri-band LTE phone *woo hoo*. Not that I would buy a Motorola product this time around due to my bias toward the lack of support on the Photon 4G but I am be happy to see more competition in the smartphone space. If Motorola improves on how they treat their software updates, I may come back to Motorola in the future but certainly not in 2013. http://www.technobuffalo.com/2013/05/29/moto-x-confirmed/ http://allthingsd.com/20130529/moto-x-coming-out-by-october-and-its-all-about-sensors-and-will-be-built-in-texas/ http://www.engadget.com/2013/05/29/motorola-chief-mentions-moto-x/
  7. ericdabbs

    X Phone

    I don't think this XFON phone to be released soon on most carriers is the Motorola X phone. Look at this post for more information. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/3899-new-motorola-x-phone-rumor-slated-for-october-moto-ceo-confirms-at-d11-conference/?p=146325
  8. ericdabbs

    X Phone

  9. When would be it be a reasonable time for sprint to go after Tmobile? Obviously Sprint would need to wait until the Softbank/Sprint/Clearwire merger is done and possibly after they obtain the H block spectrum first.
  10. Mr. Ergen must be shaking in his boots. I wonder what press release he is stirring up right now to downplay this news to be release to the media tomorrow. The main hurdle still in the Sprint/Softbank/Cleawire merger is the voting approval of the Clearwire transaction on Fri, 5/31.
  11. Mike, thanks for clarifying why Wimax was not included in this app. I wouldn't even worry about Wimax even if it wasn't proprietary dependent code since we need to be forward looking which is LTE. I am pretty sure I might be one of the few that was wondering about the lack of Wimax support but I was just curious to see how the app would have worked with it. Hopefully when I get a LTE phone later on this year, I can actually use this app for its intentions of searching for LTE and 800 MHz CDMA
  12. I like the new format of the NV Running list thread especially the extra entry about percentage of LTE sites accepted out of the percentage of NV sites accepted. Hopefully the remaining 2nd round markets get complete.
  13. 1. Palm Treo 700wx 2. HTC Touch Pro 3. Motorola Photon 4G (current)
  14. Mike, I just wanted to say thanks for making this app for all the S4GRU members in providing a tool to help us determine our LTE and CDMA signal strength. I finally decided to buy the Pro version to help support you and your efforts. Keep up the good work!! Besides I hated not having the ability to access the preferences. Too bad your app doesn't support Wimax discovery since I still have a Wimax phone. Can't upgrade to LTE phone until later on this year.
  15. *yawn*.....Well good for you. O RLY???? Wat u want..a cookie? Cool story bro. Ill be sure to put my 100% faith in sprint store reps for facts about network vision next time. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  16. Silly rabbit..tricks are for kids. Of course Phoenix is going to get 4G LTE. The reason for all the 3G only upgrades maybe that backhaul is not ready in areas yet so alcatel cant sign off on the 4G as good to good. Patience and you shall be rewarded Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  17. Wow looks scary. I do not want to be on that tower rack.
  18. Thanks Travis for writing this article. I look forward to reading more on Part 3 of this series.
  19. Probably not until Network Vision is done or close to being done. I think Sprint needs to see how much LTE capacity is available once most of the 38,000 NV towers are upgraded with LTE. If anything I see the larger metros receive a second 5x5 LTE carrier first.
  20. Anyone else notice this on the sprint LTE website under the "4G LTE" section and "markets across the country". I think this is great and I like this list of cities like Verizon and ATT display it. If only Sprint will add a "4GLTE" icon on their LTE phones instead of a "4G" icon that would be great. List of Sprint's current LTE markets http://shop2.sprint.com/en/shop/why_sprint/4g/4g_lte_coverage_list.html?INTNAV=NET:MS:051313:4GLTE
  21. I wonder if this phone will be a Sprint exclusive like the Photon series. Also the fact that it will be single band LTE means that I certainly will not be buying this product. Too bad though...I was hoping that Motorola was going to try to step it up this year by offering a its own flagship phone like the rest of the major OEMs.
  22. YES YES YES. ICS would have done wonders for the Photon 4G. For one thing the devs with Moto ICS source would have been able to find a way to make stable ICS/JB ROMS with full functionality and 4G Wimax working. One thing that bugs me currently is that if you unlock bootloader, you lose your 4G.
  23. That could be true. I just saw that the deal is complete with USCC and I would expect that there would be a transition period given that the spectrum is actively deployed on USCC network. Also there needs to be some time between the two companies to hand off USCC customers to Sprint. Hopefully this can be resolved by the end of this year.
  24. I don't think it will cannabilize GN3 sales. The GN3 and GS4 are different phones and cater to different crowds. Perhaps those that have been waiting until October,like I am, are already set on the GN3 because of the larger screen regardless of a tri-band LTE S4 model.
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