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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. I guess for me, my thinking is ...why waste that 800 MHz RRU when its eventually going to be providing 1 LTE carrier (5x5) when it can easily provide 2 LTE carriers (5x5 and 1.4x1.4 or a pair of 3x3). I think any extra capacity at 800 MHz would be welcomed. The new base stations can easily accommodate that. However I think the costs of extra LTE carrier card may end up outweighing the benefits of deploying an additional 1.4x1.4 or 3x3 LTE carrier. I hope I am wrong and we do end up getting a pair of 3x3 LTE carriers at 800 MHz.
  2. I understand. However I believe the guard band required for CDMA are more stringent than they are for LTE. I don't think that an extra 150 KHz is going to be a deal breaker. I believe CDMA needs 625 KHz guard band while LTE needs about 225 KHz guard band. I know someone will correct me if I am wrong.
  3. I agree that the ESMR 1xA carrier would be the last CDMA carrier that Sprint would get rid of. Since Sprint has 7x7 (14 MHz) of ESMR spectrum in most areas of the country, I wonder if they could at some point refarm that last CDMA carrier to deploy a 1.4 x 1.4 MHz LTE carrier. The spectrum needed is just slightly larger than a CDMA carrier (1.25 x 1.25 MHz)
  4. Anyone go to their local Sprint store and ask the CSRs about this and to see what LTE phones would be available?
  5. I haven't heard of that. LA and OC markets should have 800 MHz LTE Sent from my HP Touchpad using Tapatalk 2
  6. I have no idea why Dish complains. Make a tender offer for Sprint or shut the hell up. All this whining to the FCC is really annoying. I still don't know what Dish's endgame is. They are trying to juggle the Sprint and Clearwire deals and playing A-hole in both deals.
  7. I am not asking for Android to be optimize to the level of iOS especially since the hardware is not being designed by Google. I think it would be very hard to emulate what Apple is doing but that doesn't mean that Android can't improve on power optimization with the latest Linux kernel. It has been one of the ongoing issues with Android from the beginning and making strides every year will help it more. I want better battery life for me and not for more market share. Android has enough market share in the mobile space. I also disagree that a better battery life will hurt Apple sales even more. People like Apple and iOS because of its simplicity, ecosystem and integration with other apps. I don't see Apple's market share going down especially with the improvements to iOS 7 that brings a lot of Android features.
  8. I think Sprint is going to wait until the Dish vote for Clearwire to see how much minority shareholder support they need to win over. The Dish vote is going nowhere anyways since Sprint will just vote down any deal that Dish proposes. Sprint can convert their financing they lent to Clearwire as additional ownership stake which equates to a total of 68%. Either way Sprint and Clearwire still have an existing TD-LTE wholesale agreement to provide TD-LTE to Sprint customers. I think we will see TD-LTE in use by end of 2013. Worst case is that Sprint and Clearwire drag this saga until end of November where Sprint can change the bylaws to only require a majority vote needed for business related transactions.
  9. Looks like PCWorld has caught on to the updated Sprint Wimax terms with this article. I do wonder about this "Transition Option" for current Wimax customers. I should swing by my local Sprint store to find out what that means. "Transition Option: If you select the Transition Option, you will receive a free standard Sprint LTE capable device and can maintain your existing Service plan, if available." I wonder what is the criteria in order to get a free LTE device. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2041996/new-terms-in-sprint-contracts-look-toward-wimax-shutdown.html
  10. After seeing the apple keynote for iOS 7, i would like to see some improvements to Google Now in terms of being able to "turn off/on bluetooth" or "read my last voicemail." I think more improvements to project butter and RAM usage will hopefully help with battery life. I would like to see an anti-theft mechanism similar to what apple has in iOS 7. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  11. Sprint has officially announced that tri-band smartphones from samsung and lg will be released later on this year...so dont worry they are coming. Also sprint announced the first tri-band hotspots and usb modems to be released this summer. This was all announced at the CTIA conference in late May. There will not be any dual band LTE smartphones at this point. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  12. I was going to make a post about that inaccuracy but I let it slide. Otherwise it was a good article by PCWorld.
  13. I guess I didn't remember it in detail since its the iPhone which I didn't care too much about. I thought it was SVDO that was the stickler on the iPhone 5. Hopefully the iPhone 5S will have triband LTE and SVLTE. I just quickly reread the wall article back in Sept 2012 and yes you are correct it was noted that the iPhone 5 doesn't support SVDO or SVLTE.
  14. The iPhone 5 doesn't support SVLTE? So customers can't talk on CDMA and browse on LTE at the same time on the iPhone 5? If that is true then I don't get why Sprint would allow that in the first place.
  15. A lot of Wimax customers that signed up in 2011 like myself are due for an upgrade this year and I know most can't wait to get off the Wimax network. I really want to help Sprint out here by moving over from WiMax to LTE but Sprint needs to offer that tri-band LTE phone at this point for me to pick up now and re-up with them. I know I am not alone on this. The earliest I see a mass move from Wimax to LTE will be later on this year as the NV project progresses and more areas are lit up with LTE and tri-band LTE smartphones are released.
  16. I have a feeling that since 1x 800 is still not prevalent on most NV sites, Sprint is provisioning their PRLs and cell sites for now to give 1900 priority over 800. I am not sure if there are any issues handing off between 800 and 1900 for CDMA during a call and I think Sprint doesn't want to take any risks until 800 CDMA is more widespread. I think by the early to mid 2014, we will see updates to PRLs and provisioning at the cell sites to give 800 higher priority. I don't know how fast the rollout of 800 CDMA is expected to be considering that all NV sites already have the majority of the equipment installed and do field testing. I am hoping when workers have to go back to cell sites to install 800 CDMA that they install 800 LTE as well and do dual testing of 800 CDMA and LTE to have it accepted at the same time.
  17. I have a feeling that Dish will wait until the very last minute on June 18th to thwart and make a tender offer for Sprint. This Sprint/Softbank deal needs to close now so that Sprint and Softbank can focus on how to get Clearwire as well. Dish just needs to go away.
  18. I totally understand that u can easily pop in a sd card for more space. Getting good battery life is pretty darn important. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  19. Doubt it. The next flagship phones are due in oct and nov. I can upgrade now and it pains me that i have to wait until Oct for the note 3 since i want that tri-band lte support. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  20. I wasn't talking about what the antennas and RRUs look like. I know what those look like and aware of those threads. I am talking about the AL and Ericcson base station cabinet internals. I have seen some brief Sprint press release shots of AL and Ericcson cabinets but not up close and detailed like the Engadget article.
  21. I don't have the Note 2 but I was just curious for those that know, how much of the storage space does the stock Sprint ROM take? And then how much storage space does the Digiblur ROM take? I know Sprint only had the 16 GB model on sale. I am just curious how much storage space you save by getting rid of some of the bloatware apps.
  22. I just wish some of the other tech blogs would do an upclose in personal article with tons of pictures of the cabinet internals of Sprint Network Vision sites for Alcatel Lucent and Ericsson markets. Ive seen the Samsung ones before and unfortunately the engadget article is the same since its based out of San Francisco.
  23. LTE 800 is already starting in the Charlotte market or are you generalizing? Wasn't sure either way. Charlotte sure has stalled lately... I'm hoping for a Big Bang week. I think what robert is referring to is that most NV build sites already deployed have LTE 800 equipment installed on it already and ready to be fired up once iDEN airwaves is shutdown. Some provisioning and testing at the base station will be needed and sprint can fire up LTE 800 quickly on those NV completed sites nationwide. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  24. So I take it that the OP's issue is Sprint's fault on the network side and they need to adjust and optimize their settings at the base station to have handover occur sooner so it doesn't have a "break before make" issue between 1900 and 800? I presume that once more 800 CDMA sites are up this issue won't be as bad?
  25. Quick question about the dual mode Alcatel RRUs (this might have been answered before), how many CDMA and LTE carriers is it capable of handling? I am just trying to figure out how future proof these dual mode RRUs in terms of adding additional capacity. How do the dual mode Alcatel RRUs fare against the other vendors in terms of number of CDMA and LTE carriers those dual mode RRUs can support?
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