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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. thanks for the link. The app works great!!!
  2. I hope the htc one max has a stylus like in the htc flyer with multiwindow support. If the phablet only has 16 gb of storage then they better add a microsd card slot for additional storage. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  3. Its sounding like there is a possibility of a Sprint Galaxy S4 to support tri-band LTE? I hope this is true but then again I don't know if Sprint has had any track record of releasing an updated version of a device.
  4. Not to mention that Wimax has a 10 dBm weaker signal than LTE. I am not sure if Wimax 2 would have improved on the overall signal strength than on LTE. If you combine the fact that Wimax was deployed on 2.5 GHz and the Wimax weaker signal than LTE the coverage would still be spotty. I know Sprint got into the LTE game later than they would have liked to but I know in the long run it is a better move than to stick with Wimax 2.
  5. I highly doubt that Samsung would take the time to upgrade the processor from Snapdragon 600 to Snapdragon 800. If there is a Galaxy S4 tri-band LTE model, it would pretty much be the same phone with upgraded internals. Perhaps Samsung may give it a slightly different model number to distinguish the single band LTE model and tri band LTE model but I am not expecting big changes. I am still curious though if Sprint will really put out an upgraded Galaxy S4. I have already told my younger brother to wait until Fall to upgrade to the tri-band Galaxy S4 since he wants to upgrade his phone right now. I don't want to disappoint him if it doesn't turn out to be true. Hopefully this thread will provide any updates to news on a tri-band LTE Sprint Galaxy S4.
  6. Tmobile plans to launch 4x2 MIMO antenna technology in hopes to boost LTE network performance at cell edges. I believe they will be the first major wireless carrier to deploy 4x2 MIMO so it will be interesting to see how the LTE performance will behave in these markets. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/report-t-mobile-use-4-2-mimo-boost-lte-network-performance/2013-06-05
  7. So are you saying that your PRL file contains all of the 4 SIDs that are missing in the latest 6/5/13 release of Sprint stock PRLs? I assume your PRL file is more complete than the Sprint stock PRLs?
  8. There is no evidence that the 1x Advanced carriers has been configured for 4x capacity at the NV tower side. So even though at some point it can be configured for 4x capacity it will still be years from now before we see that happening. Also the "4x capacity" is a culmination of the tower side and handset side 1x Advanced upgrades which so far only the smartphones beginning in 2012 contain the qualcomm chip that supports 1x Advanced. There are still plenty of folks out there including myself that have yet to upgrade which are still on 1x CDMA 2000. Sprint cannot afford to collapse all CDMA voice into a single CDMA carrier on 800 and 1900 just yet. Also we have to keep in mind that multiple 3G EVDO carriers are eating up precious spectrum which cannot be taken down until LTE is well into completion. I see Sprint only taking down all EVDO carriers only to free up spectrum when it plans to take down the entire 3G network all together 1x and EVDO which would signal VoLTE is prime time ready which will be many years from now. We still have AT&T and Tmobile running 2G networks for gosh sakes. The problem with Clearwire TD-LTE is that currently it is going to be deployed on a hotspot basis. Clearwire still hasn't mentioned any plan of upgrading all 16,000+ sites to TD-LTE and also to major markets that were never deployed with Wimax. We just don't know the full plan that Softbank/Sprint have for TD-LTE yet and I find it hard financially and feasibly to deploy TD-LTE nationwide. Therefore I am not convinced and going to overestimate the impact of TD-LTE in terms of its offloading capacity in most areas I will be in. All I am saying is that if that if Sprint can get at least another 10-20 MHz of PCS spectrum they should. There is nothing wrong with Tmobile focusing only on AWS spectrum. The AWS spectrum band is growing rapidly with the AWS-3 (2155-2180 Mhz paired with 1755-1780 MHz) spectrum being auctioned sometime next year which is 50 MHz of fresh AWS spectrum. Tmobile and possibly Verizon are going to be the major players bidding on that spectrum. Tmobile will be fine and they can always refarm their PCS spectrum into LTE.
  9. I noticed your posts seem to double quote the person you are quoting. What is up with that?
  10. I disagree that Sprint has enough mid band spectrum at 1900 MHz. There are still plenty of markets that have < 20 MHz of PCS spectrum (not counting G block) that can use more capacity relief. Since the PCS band is Sprint's main band for voice and data, Sprint should still strive to get at least another 20 MHz of PCS in all markets. Bidding aggressively for nationwide PCS H block spectrum licenses will be a good start. I am not going to bank on 600 MHz spectrum as the savior since we don't know how willing the TV broadcasters are going to give up their spectrum. It can be a small band which wont' do too much for capacity relief.
  11. I don't think HTC will be as scared to do a split screen functionality now considering that Samsung has made the bold move to lead the way. Even LG has a slight variation of a split screen. The reason Google made a big deal about multiwindow functionality on Android was that they were afraid that not all apps were able to support it and might screw up the user experience. Thus far Samsung's implementation has not ruin user experience.
  12. Are the rumors that the HTC "T6" phablet will come out in Sept/Oct around the same time as the Note 3? I'll be curious if this T6 phablet will have the same aluminum body as the HTC One and whether it will carry a stylus with HTC's own software. I would really like to see HTC come out with a multiwindow function like Samsung. I think its great what Samsung has done with the multiwindow functionality. LG makes an ok attempt with Qslide for multiwindow functionality but its applications are still very limited to LG's select few. If LG can allow devs to develop for LG's Qslide it would help a lot.
  13. Having 3 major carriers in the US would suck after seeing how much Canadian cell phone service cost. I mean as much as I like Sprint, I like to have choice in case Sprint does not work for me. I know Tmobile can be a viable competitor if only it had some low band spectrum which the 600 MHz would help with that to help with coverage. Maybe Leap, US Cellular and Dish can team up to be competitor in case a Sprint and Tmobile merger were to occur.
  14. Either way the first thing I want Sprint to deal with is the Clearwire situation. Get that out of the way with Clearwire under their belt and begin integrating 2.5 GHz TD-LTE into the Sprint network ASAP. After a few years down the road when Sprint and Tmobile are almost complete with their Network Vision projects and Tmobile has finished integrating MetroPCS into their network, Sprint and Tmobile can begin talking about any possible merger if there is mutual interest. The key is both Sprint and Tmobile need to have sufficient LTE networks up and running that covers their 3G footprint and that will certainly take another 2-3 years. If Sprint does have a specialty group now within the company to begin thinking of how to integrate Sprint and Tmobile from a technical and business standpoint then kudos to them to think ahead. Planning is very important and the last thing any of us want is another Sprint/Nextel type of merger.
  15. If Dish were to acquire Clearwire completely, why would Sprint still have the right to keep all of the BRS spectrum? Charlie is not dumb and knows that BRS spectrum is more valuable and doesn't have to deal with spectrum leases like in EBS. Charlie wouldn't let Hesse have that since Charlie believes in a zero sum game. Sprint needs Clearwire and if it means they have to wait for the end of November clock to do so they will to modify the rules. Son wants all that 2.5 GHz spectrum to help build a strong Sprint network to compete on LTE just like in Japan. I don't see Softbank/Sprint give up that easily on Clearwire.
  16. Wow that Mexican IBEZ boundary is so large. It practically almost covers Los Angeles. Hopefully Sprint and the Mexican government can work something out so that Tucson and San Diego can get 800 MHz support at some point. Also does anyone know how long ago did Alcatel Lucent switched over from the older RRU setups to the newer RRU setups?
  17. That is just crazy talk. June 30th is the first day that sprint can start shutting down nextel sites. Probably wont see first 800 mhz LTE sites accepted until august. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  18. Clearwire postponed the shareholder vote because of the latest Dish counterbid offer. No date has been set for the reschedule of the shareholder vote.
  19. A Sprint/Tmobile tie up wont' happen for a few years anyways...don't worry. Sprint is not going to engage in back to back mega mergers and will focus on Network Vision 2.0. Besides you want Sprint and Tmobile to be remain separate as they both accumulate additional spectrum (PCS, AWS and 600 MHz) and each company needs to focus on their own "Network Vision" before they merge. I see Leap and US Cellular get bought up before Sprint/Tmobile tie the knot.
  20. Thanks for the image. I feel better about it now. In this case, maybe the best route for Sprint to go to acquire Clearwire is to wait it out until November. I just hope the release of tri-band LTE devices are not delayed because of this Clearwire debacle. I know Sprint has already sent out a press release talking about tri-band LTE devices later on this year but who knows.
  21. Where are you going to find these "better" frequencies? The only upcoming spectrum auctions in the next few years are the PCS H block, AWS-3 block, possibly 600 MHz and possibly some other one from 1695-1710 Mhz (FCC still looking for paired 15 MHz of downlink spectrum). I would like Sprint to dip into the AWS pool since most of the other major carriers are supporting it but I think its going to be hard to convince Son to drop 2.5 GHz completely since he has a TD-LTE ecosystem built in Japan already.
  22. I am trying to see if there are any cons for closing the Sprint/Softbank deal in July if they can do so. If there isn't really a con, I don't see why Softbank/Sprint wouldn't do it to seal the deal. If Softbank made Sprint and Clearwire combo a condition and the merger would not occur without it, then it gives Dish more firepower to continue to just 1 up Softbank every time they propose a new Clearwire offer knowing it will continue to delay the completion of the merger. If the Softbank/Sprint deal is finalized then Charlie knows he only has Clearwire to hang his hopes on and Sprint can play the waiting game until end of November to seal the deal.
  23. So how does this affect the Sprint/Softbank/Clearwire merger deal which was suppose to be able to close in July at the earliest. I guess if Softbank/Sprint plays this Clearwire debacle until end of November then this Sprint/Softbank/Clearwire merger won't be closed until early 2014?
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