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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. Wow!!! This news about Sprint and Clearwire on my birthday today!!! Thank you Sprint for making my birthday wish come true. I wish Clearwire didn't postpone the vote from June 24th to July 8th but I understand they need to give shareholders time to think about it even though there is a very good chance this merger will go through.
  2. I hope CDMA 800 is accepted quickly after the June 30th shutdown. The voice coverage of 800 MHz is long overdue.
  3. So on Google Play is this version labelled 3.15 dated 6/19 or is going to be a new version number dated 6/20? Edit: I just refreshed the page and now its dated 6/20 on Google Play page. Downloaded the app and I love the ability to customize the audio tone for the LTE and 800 alerts.
  4. I'll believe when it passes the FCC and see it. It hasn't been confirmed yet that Sprint will get this model of the GS4.
  5. I'll be totally honest with you. I don't like those "Estimated Completion Dates" especially since things are so influx and its hard to predict when a market is complete. I think its actually better to either remove it or be realistic and push all completion dates 9-12 months back to what they currently are. I honestly don't think Network Vision will be done until end of 2015 with LTE upgraded and not just the NV sites all upgraded.
  6. 800 MHz will be better overall at providing consistent higher data speeds and voice deep indoors than 1900 MHz. If you are outside, most likely you won't be able to tell since Sprint will try to prioritize 1900 Mhz for voice and 1900/2500 MHz for LTE. The only way you can tell if you are using 800 MHz is by looking at your engineering screens on your phones or you use an app like SignalCheck to find what frequency your phone is currently connected to.
  7. Not to mention AJ's other dream of wireless carriers leasing spectrum they use by market and re-evaluated on an annual basis.
  8. I understand that even when Sprint runs this promotion of trying to kick off Wimax customers to LTE that not everyone will be satisfied since not every market has LTE yet. I am just curious what LTE devices will Sprint offer in the promotion to keep customers around. I hope its Sprint doesn't offer the lower end LG Viper, Galaxy Victory, Sprint Force/Flash/Vital LTE phones for free. If that is the case, I don't mind paying for my Note 3 and reupping my contract.
  9. Does the GS4 LTE Advanced model have a new model number? I would think so since its got new internals inside the phone. I guess I am trying to figure out how would we know if Sprint would be getting a GS4 refresh with the GS4 LTE Advanced tri-band LTE model.
  10. My dream would be that Dish drops their bid for Clearwire and Sprint/Softbank prevails. Dish makes a bid for Tmobile and fails. Dish then sells their S-band spectrum and sticks to cable. That would make my day.
  11. Multi pronged progress. First Sprint would need to turn off Nextel iDEN sites at switch centers in rapid succession to make sure the iDEN signal at 800 MHz is not being broadcasted anymore. I am not sure how long that will take. In terms of needing an additional visit to the towers, I am pretty sure that will be needed since they would need to install new carrier cards for CDMA and LTE and do some field testing to make sure its meeting performance requirements. I am not sure what the next step would be whether Sprint plans to tell its OEMs to go back to each NV cell site to install carrier cards for 800 CDMA and LTE so that it can both be accepted at once OR just go back to light up 800 CDMA for now and 800 LTE later. I hope the former is true because I don't want Sprint wasting the inspectors time making multiple trips to the same site when 800 CDMA and LTE should be accepted at the same time. I really want to see 800 LTE lit up by September if not sooner.
  12. Thank goodness. The bigger question is, does Sprint have enough minority votes in favor of the Sprint/Softbank deal to get this closed once and for all on June 25th?
  13. I guess Dish has until tomorrow, June 18th to come up with a fully finance offer for Sprint or else they are done? I really want Dish to go away so that the Sprint investors can vote for the Softbank transaction without any more roadblocks.
  14. I understand it will be a huge cost to subsidize that many LTE phones but at the same time Sprint can limit the choice of LTE phones available in this promotion. But I think the bigger costs are the monetary costs to keep both LTE and Wimax networks running and the opportunity cost of using that spectrum for TD-LTE. From what AJ said earlier, Wimax seems to take up a ton of spectrum up to 100 MHz. That needs to go away and make room for contiguous spectrum blocks for TD-LTE.
  15. You are confusing numbers right now. Robert has now split the running list into 2 different percentages of "Percentage of NV completed sites" and "Percentage of LTE completed sites". The "percentage of NV completed sites" is the percentage of sites that have NV equipment installed on them. The "percentage of LTE completed sites" is the percentage of NV completed sites that has LTE accepted on them. In the LA Metro market, Alcatel Lucent is the vendor that Sprint has contracted to do the NV installation work. Alcatel Lucent tends to keep their workers busy instead of waiting for fiber backhaul to arrive at each site so they tend to upgrade a lot of sites to NV equipment and hook it to legacy backhaul and accepted the 3G portion. Then when the fiber backhaul is ready, Alcatel Lucent goes back to those sites and hook it up to fiber backhaul and accept LTE.
  16. I don't know what Sprint would be waiting for? Lets start getting the news out to sprint corporate stores and offer Wimax customers the option to switch to LTE by offering free LTE smartphones. If Sprint were smart, they would try to get the majority of Wimax customers off by end of 2013 since the contract terms change where they pay by usage instead of fixed.
  17. Who cares about launch date? Sprint is lighting up towers as they finish with 3g/4g upgrades for customers to use. As long as you get LTE does it really matter that u get the press release to say its official? Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  18. You are jumping the gun here and skipping a few steps. While Sprint and Dish are the most likely bidders of the H block, the auction hasn't occurred yet. Until the spectrum is officially auctioned off, Sprint can't put the H block into their phones and certainly can't apply for a 3GPP band yet.
  19. I think what AJ is saying is that a 5 MHz LTE carrier has a internal guard band already since its only has 4.5 MHz of actual signal and the remaining 0.5 MHz is the guard band. I saw AJ's article he linked and you can see that from 1990-1995 MHz, both sides of it doesn't have signal until about 250 KHz on both sides and that is the internal guard band. It seems to me like every LTE carrier has a internal guard band and I would think that a 10 MHz LTE carrier only has 9.5 MHz of actual signal. Why would you need another guard band on both sides if the LTE carrier itself has a internal guard band? As long as the signals on both sides don't interfere with each other it should be good. I don't believe ESMR has any special rules about having additional guard bands just as long as it has one. CDMA/EVDO is different and needs a 625 KHz guard band on both sides since the carrier itself does not have a guard band.
  20. well what kinda phone are you looking for? Screen size, whether it has tri-band LTE or single band LTE, brand, etc? I have an upgrade I can use now too but I am going to wait until the tri-band LTE phones and I want a big screen size. I am looking at getting the Galaxy Note 3 but that won't be until October which sucks since I want to upgrade now. I am curious if the HTC One Max phablet will be available by October as well. I would like the opportunity to be able to test both devices out before deciding to upgrade.
  21. Later on this year huh....I highly doubt the "free LTE phone" will be available to any LTE phone in their lineup. It would be awesome if you could get the Note 3 under this promotion. I wonder if this is limited to only customers that are still under contract or just any Wimax customers. My contract officially ends in August this year but I plan to keep using my Wimax phone until the Note 3 comes out since I want that tri-band LTE. I wonder if I would qualify under these terms since I am not technically under contract anymore by October but I am still using a Wimax phone and I can say I need an incentive for me to switch. Hell I don't mind signing up a new 2 year contract if that meant I would get the Note 3 for free.
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