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Everything posted by transitwatch889

  1. there is a back log of info in the previous pages concerning the info. Members from a few days ago discussing it with more comments concerning it.
  2. I am hating the new write to SD card permission settings in 4.4.2 other than that I am liking it so far. What I have noticed is that Google keyboard does not like this device!
  3. triband issues. My tower took from the middle of November to just about 2 weeks ago so first of March. Good luck :-)
  4. speaker performance? How does Iit compare now they are both in front of you...
  5. Updated and I can't tell what is actually different speed wise it seems the same maybe a Lil less lag prone as it seemed to be the case. What are others thoughts on it?
  6. I'm a a heavy user so I am only just satisfied with 6hrs of screen on time I get with the one max I did have the powerfip case and pushed it close to 10 of screen on time that's a big deal too me. The nexus drains when used no mater how good the idle.
  7. yes please do a comparison of the speakers between the One max and the HTC one (M8). I feel like the One max is better than the HTC one (M7) so the (M8) should be on par with the One Max.
  8. Jealous as I don't think the One max can even touch that! I have a nexus 5 but love my max more lol
  9. Update on this topichttp://feedproxy.google.com/~r/cnet/tcoc/~3/ARy0oJhzi8k/story01.htm
  10. that is what I want to know as well. I would have made my way to a Verizon store to play with one hands on but it's too cold for that it's supposed to be spring and its like 30 degrees outside!
  11. I'm not saying the specifically it exist just the wording is hard for me to understand as it was quoted statement by Hesse "two big fat 60mhz channels"
  12. Well I should have specified the quoted part as well where it says two 60mhz channels bonded together essentially! That is a first I've read of such a thing I've read up to 3x20 for 60, but not 2x60 for 120mhz.
  13. When you press the share button on YouTube it gives you the copy embed code which includes the embedded code so you can play from site without going into YouTube page.
  14. So am i reading this correctly. Hesse mentioned in this article http://www.lightreading.com/mobile/4g-lte/sprints-hesse-hd-voice-goes-nationwide-in-july-/d/d-id/708372?_mc=sm_lr Hesse says that Sprint can also eek more range out of 2.5 GHZ LTE TDD spectrum with "8 transmitters and 8 receivers in one box" (8T8R) at the cellsite and MIMO (multiple antenna arrays) on the device. Combining this with carrier aggregation -- bonding unrelated radio channels for a fatter pipe -- could give Sprint 120 MHZ of spectrum to play with in the second half of 2015, Hesse said. "That's two big channels of 60 MHz," he adds. "We're talking 18 months away."
  15. I'm tempted to order because I'm impetuous. But I already have the nexus 5 original 2013 HTC one and the ONE max. I don't think I need it! But I want it!
  16. I remember reading that but couldn't recall definitively! Here then is hoping the HTC ONE max (2014) if there is one. Is, one of those devices. That would be nice!
  17. I think someone answered this a few post back weeks to months ago. But, when will phone be released that support Two Carrier TDD LTE band 41. I don't believe the S5 or new HTC ONE support two channel band 41 so getting them would make em unable to use the full extent of the network by years end if this is the case and Sprint meets there own target deadlines.
  18. I see, understood! Thanks for the clarification.
  19. I'm surprised this phone supports 700 tmus frequency already that's impressive on htc s apart and it also has dual carrier aggregate as well for att
  20. And we have a comparison of the m7 and m8 a day before release! All New HTC One (M8) vs HTC One (M7) - Full Compa…: Its a lot taller than I expected it too be!
  21. This seems like a good way for marketing to backup the network team into an uncomfortable position.
  22. Saw that last night before bed. It look like a nice device and I like the focus feature of the camera and the 3d effect he used as a demo. Looks pretty quick as well.
  23. I wish all phone launches were like this if true. Announce and release on same day! Good stuff
  24. Couldn't they use this a way of showing how the duo of vzw and t are favored, and a merger would benefit help scale as they want a competitive industry but remain to tip the scale in favor of the big 2 repeatedly. Or would that just anger the officials on calling them out on there horse dung?
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