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Everything posted by centermedic

  1. Absolutely, it is higher if you use data and possibly if you text. But for the person on a basic or feature phone who needs mostly minutes these are good deals. I dont know what the issue with signing a two year contract with a MNVO but I'm sure the contract is there because the phones are subsidized.
  2. Credo has some interesting deals going on right now. http://www.credomobile.com/lp/may13/maydm_1stmo.aspx?pc=317486&aid=4791835&cmp=may13dmsync&month=June&day=14
  3. Looks like 15,000 feet assuming there is no fiber in your area. http://webapp.psc.state.md.us/intranet/Info/dslfaqs_new.cfm
  4. See if you can find out where your central office is. They stop installing DSL at a certain mile radius because the speed starts to drop off dramatically. I check to see if I can what the cutoff is.
  5. Sprint already switched from GSM to CDMA. It would be surprising to see them switch back especially since GSM is not the future.
  6. Economy of scale. There are more GSM carriers worldwide.
  7. I think its the google servers. For the past month I have had multiple instances of Google drive hanging up while auto saving a document. This has happened on several different types of connections so its not an ISP issue.
  8. That was me! I think it was an anomaly There should be an Island of l LTE on Main street and Robertson and then on us70 and Moore st but nothing around it.
  9. Ran down Guy road from us 70 and had LTE untiI I hit Shotwell.
  10. I still remember around 2000 when sprint wanted to put a tower in Syosset They said no. Sprint said we will disguise it so it blends in. They still said no. When I left they were about five years into the process. I still don't know if they ever got the tower.
  11. I love that Sprint is allowing us to use LTE before launch. However, the more I read some comments on the internet the more I start to think it was a mistake.
  12. Thats what I am thinking. The old garner road site is RA03XC045. That seems a bit far based on what I picked up this morning. I had LTE almost down to shotwell road on 70. When I get a chance I check on RA03XC082 off of Guy road.
  13. Nice. I wonder if that is the tower thats throwing LTE into clayton.
  14. Sensorley LTE on US 70 in Clayton this morning!
  15. Have you identified the tower? Is it a new tower?
  16. I would get on the line with tech support. FWIW in my experience most data issues are profile related. Maybe that extends to emails and calls also.
  17. Five Million units moved. Not bad. http://bgr.com/2013/05/23/htc-one-sales-2013/
  18. I think the Verge article is premature at best. Sometimes when there is a changing of the guard it works out for the best. It all depends on the homegrown talent and what the new vision is. I also think that Peters decision to go ahead with the One despite the supply issues was the only right choice to make. They really needed to beat Samsung to market in an attempt to steal sales or at least prohibit the loss of their own sales to Samsung.b The last point is that HTC does not presently need to beat Samsung. They merely need to hold their own. Focusing on being the biggest versus the best is what got General Motors into trouble. HTC should focus on being the best and let marketing do its job. The sales will come on their own.
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