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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. that makes the whole dish/tmo/sprint thing interesting..... Whoever wins has to give up something ... dish trade to sprint to back off of tmo merger? dish or sprint buys tmo and they 2 trade spectrum sign roaming agreements to equal vzw like coverage??? is it possible?
  2. according to sprint you get the one time courtesy of upgrading while on old plan. The next time you upgrade they will try to make you switch unless you purchase outright.. so i am told
  3. dish and sprint are working together..... Charlie wants in ... If charlie knows sprint wants tmo AND goes and gets it... That "trial" thing with dish/sprint will be cut or raised really high in price for charlie..... Sprint CAN EASILY (maybe a little exaggerated) get by fcc. Sprint can get the merger ... Say charlie will be the 4th carrier, and whatever spectrum sprint doesnt want/need will be what charlie gets... Charlie can then start his wireless company The fcc wanted 4 carriers,was yes of course it better for comp. 2 small carriers will never be able to keep up with 2 BIG carriers... Time will eventually run out on the 2 small ones, which is what we have been witnessing the last 5 years with tmo/sprint. We all know if tmo/att went through it would have been wriiten in stone that vzw/sprint was next. The while the fcc might not want tmo/sprint... its obvious they cant compete with the big 2... While they are trying, the honestly cant put a dent into the other 2. Charlie wants in bad, let sprint and whoever merge, and then let charlie in =4
  4. x2 that should be the name until the actual merging is done... once it is done they should call it ....... NexG! next generation wireless!
  5. I totally agree and dont think the fcc will stop it. As I said before, if they dont allow it how do sprint/tmo survive? What will sprint and tmo look like in ~ 5-7 years? We will def be paying more the question is will it be "more" than the big 2???
  6. So sprint would basically just get more subs and overall have the best metro coverage? As far as capacity and density in just about every major city? Which for one could force reasonable roaming agreements with vz/att... Could they have so much capacity to let vzw/att offload or roam on their spark/lte/hspa+??
  7. Maybe thats how charlie gets in? sprint takes what it can and needs from tmo charlie gets the left over spectrum and something like that?
  8. I am bouncing back and forth between yes and no. I really think sprint is doing the best thing ..... LOOKING INTO IT they havent committed to trying to purchase it yet. If sprint does I can see it as a positive by it could actually help nv in some areas! Looking at how long it could take to complete imagine if new phones came out with one additional band! (didnt someone say quad band somewhere on this site a few weeks ago?) That would allow hspa+ for us and something for them until its finally consolidated in a 2-3 yrs? I dont believe sprint or tmo will ever be able to play with att/vzw unless they merge.. Obviously, with cash fromsoftbank sprint is still alive. Lets assume sprint backs out, completes nv - then what? Spark is making headlines but vzw already added capacity and better speeds QUIETLY. ATT is moving along as well. If either one of those 2 want to do something to stay ahead or keep up, they have can. So that alone will always keep sprint 1-2 steps behind. To be a national carrier, and keep low prices something has to give - and that has been our service. Now they are upgrading, how long will it be before prices start going up? A network that competes with companies 2x bigger, just as good but for less?-- For how long is the question. Tmo is doing it now- same question. For how long can they sustain it before it breaks their bank? Lets be real, why would someone leave att/vzw for less speeds/coverage? If the coverage and speeds are good and the price is less SOME will leave -yes. But I just dont see vzw/att LOSING 10MIL+ EACH over say the next 3 years. which is what sprint AND tmo need! IF tmo and sprint join up and somehow combined their aggressive pricing and got the network going THEN vzw/att people will start looking AND att/vzw will have to lower prices to stay competitive. When you talk to att/vzw now they are the "Jaguars" and sprint/tmo are the Yugos..... you go to them when you cant get service with us! vzw/att are simply to far ahead for any to compete with except themselves. Also, what about Charlie? Wait till he gets in! This could be the reason Sprint is doing this...1) To compete with the big 2.... OR 2) Charlie is gonna get in, so they are making him pay more for tmo... 3) Charlie is gonna get in with plans of buying a lot of regional carriers to get his own thing going - which would be a direct threat to tmo/sprint.
  9. I believe sprint should offer unlimited... maybe (please people dont shoot me) even raise it +10 and offer say 3gb for $20. I think its kinda silly for $20 for 1 and $30 for unlimited. I know some will pay more. However, for the heavy users they are still paying less, while some of us small users can save a little.
  10. I agree, remember everyone forgets that had att bought tmo it woulda have been a super giant, in turn sprint would have kept failing and would have been forced to sell out to vzw. That not only would have left 2 players, but that would have put all kinds of pressure on the smaller regional carriers. The big 2 would essentially have control over the little guys by having so much power!
  11. Isnt 20 billion pretty cheap for 45 mil customers and their spectrum? I do agree tmo knows down the road sprints network will be much improved and on par with the big2 and tmo will be looking to play catch up and that will cost $$$$$$ whats funny though is 20 billion... That alone is probably why sprint is moving forward.... 20 billion for 45 mil subs which will put you right where you wanna be.....
  12. Sprint can never make vzw or att quake in their boots. Not until their numbers get close, sprint could have the best network but lets be honest are 25 mil att and 25 mil vzw customers gonna leave in the next 4 years??? Without sprint dropping its price to a $45 unlimited plan?!! Of course not, the only way ANYONE can compete with att or vzw is through the amount of subs - there is strength in numbers. As well as tmo and sprint would like to think they are doing its only a drop in the bucket - most of their numbers come from each other- not from vzw/att. Tmo/Sprint will sink billions into networks to try and keep up with the big 2. Those guys have all the power and money, while sprint/tmo will always struggle at some point because they arent making the same profit. This was shown recently in how much sprint has to pay apple just for the iphone. The japanese ow most of sprint now and tmo isnt american owned either.. I wish it wasnt that way either, but obviously no one in our country wanted sprint the last 10 years lol
  13. a gs4 in coming weeks really makes me what wonder if there will be a gs5 anytime soon. Or maybe samsung has something special coming for 2014? just doesnt make sine to make a triband gs4 when a 5 should be out in 3 months give or take
  14. I think a lot of people are over reacting. This can be a great thing for sprint, they can possibly gain spectrum and customers for slightly more than what they would have to pay for spectrum alone. I dont see this merger being completed by say.. april 2014?! Some people seem to feel like it would knock sprint off its current path. So lets say the merger is approved by june... its gonna take awhile to decommission towers, etc, etc.. we prolly wouldnt really see anything until mid to late 2015....It wouldnt just happen overnight.. nextel was smaller than tmo people wise and look how long it took until they finally shut it down. .. Not saying it would take THAT long again but it isnt gonna be some chaos this coming summer. take the best of sprint and tmo put it together .... sprint spark and fall back to "regular" lte or hspa+? how would sprint people lose on out on that? with unlimited data????? There are pros and cons of course but 2-3/4 years down the road ..... wow!
  15. I cant get to a lte hotspot no matter what link I follow
  16. well, maybe Charlie wants a piece of the pie.. roaming agreements, and tmobile more than likely..... "tmobile plans on passing sprint etc,etc" .... why not get all that spec. buy tmo and sell whatever he doesn't need to whomever, Verizon,att,sprint.... Sprint is going across 3 freqs as we all know. With all the capacity issues att and Verizon will be facing, I am sure 3/ 4/5 freqs in a phone isn't far off.
  17. I know this is stupid, but how do I get a lte one? it keeps offering a overdrive which is wimax???
  18. stupid question...... Can I activate this on sprint AND tmo/att at the same time? just switch the sim cards?
  19. Sorry to offend you, just thought Sammy might do something different to increase its sales over the other little guys:-)
  20. Quick question... Outside of the phone being unlocked and hopefully cheap, is the G2 the same as the nexus? I know the buttons are different but from a rf, and processor, memory etc they are equivalent?
  21. kinda off topic but maybe Samsung is "reinventing the s4 because the s5 will be out later than usual? Might not even be a s5? move on to the galaxy round or curve ... whatever? Basically Sammy might come out with a new series in june or later to go head to head with the other big companies... (apple, htc etc)
  22. http://reviews.cnet.com/google-nexus-5/
  23. lets hope its activated.... those markets that have the band deployed already are all good size markets,,, what better way for sprint to "jump in" the big game.. they can start saying how fast and reliable the network is and do some of that phony testing ... like sprint has the fastest speeds... (in Denver) those bands need to be activated on the phone asap to lift the morale of sprint customers!
  24. call me crazy .... ok, but for some reason I remember being told Oct 11th the phone would be released.. now where I got that from, I cant remember but it was awhile ago... Lets hope I am right and not crazy
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