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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. I have a nex5 and I can't stream movies from Google it always loads and says error. But if I remove the updates it will work? Any ideas?
  2. Now it gets interesting.... After the presentation how can they say "no"? I think Son really wants Tmo and obviously with this presentation he is trying to sway some people. Guess he will know whether or not he a has shot by the end of the month.
  3. True very true, sprint caused confusion and frustration by launching spark, had they just had spark for band 41 it would have been easier for people to understand. Launching it For the network which still has a long way to go before its finished is what I don't get. But hey when its all done and everything is fine this will be forgotten. It just aggravates me when sprint people are selling it and think we have been fully updated in my area.. It just adds more to the misinformation...
  4. I understand. My point was did they not know about backhaul issues and so forth? They couldn't see the confusion it may cause? Especially with new customers? It just seems like they jumped the gun. I just see it as a fumble on sprints part that leads to misinformation, and another reason for people bash sprint. Again, it was something small that could have been done differently. I like the idea but it shouldn't have been announced until spring/summer or just band 41
  5. I find it hard to believe that so many people here can come up reasonable solutions to a lot of Sprint issues. Yet out of all the millions spent on Sprint administration and Execs no one can seem to solve some of these small but important issues. Smh The spark icon should be b41 only for right now until the build out is done. As mentioned above, people on spark with bad speeds give the network a black eye. Not the kind of press sprint needs When purchasing a new phone, it should have a sticker on the box that says, "please refer to S4GRU.COM for up to date Sprint LTE info"
  6. I just realized this, but why is the time ahead in the thread? Or am I still stuck in the past?
  7. Lol I am bound to DirecTV NFL ticket can't leave, but they give great discounts by the way
  8. I don't think can afford Tmo. Even if he got it for 30-35bil. Dish isn't doing well right now. I think they were recently in talks with dtv buying them out. http://www.businessweek.com/ap/2014-02-21/analyst-dish-network-clears-way-for-directv-deal Dish could be setting itself up to completely commit to this new wireless broadband thing.
  9. i am not sure, but i thought charlie was hurting for cash where selling to dtv was considered. i guess he could sell off some of his spectrum for a quick cash infusion? However, if he doesnt partner it could finish him if it doesnt pan out or if isnt exclusive to him in the beginning. especially if he hurting financially. If he did partner with softbank, this could see its way overseas with softbank and be global quickly, which son would love for sure. With all the possibilities of pcell this could really shake things up in the wireless world, or make it an even playing field between the 4. Gov will want to step in , as they might end up losing a lot of money from spectrum sales.
  10. Please feel free to chime in. My thought is with charlie seemingly backing down and claiming "Softbank is too much" He either has a very "sneaky" Plan, or he has a ally or friend with Softbank. While dish and sprint already have the broadband deal, this would be icing on the cake! Pcell apparently gets much better reception, so streaming video would be the norm, that's what charlie wants... Not only would he be able to get stable home broadband speeds but you could add a pcell Sim to your LTE phone and have TV etc on the go with his service. Sprint and dish together can now compete with everyone from cable to Cellphone service, The scary thing is with the possibility of the merger this could potentially blow up fast! I wonder how much money a company could possibly save by deploying this in between lte weak/dead spots. This could be a starting point in urban areas and possibly save millions in rural areas, just stick them on lights on the highways or telephone poles. Just some thoughts
  11. Exactly, charlie has been very quiet as of late, and this could be his way of making a big splash. Possibly something similar to what sprint planned with clear? And possibly a little investment from Sprint?
  12. I was just wondering about my pings and then I saw this. I have a nex 5 now and I see LTE more, but today I was pinging from 800-1300! I couldn't believe it. My DL speeds were slower than up. Very rarely do I see less than ~150ms for a ping. When I do I am usually in Connecticut or Boston and my speeds are better, but not around my area. It could just be the app (sensorly) at home on wifi my ping is 600+ and using ookla on wifi ping is always under 60ms
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