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Everything posted by Feech

  1. I usually take my lunch at a Sprint tower (lots of shade and its pretty quiet there) today for the first time I noticed that this site only had 2 panels per sector..Can someone tell me why 2 panels instead of 3 which is what I normally see with other carriers? Does NV/LTE require 3 per sector even if the site called for 2 in the past like my example, and does 3 per sector give greater coverage over a area? stronger signal strength maybe?
  2. Not sure if you read my post yesterday about my call with them. This is the stuff they look for for customers, and encouraged me and others to report on thier site issues or feedback. Insulting them though might not be the best tactic
  3. Is it that they just want a pressence in this market? Sprint should take note of Verizon and Vodafone relationship and how they can't get rid of each other.
  4. I think They would pump money into Sprint. Why not it's an investment? Maybe see some real innovation in the carriers here in the US if they can do something different that we haven't see here before.
  5. I was thinking today of all my mania surrounding LTE and it made me think of all stupid things that make me think its right around the corner even though I have no clue. I would like to start a list of things that happen that make you think that LTE is happening any second..I'll start Today my phone was in 1X most of the day..Must be LTE coming..
  6. Nothing except my report from Tropicana Field this pass weekend..Did you get eHRPD yet Spence? I know Wildman did based on his post
  7. What I said was Sense is fine and was necessary until recently.. Right now there is nothing that Sense can do that can't be replaced with an app. To me HTC was first to the skinning game with the Window Mobile phones and with Android there was a rush for the handset makers to differentiate from each other. Right now though with the only vanilla android phone being a Nexus device I think they are missing a opportunity.. A big one. In fact they can keep making Sense devices but put them in a different category Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  8. So I exchanged my LTE a few weeks back because I was was having issues with the handset with it never disconnecting from 1X once it got there, and the phone heating up to sometimes 140 degrees internally. So today I get a call from HTC wanting to ask some questions about why I returned it. I explained my issues, and the issues that others on the website have talked about. Unfortunately, I'm not in a LTE roll out area and I was caught off guard by the call or I would have studied more of what you guys have been saying. I did tell her it seemed US that the thresholds may not be set correctly and I also talked about some of you guys experiences with multiple devices and the failure of the EVO LTE to connect properly without some janky work around such as power cycling, disconnecting from the mobile network, and airplane mode. She also asked what would I change about the device. I told her that HTC needs to ditch Sense from flagship devices they sell. Android was mature enough at this point that sinking money into Sense didn't make sense. I also made mention of the amount of time between release of the device and keeping it current within a reasonable amount of time. There was tons I told her. She did tell me to tell you guys to go to the website and leave feedback she said they definitely read it and act. She made mention too of the dance they do with technology in regards to the connection issues I told her about. She says they went through the same thing going to 3G. I don't know how much of what she said was crap or even if she gave a crap at all to be honest. I did feel though when I got off the phone that she really appreciated the feedback and she said she could tell I wasn't Joe Phone buyer and the feedback was helpful.. I also directed her to this site and to read through some comments. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. I don't think people are in denial. I think that between this roll out and my belief that the phone did not sell or is not selling as well as the original EVO there is not enough evidence either way. We like to think that we (mean the people on this site, XDA, and other sites like them) that we are the majority. I don't think we are and what we see is what we are looking for. Someone reported on this site that there was a handoff issue what happens? we are all looking for handoff isssue. I'm not saying you are completly wrong but I also think that we just don't know yet until a area is fully saturated or regular people in LTE areas are reporting no issues. If this is a software issue which most here think it is fixing should be easy hopefully. I'm also convinced that that there isn't enough EVO LTE's in the wild. Sprint was crowing with the OG EVO talking about how it was the best selling smartphone they have had. Nothing like that this time though. How many LTE's does anyone think got sold? 100,000 -300,00 maybe less? Take that number and distribute through the US. 6000 per state? Lets even say 10,000 per. I don't know but it does seem a big enough sample size to make any determination on how widespread the connection issue might be Besides, I'm sure that if we do have any issues we're all smart enough and have dealt with Sprint long enough to get a different model out of them (New Nexus anyone for xmas?)
  10. I think its a little subjective. If i had LTE in my area and the connectivity issues were persisting I would heck naw this phone sucks. Since I don't though I have to say hands down one of the best made phones I have ever owned. Hardware wise its hard to complain when you compare it to a SG3. Metal is the way to go. I would have bought the Galaxy but I can't understand why they don't use better materials.
  11. It funny since I saw it on Sat AND flashed back to a stock ROM I have lost it in this market. A co-worker though doesn't have it on his EVO when I checked., but the SG3 in store had it.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. Another tear from Tampa.. I'm not sure how you do it Robert and you know your market is going to be next year it must be killing you.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. So I will ask the question and likely get slapped down but I'll ask anyway. Typically after seeing eHRPD when do you see LTE? I know there is not a solid answer but just from what has been reported on the site?
  14. Glad I read this because i was gonna start another post. Over the weekend I went to a site that was know to have NV upgrades done. I origianlly was going to flash back to a stock ROM but didnt have enough time. All day while there I could see that I had eHRPD but my data was totally jacked up the network state either reading disconnecting or disconnected. I didn't know this though until I got home later in the day and looked at my screenshots. What made this more frustrating is that at some point all towers I came across that day went eHRPD and I was trying to connect tyo veriy. This was all on Saturday. That night I flashed by to a rooted stock Sense ROM to test again. This time no issues at all connected to eHRPD pretty easily, at night it seems to want to stay in 1x but that may be something else. This morning on the drive never disconnected and my data was fine. The problem with the CM10 and likely any AOSP ROM is that LTE is not saturated enough for devs to know it if works correctly.
  15. I asked this in another thread but didn't get an answer.. Is the software change something that is done at the Site or something they push to the sites remotely Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  16. This has made a huge difference.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  17. Not sure what phone you have but if it's the EVO LTE you have to toggle cdma and LTE mode in your network settings.. If you use root metrics, open signal, or cdma field test any one of them will tell you you are connected to eHRPD.. Also in your about phone in the settings will tell you Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. Its funny how it seems that all of this is happening at one time. I know that route from Riverview to TPA add to that my experience yesterday from Tropicana Field to the Tyrone Blvd area, then to Seminole, and today all the way to Central Ave and 1st Ave. It going down fast thats for sure. If you take our experience and throw in some other comments on this site from Jacksonville, Orlando, and the Miami area it sure seems like Florida may all come on line at once.
  19. Yeah I didn't notice until I got home but if you look at the screenshots in that other thread the network state is disconnected but data was working in some cases.
  20. Actually Robert you were the reason I actually thought it was possible because I read that post. The funny thing though and the Sprint guy couldn't explain it is that some of my data dependant apps worked and others did not. For example, I couldn't run a speed test but I could surf the web..
  21. So if anyone caught my Tropicana Field run today I found Ehrpd as expected according to Roberts map update a few weeks ago but did not connect to 4G LTE. What was not expected though was for me to find the connection held from The Trop all the way back to my house. After trying to determine what tower I was connected to I went for a ride and was able to continue to connect after a brief period where I disconnected and went to 1X. What I found though was once it had the connection it never seemed to connect, the message in the network state just said connecting. On the way back I had to pass by a Sprint store so I stopped in to maybe see if I could speak with one of the techs and see if that had been an issue they were familiar with. While waiting it occurred to me that I had a whole bunch of LTE handsets in front of me and grabbed the SG3 and sure enough it was connected to Ehrpd too, untainted by my earlier connection at the Trop which is what I thought was causing me to still see it at my house. I did talk to a tech in the store and he was familiar with what I was talking about and confirmed Ericson was in the area doing work and the guy stops in the store about once a month to touch bases..If anyone wants I will post map pic of where I am in relation to the tower just let me know.. As a side note I sort of feel dumb. I'm not sure how long I have been sitting on this knowledge and had no idea. The EVO LTE is really a piece of work and I hope they get around to actually updating it to fix the radio issue with connectivity. There is so much you have to do to get the damn thing to see Ehrpd power cycling the handset, airplane mode, disconnecting data, toggle CDMA, what a pain. Unless you were on this site I'm not sure how the average person would ever be able to use LTE with this phone
  22. No events over here today except youth football
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