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Everything posted by Feech

  1. Dang guys. Thanks for the answers but the only person to answer the question I was asking (albeit in a horrible way) was Rock_Paper_Scissors_ I guess I should have said cell sites..
  2. Question. Are the towers that Roberts has listed in his LTE upgrades all of Sprint towers?
  3. I don't claim to know anything about spectrum, but I really wished that Alltel and Sprint had hooked up back in the day.
  4. I see people on here talking about LTE logs that the phone has. Where do I find them? and are they available on a device that is running CM10
  5. Sorry man I haven't and I have been looking hard..
  6. 2 things..I know this is a pro Spint site, but I ran into another AT&T crew yesterday installing new panels. Same company that I saw that originally started this thread..AT&T in this area is busy. Seecond, might be a little more subjective. I lost data this morning heading to work hard. Nothing was loading. Then just as suddenly it came back. I have always had a issue sitting at my desk at work with data it just crawls. So far today has been an exception. My Google+ app NEVER, NEVER loads the pics that are in the post and today handled it with just a slight hiccup, same for my YouTube app. I didnt play video because that would just be silly but the previews loaded pretty quick. Been at this location for since 2004 and so far today having my best data day.
  7. The only thing I am seeing is better pings than in the last few months, speeds are still what they are but for some reason my ping times have decreased in some areas by as much as a few hundred ms..
  8. Excellent catch, not encouraging at all for my EVOLTE. Sad really that Sprints first flagship phone line that was actually worthy of the term flagship has been reduced to stepchild status. I wonder if there is a hardware issue similar to the One X
  9. I am a SERO user with two lines, I'm not sure if SERO makes money or not but I assume it's not a loss either. The SERO thing is interesting though because I have always believed that there isn't enough of those customers to move the needle one way or another and likely not concentrated in a single area to affect network usage. If Sprint has 40M customers how many are SERO less than 1 percent
  10. What I'm hoping for is that with the delay of getting panels in the air, the backhaul and radio stuff can be completed while they wait. I think we will know if one of Roberts weekly updates we see large numbers in Florida being accepted. This might be a blessing in disguise. Might
  11. Not sure how I feel about this and my opinion may change with time, but right I'm thinking from pure logic only. If Sprint were to raise rates to a point that would be close to Verizon or Sprint and by close I mean about $20 bucks a month I think I would have to bail. I love Sprint and have been with them a very long time and I'm not one of the ones that thinks Sprint owes me anything, but I really have to start thinking about all the coverage that was spotty to horrible over the last 5 years or so, and especially in the last 2 and I never complained just kept paying my bill. To suddenly have price not be an option and let service be the determining factor would be very different for me and I believe others, I'm not sure Sprint would come out on top in my mind. This is all speculation of couse and may change over the next year or so.
  12. We actually had a guy from the EPA come and hire us to hang a fishing line at the top of the tower with the reel at the bottom. We then rigged a owl or some other predatory bird on the line so they could raise and lower it to keep the birds off. This tower was in Starke, Fl if you have ever been in that area I'm sure you know the tower I'm talking about. Has bird crap all over it which is why the EPA got involved to begin with. I has been watching tower like a hawk since I found this site and at least in the Pinellas county area Osprey are not a concern. So hopefully we can see some progress here in Florida soon..
  13. Thanks..don't get easier than that
  14. I'm wondering if someone can answer this for me in regards to Sprint. What exactly is the reason my phone will have -120db in some areas and -60db in others? Is it distance to a tower? is it line of site? is it a combination of the two? Second when and where did Sprint go wrong or if they did even go wrong? Was it the smartphone explosion? Was it something else regarding the network. What happened that I went from pretty good service to what I have now? I have always had spotty service over the years but overall it worked so I'm just want to know what happened over the years..The more technical the better..
  15. Jailhouse lawyers Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  16. Some people in the initial roll out cities had to toggle the network setting from CDMA to CDMA.LTE or something like that. to get LTE to connect. Actually, now that I think about it, it may have only been EVO LTE owners.
  17. Are any of you Boston folks having to do any of the network change setting in the phone that the Atlanta people had to do when launch happened, or is it picking right up when you get in an area..
  18. This is good in the sense we should be able to get a good gauge on what the speeds will look like when the network is somewhat loaded up in a cities like Chicago and Boston. I'm praying for 7-8mbps
  19. the bad thing about the EVO LTE is if they don't get the radio fixed with a software update, what happens when people are out of the 30 day window for return like most of us are already? HTC has alrerady acknowledged a issue with the HTC One X but have done nothing to fix it because its a hardware issue. What if we are in the same boat?
  20. Its really not curious, as you mentioned its what they do. After the announcement they said the price for the adapters to use you old stuff would be $30. This morning it was announced that HD Voice would not work with Sprint because of the codec. I'm sure tomorrow will be another negative. Where else can you report all the good and over the next week after that tell people about the negatives. Apple is very very good at making hardware that works well, but its stuff like that which will never make me buy a product from them. Imagine selling a car and the then telling customers that you have to pay another $1000 to get the air bags to work all the time..
  21. I think now more than ever hardware is a wash when compariring devices. So that leaves software. In your case already having a a mac firly puts you in the iOS sphere, return it and get a iPhone. I persoanlly believe that from a software view you will find the iPhone limited compared to Android, but since you are halfway there with your mac, just make the jump
  22. I think you have missed my point which was I think the iPhone was driving the announcement Sprint made. I may be wrong but when WiMax was rolling out did they ever come out with a definitive list like that one and say these locations will be getting WiMax within months? Maybe but I don't recall it. In fact I can't remember any carrier coming out and making a statement like that about upcoming markets and that many cities at one time whether they are big or small. My point was that the iPhone 5 forced Sprints hand into the announcement, I also think it forced Sprint to stop blocking LTE sites too (that was my interpretation of the memo) Sprint has to sell iPhones bottom line, and they need to be able to compete with Verizon and AT&T. The unlimited data is fine that Sprint offers but to quote the girl in the Sprint store who was pitching a fit about her service "You shouldn't call it the Now Network, call it the Never when I need it network" according to her the data on the beaches was crawling and multiple service outages recently. People churning off of AT&T and Verizon to get unlimited data are going to be expecting speeds similar to what they had. And if you think the typical consumer is not going to see the difference between 1.5 and 10mbps your mistaken. Its the difference between night and day not just with video, but mobile gaming, and music streaming. Bottom line pre-orders for the iPhone is in 2 days and how many cities will Sprint have LTE speeds in when the phone ships? This isn't a rant but a observation. I think that we will see more communication like what we got this week to let people know Sprint LTE is coming, and I also think that we may see a uptick in sites completed.
  23. Well Robert wants a lot of feedback on this so it may not matter if its only a few people discussing it. I guess I'm looking for something a little more organized going forward. I'm predicting that this site will be the go to site for geeks all over when 4G starts lighting up over the country and well know sites start to link back to what Robert reporting here. I actually found this site myself months before I actually signed up. The reason I didnt become a sponser right away and register is because the site was not typically what I was used to. I think somehow on my first visit I got directed to the wall but didn't understand what I was looking at, then to the forums where there was a lot of "noise". This isn't anyones fault and its not a knock on anyone. It was just my first impression coming to the site. Obviously that has changed since I have learned the site more but even I feel funny when I post in the network forum about possible tower work being done in "Gulfport, FL" I'm not sure about the work part of it, but I would be a Mod if asked. I'm not trying to argue one way or another and it may be a horrible idea. What I am doing though is looking forward and trying to envision this site in the next few months when cities and towns start lighting up and what it may look like. I think being proactive is better than being reactive.
  24. That is exactly what I was thinking sorry I didn't see you suggested it..I would still need a place to talk to others about general network stuff too though.
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