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Everything posted by Feech

  1. This is my opinion only obviously, but what I think will happen is as the LTE markets start to roll out and people's LTE icons come on, those same people will come back to the forum and start with a topic name of LTE in Tupelo, MS or some other obscure place. Honestly, I read a lot from other cities and enjoy it but can you imagine a forum where you will have 100 topics over the next few months based on a LTE icon on the phone? It also pushes important stuff off the front page that otherwise could have been helpful or educational. I had no idea at some point it used to be like that on the site and people complained. I just think that there are days that I have where I just need to get to the info I need and not scroll thru 2 or 3 pages. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  2. So I was just thinking about the press release today about the markets that are going to be launched "within months" While most of us already knew most of what was announced, it does seem to be a departure from how Sprint and most carriers operate in most cases. So my question is why? Why would Sprint suddenly change how they normally operate and the answer I think will come on Wed. Everyone is pretty sure that when the new iPhone is announced it will include a LTE radio, and it will sell based on previous years but how can Sprint compete with Verizon and AT&T when they have a jump in LTE markets and add the fact that Sprint made a big gamble on the sales of the iPhone. This is just my opinion but I don't think we can count out the importance of the iPhone release and the direct correlation of the accelaration of Sprints LTE network build out. If Sprint can get customers to hang in there while the network is being put in place by making todays press release, then it would explain alot. Any thoughts?
  3. Just a thought but I'm wondering if it might be beneficial to the site to start breaking down the Network Forums into the Sprint Markets. I can only speak for myself of course but it gets confusing trying to sort thru everyones questions about "When is city X getting LTE?" when the rollout schedule is clearly listed on the site.
  4. I think that its great they are making an announcement like this. Just enough to get customers excited and not make a jump.
  5. Bad company Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  6. Body wash Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  7. Inventory Reduction Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  8. Race Bait Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  9. I am supposed to be getting a new replacement handset this week hopefully and will let you know.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. Electric Slide Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. Armed Guard Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  12. Feech

    EVO LTE Heat

    Just two examples from this weekend Sprint thought I was crazy till I showed them this.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. Better question is if they don't want them distracted why give them a smartphone Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Delta Force Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
  15. Feech

    EVO LTE Heat

    Waiting on my replacement now for heat issues Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Mighty mouse Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk 2
  17. High times Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. I loved this dude during the whole EVO LTE embargo, and he was better when the OG EVO came out. I know Sprint hates stuff like this but to me he was the only thing that kept me from cancelling my order for the LTE. Companies at some point are going to learn that there is a very large segment of customers that love phones and anything to do with them. We are not the majority but large enough. There is nothing wrong to give information AND saying this is the best info we have right now. Hell if I were Sprint I would be sending tweets stating what cities are having LTE sites installed, heck maybe a webcam. A reality type of show on line possiblly. It's not just Sprint of course and they are better than most but I think some business miss a real opportunity to interact with customers. Facebook and Twitter are fine but stupid updates and wallposts don't cut it in most cases. Tweet something significant like "Guess what Tampa we are in town..LTE coming soon" that would be cool but companies don't want that. Too busy trying not to be a dumb pipe I guess
  19. I would in this case respectably disagree. I'm going to make just 2 assumptions here its an important one but ultimately I dont thinkk it would make that much of a difference. I will assume that the mounts that Sprint has on existing tower (the mounts being the steel that actually ataches to the tower) are going to be used with the new panels and RRU's, it might not be the case because if the panels and RRUs are considerably heavier than the previous ones then the existing mounts may not be rated properly for the additional weight. For this conversation lets say that is the case though and the only thing being raised is panels and RRU's. I have no idea what the weight is of the panels but lets go totally crazy (and to make the math easy) and say each is 200lbs being raised. With a single pulley and a rope and a single person you would have to pull with 200lbs to get the panel to move into the air. With a block and tackle rigged at the top of the tower and the bottom of the tower though you can effectivley cut that in half. Most tower companies have a winch that they have on a trailer they carry with them making this task even easier. I'm not saying that they are not using a crane at sites, but what I am saying it is less common than you might think and in most cases cost prohibitive. To have a crane on site per day is in the range of $1000 - $3000, in Florida you can't drive them after dusk or something silly like that, which means if you have 2 sectors done at 4pm, and another sector left you may be able to hang the last but than crane is going to be on site for another day because he aint driving no where after dusk. In a lot of places getting a crane in is just not something you can do logistically. Lastly, depending on the site you might have to break down the crane at least one time to get the other sectors up in the air especially with a monopole site. Cabinets and shelters don't make using a crane that easy.
  20. I don't doubt that the panels are large, and I hate to come off like a know it all but when I used to do installs the only time we had a crane was for a brand new tower/shelter (self supporting tower we would assemble 3 or 4 sections on the ground and then raise each individually and tighten in the air, on monopoles each section was raised and put in place) Cranes are insanely expensive and inconvient, its per hour in most cases and they can only travel on the road during day light hours. So if a crane is onsite its usually there for a couple of days and you are paying for the crane to be there if being used or not. On top of that the person operating the crane is being paid too It would make sense that a crane was there if they were putting a nest at the very top but I can't tell from the pic. In most cases though for a exsiting tower a couple of blocks, tackels, slings, ropes. someone that knows how to tie a bowline, and a winch line is more than enough to complete a install
  21. Its strange that they would use a crane on existing site, I wonder if its a new site for Sprint were they at the very top?
  22. Glad to hear you're a happy camper..and as it is with flashing a new ROM I hear a official update is available today from HTC ..
  23. Do a Google search for Regawmod its a one click solution. Read the instructions carefully though and understand you are voiding your warranty.
  24. Another thing. The jury could have came back as Samsung did violate the trade dress but found the patents invalid. I'm sorry a rectangular phone with rounded corners is not a valid patent. Did Samsung violate the look and feel of the iPhone I would say yes, but as far as hardware that's a no Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  25. Well it seems now that the verdict is public and the jury is talking there seems to be some inconsistencies thru the deliberations. Like the NFL would say.. This one might be coming back Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
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