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Everything posted by Feech

  1. People are reporting at XDA that the new Deck build has the data connection fixed 10/25 build..
  2. I think I would take a walk off the Skyway if it wasn't for this site Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  3. I doubt it. When I worked for Goff we didn't go to Miami so someone was there doing work. Another thing to add is a tower company can also sub out their work to other contractors even from out of state. That may make some sense if there are bonuses to be considered. The Miami deployment looks strange to me at least on Sensorly. If you look at most of the other deployment areas there is a clear path where they are going. Northern California is a good example as you can see them working to Sacramento. Miami seems to be spots here and there. Makes me think there might be 2 or 3 tower companies working.. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  4. Its a sad day here in Pinellas County with my beloved money behind bars..He actually escaped twice out that trap, once by force lol Love that monkey I'm thinking we will see LTE before xmas at least I hope. My thinking is as a contractor you wouldn't be shelling out money for permits unless you were close to do the work. Its not a lot of cash but still its money you are shelling out, so they have to think they are doing, completing, and billing.
  5. Are guys still seeing speeds in the 20 range? Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  6. I became a damn near permit expert last night trying to compare permit pulls to completed work in Broward County. Unfortunately, I didn't come up with any results and I was super tired. I can say this though prior to Sept there wasn't a whole lot of tower work permits pulled but Sept and Oct blew up with pulls from not just Sprint but others too. Based on me seeing a few AT&T crews out and about in the last couple of weeks I'm sure a few of them belong to AT&T. It may be what is slowing down deployment too. There are only so many tower crews to do work and AT&T may be hawking some crews that could be doing Sprint work. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  7. Thanks guys don't know what to think about this EVO and what to expect during and after deployment Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  8. I went to the site and took pics. I was able to get closer than just a drive by. Nothing up there no digging evident, groundimng lugs on the tower were not new, cabinets have been there for a bit..
  9. It's too bad that the ISN guy or gal disappeared. I really enjoyed him and the info he gave. Was really keeping me sane during the EVO embargo. He was so damn arrogant though. I warned him to be cool. Wonder if he still works there or if they found him fired him and made him sign a NDA to keep his mouth shut Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. Unfortunately, there was nothing going on in at that site I looked at. Hard to tell though cuz most of the equipment looks new. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. Looking at the Hillsborough one is way more informative. If I cross reference that one with the Pinellas permits I see that the contractors I couldn't ID are likely doing the Sprint work too based on them doing the work over in that county..We are close to seeing some sites lite up I think
  12. Also I saw Crowne Tower in one permit.. Not sure if it's Sprint related though I saw some T-Mobile stuff too and I know AT&T is out there working now.. Honestly, I'm not sure what any of it means though except permits are pulled but I would imagine that you're not putting out the cash for it if you're a month or more from doing the work Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. Found one for you harder to copy and past though..http://www.hillsboroughcounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/5400 Page 10..Found 6 total for Sprint all issues this month, with the addresses
  14. https://www.pinellascounty.org/build/PDF/Permit-Report-2012/Permit-Report-10-01-07-2012.pdf This is only Pinellas, I will dig for yours
  15. One other thing then I will shut up. This may expalin why I have been 1X at the house in the last week too. This tower is one I connect to often from my house.
  16. This same contractor is one that worked for Goff and may still have some affiliation with them. Goff at one time used to install Nextel panel exclusively. Not sure if we ever installed anything else to be honest. This site is not far from my job so I will drive by on the way home today. Based on when the permit was issues it should be good for 90 days so either they are working or getting ready to. I'll know more at 4pm
  17. Got it!! at least one that names Sprint..Tower TA28XC068 in Largo applied for the permit on 9/20 and issued on 10/4 Feech FTW!! SPRINT / ADDING ANTENNAS AND EQUIPMENT CABINETS TO EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TOWER FACILITY
  18. OK so I finally found what I have been looking for. I found the Pinellas County permit online listing. Basically it shows all permits that have been pulled, a description of the job to be done, and the contractor who pulled the permit. I'm looking to see if there is a way to tie Sprint specifically to any job I find. So far 4 upgrades tower permits I have seen. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  19. This is what I'm getting in Pinellas.. Not everywhere but if I'm at a red light this is about what I'm getting in most places. The other thing that I am seeing a lot but only in the last week is I am spending a bunch of time in 1xRTT in places I have never seen it. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  20. Does seeing eHRPD mean that the backhaul has been completed at a site or will it use the existing backhaul to get to the 4G core as it does to get to the MSC until backhaul is upgraded Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  21. I'm seeing pretty good speed throughout Pinellas County over the last month or so..I think when Florida gets lit up and gonna be a big part at once
  22. I don't want to come off like a know it all but I saw the article late last week and I was gonna post it myself. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  23. What they don't mention is that in Europe although data is cheaper, the carriers are not paying a subsidy for phones either. Competition is mentioned in the article, but they don't say how that competition is arrived at. Most of those European carriers use GSM so when you buy a phone unlocked you can take that phone with you to another carrier. Thats a huge reason why that model will not work here. I would never spend 400-500 for a phone and not be able to use it anywhere but one carrier in the US and I'm sure others wouldn't either. I love Sprint and would likely never go to another carrier but I need to know that I could with the phone I just paid $400 dollars for
  24. Hey ATL EVO LTE users. Now that coverage seems to be pretty good are you having issues with the EVO making the connection on its own? is it handing off properly?
  25. Yeah a bit disappointing this morning. On the flip side Sprint is killing this network thing with over 400 sites this week. I have a theory though but I want to look at the maps again to make sure what I'm saying is possibly correct.
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