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Everything posted by Feech

  1. Right, the SG3 is a little less finicky from what people are saying..
  2. Here's the other thing being a sponsor can really help you.. Things are happening in your area but because you're not a sponsor you don't know about them and no one is supposed to tell you. It's really worth it. I love knowing where every Sprint site is that is getting LTE Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  3. I would say this..When you leave your house for whatever reason do a airplane mode toggle and just turn on Sensorly. It looks like they are still a little South of you but should be working your way soon enough
  4. Well one of you is killing it over in that Hollywood area in the last few hours..
  5. My opinion only but I'm not sure how many you're going to see either. I don't think at this time people want to pay another bill especially if they are already paying for access at home and on your phone.
  6. there was another hit too in the north, its real faint though so you have to be zoomed in
  7. And another just popped up South of there in the last min..Whoa!! one of you guys mapping out there
  8. Sensorly is showing a new spot in the last hour in Dania Beach area
  9. Nice Rack lol Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  10. Some.. Being the keyword. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  11. I don't know alot about AT&T. In fact I don't know anything at all about them. Looking at the Sensorly maps though it would seem that Sprint is rapidly becoming competitive in some of the same markets and in some cases it looks like Sprint may actually best them.
  12. If you really want to know what's wrong with your problem all you have to do is do a search online Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  13. It might not be on the inside could be on the roof there.. I need to get some cash so I can be a premier sponsor and could tell. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  14. I think pricing is a huge plus for them too. My belief is that people stay with Sprint because the plan pricing is so good. I also believe that if they were to change that no matter how good NV makes the network subs will leave.
  15. I'm hardcore for LTE dude..I'll go for it..I'm surprised there is not more folks in the Tampa area
  16. I don't want to stray too off subject but something real quick..You guys that had the premiere program I always had an issue getting on it because I had had so many numbers over the years they couldn't track me..Did any of you have trouble, what did you do to get it
  17. Because its just one site its likely a park a test jobber and likely its a rooftop site too. Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
  18. Take a look at the Sponser map where the yellow blip is. Its funny I used to live in Brandon and work in St. Pete. I would take the crosstown every day to work. its almost in the same area where I first spotted Wimax 2 years ago, i want to say it was about Nov they launched. I bets its the same tower.
  19. You really don't think the device selection is good? i have thought they have one of the better out of the 4 especially with the iPhone.
  20. I was really thinking about what could come from this merger for the customers. Which got me to this. What would you people like to see now from Sprint that you have not seen here in the states from a carrier. I'll go first. I would love to see a data only plan for my for EVO LTE no talk time just data period. I can use wifi to talk if I need to and a super low rate for this plan..Like 40 bucks a month. Is VOIP over a 4G network bandwith intensive as lets say a HD YouTube video? This would be ideal for me I spend less than 100 Min a month on the phone super rare its over 200 min
  21. I belive this might be what you are talking about..http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Removable_User_Identity_Module I remember when I first heard about these how I thought they might change the market here between Verizon and Sprint but nothing ever came of it. I swear carriers make more work for themselves or they collude with each other to keep the customers they have and fight against each other to get new subscribers that are up for grabs
  22. This is really kinda cool what you're doing thanks..I'll be curious how the EVO acts when you get to Texas. Looks like you are going right thru DFW?
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