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Everything posted by JossMan

  1. Bad idea, do you want the trolls to start coming out from under their computer desks?
  2. What would be really nice is some sort of mapping tool through the SprintZone app, detailing exactly which Sprint LTE bands are available as well as an average signal strength within a given area.
  3. Sprint prepaid accounts use PLMN 312530
  4. Site optimizations simply refers to "fine tuning" which occurs on all three of Sprint's LTE bands not just Band 26. Once a network is optimized you could experience a stronger LTE connection or find yourself with LTE in places where it was once absent. And there is evidence that network optimizations are ongoing, just look at the RootMetrics reports.
  5. Remember, signal to noise ratio (SNR) is just as important as signal strength.
  6. Well that's a bust, after I set mine device to LTE/CDMA I didn't see them for a good week and a half but...I just noticed it happened yesterday while I was working.
  7. My local municipal ISP just completed a 2.4/5GHz WiFi network (BVU OptiZone) for the downtown area of the city as well as all the baseball fields and city parks, quite impressed with the range and quality of the network in the downtown area.
  8. For those of you that are seeing the "Unknown 0dBm," what network mode is your device set to (Global, CDMA/LTE, CDMA, GSM/UMTS)? I was getting the unknown PCI when my device was set to global mode once I set it to CDMA/LTE I stopped getting the unknown PCI, this is using a LG G Flex.
  9. And putting LTE radios at the top of towers
  10. SignalCheck should be displaying Boost Mobile's LTE bands, what is the PLMN that is being displayed and are you using Lite or Pro?
  11. Why not change the frequency band to frequency class i.e. LTE 1900 under the display settings?
  12. Northern and southern borders and where any other public safety agency has not yet completed the 800 re-tune.
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