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Everything posted by JossMan

  1. A gimmick, no. A step in the right direction to densitify their LTE network, yes. Are you a troll?
  2. I don't have a link but I remember a time when we jumped for joy when a new site was found broadcasting only 1900 LTE. Happy days!
  3. To this day I am still impressed with Sprint's NV 1.0 deployment, an entire brand new 3G/4G LTE network, shutting down iDEN and WiMax, re-tuning 800MHz for voice and LTE, and simultaneously adding, configuring, and optimizing LTE. A job well done!
  4. I don't think Charter Communications is interested in merging or purchasing Sprint since they are still digesting the purchase of TWC.
  5. I filled out the pre-order form, if I get one I will be putting it in my wooden shed out in the backyard to help outdoor coverage, I know the people on the next street would appreciate it. My house is on top of a hill which yields me a B25 signal around -94dB the street on over the hill have a weaker signal so this magic box should help somewhat.
  6. Say what you want about the NSN mini macros but I am very impressed with the coverage they put out, thanks to these mini macro deployments my home town is almost blanketed with 2.5.
  7. Guys, don't use the built in "optimizer" for at least a week after an update. Let the OS put apps to sleep that you don't use which will also improve battery life.
  8. If you have your mind set to switch today get the Galaxy S7 flat.
  9. Signalcheck isn't recognizing an NSN mini macro site, is this a known issue? It seems they are using different GCI pattern.
  10. Some sort of promo for the S8 probably, they want to push the HPUE devices as much as they can.
  11. Limited edition Pokemon only at Sprint! I hope not...
  12. I'm sorry but when you say "publicly run network" I refer that to a government ran wireless network, not going to happen. AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon are in the game of making money and we the consumer are free to choose who we give our money to based on value, performance, and consistency. Consumers have the right to leave and go to a different wireless operator once they feel they are not getting what they pay for, its capitalism, its America, its what we do.
  13. Yes HPUE will help but once again the customer needs to upgrade devices to get a better and more consistent experience. I would rather see Sprint add 2.5 to every macro site, not only would HPUE benefit but customers with older tri-band devices experience more consistent data speeds.
  14. I know its quite embarrassing going into a Sprint store now, I recently went to inquire about switching plans and before opening the door was greeted with Pokemon garbage plastered all over the door. My local store went as far a officially putting out an "official" pokestop stand out on the sidewalk as well as having pokemon dangling from the store ceiling....sigh....
  15. You should be able to pay off a lease over the phone or in a store. Only devices on Easypay can be paid off over the phone (what I was told by a rep). I just paid off an S7 over the phone and the device was automatically unlocked about an hour later.
  16. I'm sure people will complain now because they didn't lower the 2 lines for $90 for existing customers. I just switched to the Unlimited Freedom plan that will go into effect on March 2nd (new billing cycle) and will pay $90 for 2 lines, $100 w/ Autopay, then additional $5 per line discount through my wife's Wellmont Health Systems discount making it $90 for 10GB/hotspot etc. Thanks Sprint for righting the ship and allowing the extra hotspot data and better tweaked optimized data for streaming!
  17. Mine was also 166MB going from the last 7.0 beta, just installed the official build.
  18. Also the uptick in spam callers is also due to tax refund season. A lot of scammers out there stay alert and be vigilant fellow Sprintians!
  19. Yep, same here I tried yesterday and figured I would try again today I'm 0-2... I'm interested in switching to an unlimited plan but if Sprint isn't willing to give these promotions to current customers I will be looking at T-Mobile this weekend.
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