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Everything posted by JossMan

  1. Now that Sprint has ripped and replaced their CDMA network its now time to rip and replace 1,750 Radioshack stores.
  2. I don't know and don't really care I don't have T-Mobile , I was only reporting what my friend's phone was reporting. I was unaware that T-Mobile's coverage tool displayed site locations along with what upgrades have been performed?
  3. Well it looks like T-Mobile stood by their word on upgrading 2G EDGE to LTE. I was just west of Church Hill, TN yesterday and a friend of mine has T-Mobile and locked on to LTE and kept a connection all the way to Rogersville, TN not to mention they added HSPA+ within the LTE footprint. From the looks of it they are working their way north up I-81 towards the Tri-Cities region.
  4. What matters right now is that Sprint has slowed down the amount of people leaving for other wireless providers.
  5. Thank goodness for the unsigned rookie Malcolm Butler, what a 1st career interception! GO PATS! Thanks Pete Carroll!
  6. NYSE has suspended trading of RadioShack's stock, shares were at a new low of .14 cents.
  7. What, that other guy meaning Robert Kraft? I don't think so Belichick + Brady + Kraft = Four Superbowl Wins
  8. Thank you AJ for bringing this up, I was thinking Mike has started development of an iOS version of his wonderful app, apparently not.
  9. I know DAS are not pico cells, I should have re-phased it differently.
  10. Major carriers partner to bring LTE to Chicago's subway Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has announced that the city has reached a deal with Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile to bring 4G LTE from all four carriers to the Chicago Transit Authority's subway system. The network, which will replace the decade-old system currently in Chicago's subways, will provide continuous coverage for 22 miles. The deal is worth $32.5 million with all four carriers agreeing to fund the entire upgrade related to the design and construction of a next generation distributed antenna system. The upgrade is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2015. Source: City of Chicago Will Sprint be utilizing these 1900 LTE Pico Cells for Chicago's subway?
  11. Reviving an old thread: Post Your Xbox Live Gamertag Gamertag: Jossman If there any S4GRU members here that play Destiny on Xbox One especially the Raids (Crota's End or Vault of Glass) send me a message on Xbox Live.
  12. I called my municipal FTTH provider this morning and they are already aware of the FCC increasing the speed requirements to be considered broadband and starting Feb. 2nd they are increasing the baseline internet package to 25/5Mbps.
  13. What we be more fitting for T-Mobile is Marshawn Lynch and Kim...punks and bimbos.
  14. Become a premier sponsor and you can see the legacy Nextel 800MHz iDEN network, some of the sites have been converted from iDEN to CDMA/LTE.
  15. I had a subcontractor tell me the site closest to my house was fed by satellite backhaul , needless to say I had to give him S4GRU schooling.
  16. Funny, you got me as well I hit reload thinking wtf is wrong?
  17. Sprint's nationwide network site spacing is setup for 1900MHz, if its properly configured it can match Verizon's Cellular 850 setup. Verizon's primary LTE band is 700MHz which means they do not have to deploy LTE on every site they are located on, Sprint's 800 SMR LTE should closely match it in non-IBEZ markets once its fully deployed.
  18. Let us know how America's newest network holds up, stay safe!
  19. For the S4GRU members that live in the Northeast be safe, adhere to weather alerts, and take proper precautions (that's including you MikeJeep)!
  20. It looks to be the LTE version of the Moto G 2nd Gen.
  21. I'm sure mature markets like Chicago have had a lot of site optimizations, LTE 800 optimization has been occurring here for the last couple of weeks. Initially when LTE 800 was turned on here I would get around a -102dBm connection with PCS LTE closely matching that, now LTE 800 sits around -88dBm almost matching my EV-DO connection in signal strength.
  22. Sometimes bankruptcy (Chapter 11 restructuring) is for the best if cost reductions, layoff, etc do not help, look at Dana Corporation which filed bankruptcy in 2006 due to the slumping automotive industry. They came out of bankruptcy as a much more leaner, healthier, and profitable company, I know its like comparing apples to oranges (wireless to automotive) but the point is that sometimes for a final effort it is necessary to go through restructuring and come out a better company in the end. I know this isn't the case for all companies and I'm not supporting bankruptcy as a easy way out but it should be considered when it is absolutely necessary.
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