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Everything posted by nexgencpu

  1. I think sprints slight ping advantage might have something to do with all the new fancy equipment just being more in the up and up and the way they optimize there stuff, rather than signal strength.
  2. From what ive seen, they tend to be 70+ on both carriers from my personal experience. While right this moment from inside my home im getting 35ping 7mb down and up.
  3. Yeah, thats one thing that people dont give sprint enough credit for, yes peak speeds are not as fast as some of the competitors, but ping times are almost always faster than any other carrier!
  4. I don't know if low pings necessarily mean over-saturated site, i tend to get excellent pings even when signal strength is over -95dbm..
  5. Where is this? And looks like your probably at tailend of signal.
  6. Missed the subtlety of your joke. Hard to tell without the "lol" It could also be there way of curbing speed issues by delaying uploading of mapping info.
  7. I don't think it's a manual process. That would be a monumental undertaking.
  8. there has been chatter that they are in the middle of much needed server upgrades. I don't know if this will be the new normal but it's better than the maps never loading.
  9. Sensorly finally displaying mapped area in midtown in and around 23rd street and 7th ave..I was able to map about 3 blocks worth of that towards east of 7th ave and I noticed somebody went a bit west. One thing is for sure, midtown is a tough market for any carrier considering the endless obstruction and possible levels of interference.
  10. That was an awesome explanation! Also, as you mentioned at the end about ping response, I have tested my brothers Nexus 4 on Tmobile, in excellent signal strength location ( -70dbm) vs very good sprint signal (-80dbm) Tmobiles speedtest bring up an impressive 20mb down against sprints 8mb down, and no matter what video streaming or web page we loaded mine felt instant! (30-50ping) vs his, which would always be 2 or 3 seconds behind the sprint (300-400ping) So again, having anything over 10mb sec is barely necessary unless one is pre-caching(good for situations where you know you wont have signal) or downloading videos or albums etc for offline use...
  11. That's probably not the worst thing in the world..We are all looking forward to that 800Mhz goodness. One thing that is a bit annoying about the HTC One that I do miss from the GS3 is the lack of SVDO support, since in midtown LTE is still not prevalent.
  12. I was @ -80dbm, Are you still rocking the EVO? Signal strength on the HTC One has been pretty solid.
  13. I was able to map about 4 blocks in and around Chelsea..signal was strong around 7th ave and 23rd. Avg about 5mb down during lunch time. Also sensorly is in the middle of server upgrades so that might be the reason for the delay.
  14. Seems that few people that are in the Chelsea area own android phones, heading there in about an hour to fire up Sensorly.
  15. Great to hear this! Install Sensorly app, if your still rocking an android phone and see if you can get some of that LTE mapped..
  16. I tried yesterday and was only able to aquire about 30 LTE points..I will give it another go...as my signal was weak on 33rd and the further uptown i went the slower it got.
  17. You should consider rooting your phone and installing CM/ASOP rom, you can get real time signal strength with dB rather than pesky bars, and also switch between LTE and EVDO without rebooting. Plus a ton of other stuff.
  18. Yes it is...great low light performance, avg daylight performance.
  19. Got a chance to walk by townsend and 176street in the bronx where they recently upgraded NV LTE site..Noticed that my distance made a dramatic difference in signal strength. This speed test was taken about 1 block from the site..but the minute I turned the corner It dipped from 30mb to about 7-8mb second. Excuse this shitty pic, 4mp really isnt enough to shoot anything thats remotely far..
  20. You see, that makes me think...that if you properly inform your customers of impending disruption, they will take that into account and not have a fit after they cant browse the web for a few days..
  21. Yeah, if we got 5-10mb sec everywhere we went, very few people would complain @ all..and we are getting there..NYC's getting more and more stable!
  22. First LTE sites were accepted in northern NJ..finally looking forward to that..by summmer northern NJ should have a healthy amount of LTE..
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