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Everything posted by irev210

  1. That signal is incorrect. Check signal using ##DEBUG# or under settings, about, network
  2. Someone at work this week did a speedtest on Verizon 4G LTE with a GS3... hit a blazing 650kbps. When I was testing Verizon with the HTC Thunderbolt over a year ago, I was cruising at over 15mbit in the office. Oh how times have changed.
  3. Perception and reality are two different things. Confirmation bias and reality are also two different things. The reality is, if your current Sprint 3G coverage is adequate, so will Sprint's 4G coverage. If not, Sprint's 4G LTE deployment will not change that and you are better off with another carrier.
  4. It made me realize that perhaps my judgement of 2.5GHz propagation was too harsh. I think the bigger issue was clearwire's deployment. For example, in the downtown area of Boston, Sprint has 17 native sites while Clearwire only has 11. Out of the 11 sites, 10 overlap with Sprint (the 11th site is close to Sprint just across the street). It's just amazing how indoor coverage is impacted yet outdoor coverage is fine. I am seeing this even more clearly with the Sprint 4G LTE rollout. If I could turn off 3G radios all together and just keep the 4G radio on, I could do even more testing. Edit: using *#*#4636#*#* to just keep 4G on
  5. I am hoping that Sprint really picks up the pace in Boston now that they have allowed people to connect. The speeds/coverage is fantastic. I fully understand why people think that Sprint's LTE doesn't propagate well. For example, I can connect at home to a LTE site that is actually two full sites away from my home. If I hold the phone at the window, I stay connected, but as I take the phone just a few inches, the signal starts to fall off fast (and the stronger 3G quickly overwhelms my EVO). People just get so confused by the full bars and have no idea that, really, they are connecting to a site that's probably behind another site (or two!). When hanging around sites that are local, indoor coverage seems to behave normally.
  6. I am surprised there is not more talk about this. This is huge. If the phone is unlocked, can't you just swap sims between vzn and sprint?
  7. I was getting 4G downtown in the boston common area this morning (same area as yesterday).
  8. I had no idea how bad it was until I started getting LTE yesterday. I was inside the local sprint store @ 39 Winter Street, Boston, MA and every LTE phone was on 4G EXCEPT the EVO (and yes, I confirmed that 4G was on). If you look how close 39 Winter street is to the 4G LTE tower on Summer, your mind will be blown. It's just dumb that at about -107dBm I am getting ~10mbit down/4mbit up on 4G and at about -110dBm I get pushed to 3G. No wonder why nobody can find LTE.
  9. ESMR (800MHz): 26 PCS (1900MHz): 25 Clearwire's BRS/EBS (2600MHz): 41 good list here: http://niviuk.free.fr/lte_band.php hope this helps!
  10. Beacon Hill's site hasn't been upgraded yet (located on top of whole foods, flat against the building). Seems like they have been working on it, they had a crane out over the weekend - looked like they were hauling up some new cabinets. Just waiting on new antennas and we'll be cookin.
  11. Got signal downtown. Speeds are great. EVO 4G LTE sucks at holding LTE though. I went into a sprint store that had 4G LTE coverage and a white GS3, a blue GS3 and a galaxy nexus all had 4G LTE but the EVO 4G LTE was on 3G.
  12. Sprint has a "global MPLS Access POP" in Saint Thomas and lots of fiber around there https://www.sprint.net/images/network_maps/full/NorthAmerica-MPLS.png
  13. I've been seeing some work done at the tower located above whole foods on cambridge street. They had a crane out this weekend. Seemed like a lot of work was going on. They haven't touched the antennas yet, still watching for that. Looks like they'll have that done soon though.
  14. I was checking my sprint bill and saw that I've used 2.5MB of 4G data this billing cycle... I picked up 4G somewhere - not sure where though I hope Boston launches soon.
  15. irev210

    Lumia 920 and 820

    I was just going off the nokia spec sheet (under hardware) http://www.nokia.com/global/products/phone/lumia920/specifications/ It specifically mentions FD-LTE but not TD-LTE, which I thought was strange considering the MSM8960 supports it. Data bearers2 HSPA+ (3G) EDGE/EGPRS (2G) FD-LTE (4G) HSUPA (3G) GSM (2G) HSDPA (3G) WCDMA (3G) Dual Transfer Mode (2G)
  16. That's horrible. It seems like people are going to flock to Verizon's rural LTE program.
  17. irev210

    Lumia 920 and 820

    The interesting thing is they support FD-LTE @ 2600 Strange, right?
  18. I've seen this in Boston - new equipment on old backhaul. Probably just waiting on new backhaul?
  19. A lot of it has to do with thresholds. Also, don't forget that the Houston market has a LONG way to go before being fully built out. There are LOTS of sites that are not upgraded yet. As AJ and Robert have explained, the LTE link is much more fragile than the "less complicated" 3G. While EVDO goes strong past -105dB, LTE seems to sputter out around -95dB. The coverage is better, by about 5dB, because of the modern antennas and new remotely mounted radios (which cut down on line loss)... but you are still subject to where your Sprint tower is located and the building you are in. The next step is Sprint putting LTE on old iDEN spectrum (ESMR in the 800MHz band) in 2013. Coverage is, according to Robert, within about 3% of Verizon's "beachfront" 700MHz upper C block band. Coverage will see another large bump (especially indoor with that band) when that is complete. While you might not be happy waiting another year (and another device that will support LTE on the ESMR band), things are what they are. I would first wait until Sprint finishes building out Houston. I am guessing coverage will improve as the build-out continues. When you are in the office, you could be on a totally different tower (that's the case for me in Boston).
  20. ISN got in trouble when he posted some internal webcasts with Alcatel Lucent
  21. Thx for the feedback - it seems like a big draw for a lot of companies has been bundles with iphones/ipads and other non-PTT devices.
  22. How did you guys decide to move over to Verizon? What were the biggest reasons? From what I've heard, Verizon PTT choices are fairly limited but a lot of people are switching to smartphones and tablets. Just curious why people would leave SDC to Verizon. It seems like a lot of the network issues have been fixed (e911com over at howardforums posts good updates on firmware releases/improvements). It seems like, with roaming, SDC is a far superior PTT solution - so I am probably missing other factors of why people are switching.
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