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    4G Information

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Member Level:  Smoke Signals

Member Level: Smoke Signals (1/12)



  1. i retested and it was back to normal. I guess they were working on it or something. i also see that Baytown has finely can on line. had fast speed @ I10 and Garth!!! bout time!!!
  2. I notice that my 4g was running slow, so I ran a speed test and got .38Mbps Up and 8.44 Down, check my singal and it was RSRP-84 and RSRQ-6 . I have ran test in this same area before and got 34.51 up and 12.50 down back in september. Has anyone esle notice slower 4g speed or are they working on something? test was done at Subway @ 45N and Tidwell tower HO03XC324
  3. and did I here that the 3G speeds would increase after a tower was upgraded? My 3G is just as bad as before the upgrade.I get LTE outside my office and then 3G inside.
  4. AJ the tower is on top of a building across the street. But the antenna don't have the little box behind them, like I have seen in other pic. So I thought it wasn't upgraded. I'll try to get a pic next time I go that way.
  5. Robert you are right. I have a very weak signal RSRP(dBm) -109, RSRQ(db)-11. Went to Subway @ 45N and Tidwell and had (dBm)-82. and ran a speed test got 34.51 up and 12.50 down but half a mile away the signal drops. How far is a good signal "suppose" to go?
  6. sorry didn't mean to vent, my office is at Airline and Tidwell maybe I'm on the edge of a tower. Well I hope they upgrade one closer. Thank for the info!!
  7. After years of slow 3g speeds in my office, I couldn't wait for LTE to lauch in Houston. Went bought new phone and signed my life away agian. and my luck no 4G LTE where I work in Houston. So I waited and WAITED, and this morning I get to work and I HAVE LTE!!!!! for about three steps into my office. and back to 3G. What the Hell!!!! I have full bars and the 4G before did about the same. If I recall didn't Sprint say that the building penetration would be better? I don't mean to Vent but this SUCKS
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