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Everything posted by irev210

  1. I got a backorder email but not sure if that applies for both or just one phone. No tracking, no other info Very poorly handled launch to say the least.
  2. On the plus side, it seems like it ships out of the same facility that Sprint uses (out of kentucky). Seems like it should be a similar experience to the gnex preorder. I suspect you will have it tomorrow if you've been charged.
  3. It was a Victory when they found a carrier that would actually sell it.
  4. lucky duck - sounds like you are good to go. Both of mine are still pending
  5. The charge is only pending, not officially "charged". Once you go to "charged" you are shipped.
  6. Ok, so who is backordered?
  7. It's been pretty boring in terms of 4G LTE coverage in downtown Boston Hasn't really changed for about a month now. Darn you suburbanites.
  8. If not at an explicit loss, certainly an implicit one. I am guessing the component cost + assembly/packing/delivery is probably right around 300. Amazing they are doing this. Supposedly, T-Mobile has very solid coverage in and around Boston. I am anxious to find out.
  9. apparently some t-mobile stores are already selling the nexus 4 unlocked, but for 499 Thought you were feeling eager and paid up, heh. I think the t-mobile 30 dollar plan will get a lot of sprint subscribers to go on seasonal standby while they wait for network vision to roll through. I can't believe people are angry the AT&T/T-Mobile deal fell through. I, personally, love choice and will never use AT&T.
  10. so what's the verdict on the phone???
  11. I ended up ordering two (only because the checkout thing was freezing and I didn't know if my first one went through). If you want it, let me know. I also ordered two sims (one needs to be cut down though). I can send that along as well, I have no use for it.
  12. yar, they just rolled it out to 22 @ 6% Given rates, wouldn't you?
  13. Having funding from softbank has nothing to do with extending debt maturities nor rolling debt. The only thing that it helps with is the cost to extend debt maturities (not like they couldn't do it before). The biggest helper is the low interest rate environment.
  14. Probably has to do with Massachusetts state law Pricing Non-Grocery Stores: Merchants must mark most merchandise with the actual selling price. They also must disclose to you the cost of services prior to an agreement. Merchants cannot misrepresent the price or claim that it is reduced or offered for a limited time only, when this is untrue. This pricing law is enforced by the Attorney General. Certain non-food retailers who utilize in-aisle electronic price scanner systems may not be subject to this requirement, but they must continue to provide shelf or rack pricing for items, and electronic scanner systems for consumers to use to check prices. (940 CMR 3.13(l)). Food and Grocery Stores: The Massachusetts Item Pricing Law requires food and grocery stores to individually price mark most items with the actual selling price. The law also requires food and grocery merchants to sell any item at the lowest price indicated on an item, sign, or advertisement. Certain items are exempt from this requirement, including unpackaged products, gallon and half-gallons of milk, eggs, tobacco products, greeting cards, vegetable or fruit baby food in glass jars, soft drinks, and some candy and snack food. Additionally, stores do not have to individually price mark up to 60 items located in end-aisle or freestanding displays, and stores with cash register scanners can exempt an additional 400 items of their own choosing. With over 10,000 items in any typical supermarket, these exemptions are a small fraction of the items stores carry. This pricing law is enforced by the Division of Standards. ( M.G.L. c. 94 §184B, C, D, E)
  15. Sprint needs to learn from Verizon. Under promise, over deliver.
  16. I use flickr and just grab the direct link. Best part about flickr? I can choose my size and it's 100000% better than photobucket. "[ img ] [ /img]" without the spaces or "" example:
  17. The deal is that they upgrade the towers around the airport but the DAS (distributed antenna system) inside the airport is separate and needs to be upgraded still. They'll eventually get to it.
  18. Interesting - think that the wood pool doesn't support any additional weight/structural mass on it?
  19. Newer version of Android is probably to blame.
  20. If you have DC-HSPA+ in your area, the 30/month prepaid 4G plan with 5GB data + 100 minutes plan on T-Mobile is pretty compelling. http://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/monthly-4g-plans There was an interesting article on The Verge on why Google elected to omit LTE. After reading it, it made total sense. $299 unclocked for a flagship device would never happen if the carriers were playing interference. I am really eager to try out the Nexus 4.
  21. Not Springfield. It's a town right next to Boston (few miles a away from downtown Boston). Coverage maps show good coverage, so we'll see.
  22. So, after thinking about it, I am switching to T-Mobile... for six months. Currently, Sprint is in the middle of upgrading Boston to 4G LTE and the service is all over the place. To make matters worse, I just moved and my new location has absolutely terrible Sprint service (which is odd, because it's the second largest town in New England). While I wait for network vision to finish up (and get some ESMR love), I decided to give T-Mobile a whirl. I am going to hit up the 30/month prepaid plan and just swap over my google voice number to the new Nexus 4. I am going to put my Sprint 50/month SERO plan into Seasonal Standby for 8.99/month and see how T-Mobile's DC-HSPA+ does. Anyone that wants more info on T-Mobile's 30/month plan: http://prepaid-phone...onthly-4g-plans Sprint's seasonal standby plan: http://community.spr...e/478517#478517 I just need to wait until the nexus 4 is released (two weeks!) I'll keep everyone posted (for those that are curious).
  23. I eat Thai Crispy Chicken from Rod Dee. You have no idea what you are missing. If you are ever in Boston... go to Rod Dee.
  24. http://www.indeed.com/jobs?q=sprint&rbc=Sprint&jcid=88d070a75f3896d5
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