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Everything posted by irev210

  1. You can usually do better than that - it's always fast there (fruit street location, I am assuming). What's strange is, EVDO Rev A actually shows higher peak speeds. Same tower, same time, same location, EVDO Rev A can always hit between 2200-2600. When I switched to eHRPD, speeds topped out in the 1800's. Very strange indeed. Watching the the speed test, it looks controlled. EVDO RevA will be a flat line of steady streaming data. eHRPD spikes around. There definitely seems to be some sort of traffic controlling going on. Obviously 1800 vs. 2500 isn't a HUGE difference, but still worth noting that eHRPD seems to have traffic management going on.
  2. I noticed that standby battery life was VERY dependent on signal with the GNEX. If I had strong signal, standby life was amazing. If I had 1 bar or less, forget about it. How is your signal strength?
  3. irev210

    Evo LTE vs S3

    The battery life is good on both phones, the EVO 4G LTE is just better. I never mentioned the microSD slot. Both have microSD cards - not worth comparing.
  4. irev210

    Evo LTE vs S3

    Both phones have advantages and disadvantages. From what it seems, reception (actual, not "number of bars") is about the same between the two devices EVO LTE has the "Infinity" LCD display and a larger non-removable battery (along with better power management) Samsung GS3 has the SAMOLED, a slightly smaller removable battery, and battery doesn't last as long. So, I would play with both devices and pick the one you like more. Perhaps your first EVO 4G LTE had a bad radio. I daily use the EVO 4G LTE and have had no noticeable issues with radio.
  5. The HTC Arrive is using very old snapdragon and is not upgradable to windows phone 8. New Windows Phone 8 phones will be coming out, built by Nokia (matches Apple's build quality), will feature the latest and greatest dual core 28nm snapdragon processors, will have fantastic battery life, and should be rock solid stable. I personally can't wait to give it a try. First windows phone that combines a good OS, solid build quality, and modern hardware.
  6. The majority of the "investment community" has "buy" or "hold" recommendations. (13 buys, 20 holds, 4 sells). The four Analysts that have sells are: AJ's favorite Craig E Moffett from Sanford C. Bernstein & Co with a target price of 1.75 Simon from Morgan Stanley at 2.50 Thomas from Jefferies with a price target of 3.00 James from William Blair with no price target Headlines that spell doom/gloom attract more readership vs. ones that say "yeah, sprints doing pretty well". When you get characters that go against what others say and are good at sound bites, they get a lot of air time (aka Craig Moffett).
  7. Downtown Boston now has eHRDP! (note that I had to toggle LTE/CDMA to CDMA and back to LTE/CDMA mode for it to switch over to eHRPD) Update: For the first time in 2 months, 3G speeds have been usable in the office. This is pretty nice going from 10kbps to 500-1500kbps. Speeds are rather variable, but it's actually functional 3G!
  8. While not the forum favorite here... the iPhone 4S certified refurbished can be had for 149. Probably will be the phone with the least issues, best battery life, and easiest to use. Otherwise, if you are going to go android, get an EVO 4G LTE or GS3. Or better yet, wait for the new windows 8 phone. That would be my #1 recommendation.
  9. I agree. I have no idea why they can't stick to their original mantra of "under promise, over deliver". In the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal... but your reference to Verizon is a perfect example of "under promise, over deliver". Unrelated, I have been trying to reconcile the difference between the 2000 "on air" sites that Sprint has quoted as being complete on the Q2 conference call vs. the ~1500 or so that are really "on air" as shown by S4GRU. I noticed the same thing back at the end of Q1 where Sprint's "on air" number was slightly higher vs. S4GRU "on air". Is it 2,000 done but waiting to be accepted by Sprint, or am I missing something?
  10. Appreciate the update! Still EVDO RevA in downtown Boston
  11. I thought this was a comical headline. Seriously though, these are the most in-your-face warnings I have ever seen for a product. https://www.getbuckyballs.com/ Can anyone seriously checkout without seeing about 40 different warnings that this is for adults only? Related article: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-07-27/product-recall-buckyballs-are-dangerous-when-swallowed I am probably going to order a set for work to support these guys.
  12. I thought Verizon's LTE network used Ericsson and AlcaLu tower equipment, not NSN. NSN was just providing core/switching components. Did I have that wrong?
  13. Thankfully you have S4GRU It's really annoying that Sprint reps, for whatever reason (likely to sell phones) just make stuff up. Either Sprint needs to education reps (probably not the best idea because of leaks) or just tell reps that if they are caught spreading lies about 4G coverage, they will be written up. It might hurt the reps ability to sell that new EVO 4G LTE, but at least customers don't leave with a bad taste in their mouth and they don't leave thinking Sprint can't finish what it promises.
  14. Well keep us in the loop. We've seen other areas of the market get new backhaul and end up seeing greatly improved performance. Let us know when you finally get that backhaul relief.
  15. Sad no Boston I guess September.
  16. Hi, and welcome. SDC did go down yesterday for a few hours. Here is some more good info: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1657-sprint-direct-connect-outage/page__view__findpost__p__34616
  17. Not only failure, but also future expansion. I've upgraded my NAS's storage space twice already, without ever shutting it down. You can hotswap with larger drives and then do an online expansion. It's a great way to "right size" your nas while not having to over-commit to buying very expensive drives.
  18. There is so much variability in hard drives, the best way to mitigate hard drive issues is to go with a system that allows for you to hot swap. Hot swap to replace dead drives (or expand your nas) is really nice. One of the nice parts about the TS-509 is that, for whatever reason, the resale value of the NAS is very low. $400 with drives is a REALLY good price, and they pop up around that price every month. No other NAS seems to offer the same functions, same throughput capability, upgrade potential, etc. Most other solutions are in that $400 price range once you add a few drives. Just something to consider. With a solution like that, you don't have to worry about disk failures anymore.
  19. I would recommend a used QNAP TS-509 if you can swing it. They tend to go on eBay for around $400 (sometimes even with drives). Easy to upgrade the CPU/RAM, well supported, and very reliable. Otherwise a dual core atom Netgear Readynas ultra or any Qnap dual core atom variant will be very solid. I am partial to qnap, and again, I highly recommend the TS-509. It would do very well streaming to your PS3. On my TS-509, I have no problems streaming at over 900mbit (up and down). Very solid for the money. recent auction that just ended: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251114569012 www.qnap.com A few features: http://www.qnap.com/...n=28&lang=en-us pretty nice demo of the GUI: http://www.qnap.com/useng/index.php?lang=en-us&sn=3543
  20. On July 15 we launched 4G LTE in five major markets and 15 cities, including Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Atlanta and Kansas City. We also announced the accelerated LTE launch in Waco, Texas and expect to launch four additional cities, including Baltimore, by the end of August. Hopefully it is sooner, rather than later... ugg no boston
  21. According to Sprint, Baltimore will launch in August. Confirmed today on the earnings update.
  22. why? Usually emailing dan@sprint.com yields good results for customer problems.
  23. Great review. It's amazing how much the prices have fallen on wimax devices. With no contract, it's a pretty compelling service.
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