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Everything posted by irev210

  1. Robert was spot on. Nevshemal states that Sprint has, on average, 3 T-1's serving each tower for CDMA voice/data.
  2. Of course the new iPhone will work with Sprint's LTE network (PCS G-Block). The question mark is Sprint's ESMR band... will iPhone 5 support CDMA on ESMR or no? Your articles are more in reference to the issues T-Mobile has had. No 3G iPhone supports HPSA on AWS, hence why T-Mobile is trying to move HPSA onto the PCS spectrum they own.
  3. The GS3 has been well regarded in terms of its radio performance. Also, consider the EVO 4G LTE - both Sprint flagships are great.
  4. My guess? That Dish will need more than Clearwire. Sprint/Clearwire/Dish all need to be in bed for them to launch a bundle that makes sense. With cable co's out, along with L2 out, this makes sense.
  5. Probably old news, but I did go back to the quincy market site which has new NV gear... this time, it seems like nice backhaul was hooked up because I was flying at over 2.4mbit/sec at 6pm. Anyway, same exact speeds I saw with legacy tower at home. EVDO REV A can do over 2.4mbit no problem. eHRPD will start at over 2mbit, jump around, and settle around 1850 or so. While we can only speculate, it seems like they do throttle speeds for the greater good of the network (maybe just for now, maybe perm) - at least with AL equipment. I dont think this is bad by any means - I think it's a very good thing.
  6. It's sort of a catch 22. I've seen the same thing in Boston. Speeds in Boston took a very sharp dive right as network vision comes in. If you think about it, does it really make sense to spend big bucks on legacy equipment right before you replace all of it? It's like saying I want to put new tires, brakes, and overhaul the engine and transmission on my 1998 Honda Civic right before I go out and buy a brand new BMW and toss the Civic to the dump. While it sucks for now, short term pain for long term gain.
  7. As a disclaimer, I am only sharing because I think it's pretty interesting. I am not a patent lawyer nor am I arguing that there is any patient infringement going on... but this is just amazing. http://www.scribd.co...rt-on-S1-iPhone
  8. I'd take a COLT (Cell On Light Truck) over a COW any day of the week. Verizon truly is the king of marketing. Sprint COW Verizon COLT more info: http://www.fiercewir...uring-disasters
  9. You try toggling from CDMA to CDMA/LTE? I lose eHRPD but can get it by toggling.
  10. Why is it a bad idea? Maybe it is extremely profitable for Sprint to wholesale to Freedompop? Sadly, we don't know the financial details/impact to sprint, so outside of widely speculating, we have no idea if it is good/bad.
  11. Sort of makes me wonder if Sprint knows this. Using the tower spacing that Sprint has now now, LTE probably leave small holes... but deploying voice and LTE on ESMR on just about every site gives it the coverage that users will probably expect. I've noticed similar findings with Verizon 4G.
  12. Cool! Thanks for the update. Glad we are getting closer.
  13. Assuming he is talking about the one at Quincy Market. Look a few pages back.
  14. No. It's a software thing. You do get routed through new switches/cores though.
  15. Speeds in Boston are extremely variable. One site can be blazing fast, the next one over, extremely slow. It's very strange. WiMAX speeds are pretty good in Boston, but the coverage is swiss cheese.
  16. Definitely agree on the routing. The new switches have far superior routing... but the speeds stay the same. No matter what (good) speedtest server I use, the behavior is exactly the same. Everything on eHRPD does the same thing - starts off bouncing over 2mbit, then just sort of jumps around and lands in the 1800 range or so. It wants to go faster, but it can't, heh. I am thinking about taking a video so you can see, it's almost comical. Maybe I'll hunt for some other solid sites around Boston. I am sure I can find one - I'll see if this is typical or not. The other thing that is weird is my phone loses eHRPD all the time and falls back to EVDO REVA. I have to toggle to CDMA and CDMA/LTE to get it back. Not sure why.
  17. I've never had any other sprint site just spit out such consistent speedtests (and I've looked). I don't think I could find another location where I can actually max out legacy hardware on a consistent basis. I really wonder how many EVDO carriers Sprint installed at this location because this is downtown boston - there is definitely traffic - but it NEVER slows down.
  18. This is strange... eHRPD is, without a doubt, slower. It seems like it is capped around 1850 or so. Oddly enough, the uploads are faster. When the speedtest first starts, it shoots past 2000, then bounces around, then sort of settles, stuttering at 1850 or so. Pings are better though... I need to finish testing and make sure that it is in fact the same site, which is likely, because the site is right outside my window and my signal strength is exactly the same. eHRPD vs. EVDO REV A - Same exact site The other thing that is absolutely amazing is that eHRPD (as Robert has already said) is a totally different network. I was running some traceroutes and it's completely different. eHRPD: sl-gw20-hrs-10-0-0.sprintlink.net 109.598, 88.051, 87.868 sl-crs1-hrs-0-0-2-0.sprintlink.net 87.807, 91.134, 90.371 sl-crs1-nyc-0-6-0-0.sprintlink.net 90.187, 87.197, 87.075 69.312, 74.226, 74.104 73.493, 69.006, 66.809 71.174, 74.713, 68.151 lga15s29-in-f4.1e100.net 75.935, 80.268, 73.310 EVDO RevA: sl-crs1-nyc-0-8-0-1.sprintlink.net 131.696, 126.263, 126.141 sl-crs1-nyc-0-8-0-1.sprintlink.net 145.247 127.789 sl-crs1-nyc-0-0-0-1.sprintlink.net 136.945 129.406, 154.463 156.112 132.214, 125.073 129.071 117.991, 94.613, 122.997 lga15s29-in-f8.1e100.net 103.616, 98.550, 106.852
  19. San Francisco ...1st LTE Sites = October 2012; Anticipated Launch = January 2013; Anticipated Completion = July 2013
  20. This seems like a very inexpensive way to add usable spectrum to AT&T's portfolio. Seems very typical for AT&T to go the budget route instead of paying up for S-Band.
  21. I'll have a full comparative analysis tonight if you are curious.
  22. Finally. I can now use google wallet when possible. Much better vs. swiping.
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