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Everything posted by irev210

  1. Given the current ownership structure of clearwire, I dont see how this could happen unless sprint said so, which seems highly unlikely. No, there are no regulatory issues that will prevent softbank from gaining 70% control of sprint. Softbank's 20 billion helps sprint bid for the H block - it doesn't hurt them. Sprint had cash problems; sprint needs cash to bid on H block. Softbank solves sprint's cash problems. AT&T may get upset that sprint is now a contender, but that doesn't mean the FCC and various federal agencies are.
  2. You are missing the most important part. No other suitor can have clearwire - that's why sprint quickly bought eagleriver's share in october as defense. I would agree with you except costs aren't static. The more reliant Sprint becomes on Clearwire (basically zero now) the more clearwire is worth. The more clearwire is worth, the more it will cost for Sprint to take over clearwire. Pay $3/share today, $6/share tomorrow. What makes the most sense?
  3. This is my take: The longer sprint waits, the more expensive it is going to get. If shareholders of Clearwire see that sprint becomes dependent on clearwire, the costs go up. The more "separate but integrated" they become, the more expensive it becomes. There are many reasons to end this. Nobody else can take over clearwire, sprint already made sure of that. Softbank wants sprint to be a market upsetter. They need clearwire to do that. Cliff notes: Sprint has sugar daddy and can afford clearwire. The longer they wait, the more expensive it will become. One way or another, it ends the same way.
  4. ah gotcha, I thought you were just talking about sprint customers (sprint and sprint-owned prepaid brands). There is a big difference in the customer lifetime value between a postpaid sub, a prepaid sub, and a sub from wholesale/affiliate. A postpaid direct sprint sub is probably worth 20x more than a wholesale sub (at least).
  5. Where are you seeing this? For Q3 2012 I see 29.844 million postpaid subs, 14.608 prepaid subs on Sprint postpaid and Sprint's various prepaid brands.
  6. irev210

    LG Optimus G

    This is great to know. I can't stand losing signal on my way to work every day (and I am in a very urban area on a major street). For anyone looking - I've seen a few pop up on eBay new or near new for about 350 no contract. I snagged one up. I was going to do the Nexus 4 but got burned pretty hard on the preorder, twice, so I went this route.
  7. 52.9 million is all customers from all sources. The 2.3 million postpaid are rare and valuable subs. There is customer acquisition costs - if you can acquire old nextel subscribers for less than what it would cost you to get new CDMA customers, it's money well spent. As for not having any PTT solution at all, that would cost even more money. It may not sound like a lot, but when you work through a question like that it's a go/no go decision based on the numbers behind it. It's a giant hassle, but at the end of the day, it's better for sprint than not doing it at all.
  8. The EVO 4G LTE has been a bit too buggy for my liking. I just picked up an LG OG, I am hoping it is a bit better.
  9. ok, this makes a lot more sense. There are line monitor apps out there that will monitor you connection over hours to see if you have any abnormalities. if you just upgraded to a docsis 3.0 modem that will help if twc supports it in your area. report back and let us know how it goes!
  10. The bigger question is "enough for what?" Vague responses like "live comfortably" are subject to interpretation. Is it enough to live on? Absolutely. Enough to live on at a defined level of comfort? Depends on many many factors. Many many people live on much less. The problem is, most Americans typically live beyond their means.
  11. Sort of interesting they didn't want to go for a shift up by 5MHz as proposed by Sprint. Why? Did they not want to waste the time getting a new band created? I feel like I am missing something...
  12. I am surprised you are blaming sprint so quickly. airave needs a solid signal, not a fast one. If you had 100mbit internet but other problems, it would be for nothing. Did you run jitter and packet loss monitoring? Is your airave plugged directly into your cable modem? Why are you blaming sprint if you don't know where the problem is?
  13. I'll know tomorrow. Right now I am not in the area. I'll head to a few sites manana.
  14. I would assume the more advanced codec requires more processing power to decode. More space for LTE. I would prefer if all four major networks ran LTE exclusively.
  15. Is Boston having 4G core problems? Around sites downtown that were getting ~20mbit are now 2-5mbit (with extremely strong signal). It's pretty strange....
  16. Given that CDMA is a mature technology vs. VoLTE which is not, I would suspect that battery life over the next few years will continue to improve. I think it would have been interesting to compare 1x advanced with HD voice vs. volte - make it more apples to apples. Either way, packet switched vs. circuit switched, hard to compare. I wonder if verizon will be able to completely sunset its CDMA network by 2021 as indicated. That would be awesome.
  17. The sad part is, I keep my windows open in the winter time. Steam heat, no thermostat. Look at this bad boy - oil guzzling, asbestos filled, and ready to serve!
  18. I can't cover my home with the airave and it is tiny (under 1300sqft). I suppose that's what happens when you have one long concrete wall inside, plaster walls (from the early 1900's), brick and concrete brick (along with brand new RF blocking windows). I almost want to take a video of me being connected to 4G LTE with ~-105db signal, shutting the window and going to no signal. It's sad.
  19. Using carry out boxes violate the TOS. The all-you-can eat buffet is only what fits into your mouth, not your tethered box. Tethered take home boxes are available for additional fee.
  20. I really hope that I get it this time around. I was rather frustrated with how they handled the process last time. I'm rather urban in Boston, so I am hoping for great coverage.
  21. My response was to AJ talking about non-critical data usage and how it impacts other sprint users and if it bothered the sprint subscriber. My position on wifi offloading is posted pages back.
  22. I just got an email from google: Nexus 4 will be available for purchase later today! Order yours from Google Play starting today, November 27 at 12:00 noon PST (U.S. only). Canceled my order since I had no idea when it would ship (said 3 weeks, originally). Going to try and order (again) today.
  23. I suppose a bigger question is - if sprint can't support allowing customers to use their devices as they please, should they? You could make the same argument about highways. When they become overburdened, you get gridlock. Even though your gas tax dollars go to maintaining the highway so you can use it, should you avoid highways for the greater good? Probably not (the decision to sit in traffic is typically based on need, desire, and alternative route options - not "should I avoid the highway to reduce congestion"). This is why they have toll roads that are in the middle of highways. Those who feel there is a greater value of subsidizing others to sit in traffic and pay a premium not to, in certain areas, have the ability to do so. The guy has a choice of service, he can use 10 gigs on Sprint for N dollars a month or use 10 gigs on Verizon/AT&T/T-Mobile for X/Y/Z dollars a month. He looked at providers of service, cost of what he wanted to do, and selected the best option for himself. I don't think a customer who picks a service based on what is offered should be burdened with contemplating the network load he is adding. That should be left to Sprint, their network engineers, and their marketing guys who decide how much data to offer and at what price.
  24. over at anandtech they dug into it - the phone does support LTE on the AWS band. No other band Just surprising because it wasn't tested with the FCC
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