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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I went ahead and move this topic over the "general topics" being that it really wasn't network vision related.
  2. There are more things to consider than just price or unlimited data, if there wasn't then sprint would be number one but they aren't. A lot of people didn't jump ship because their hatred for at&t was more than their love for the iphone but once verizon got it then it was a different story. Also, what was sprints saving grace a few years ago was the release of the og evo. The iphone is a must for sprint to stay competitive. Love it or hate it, its a must have. Sprint would rather be in a position of increasing subscribers and losing money than to be losing subscribers and losing money.
  3. This is something I was thinking about as well. Even though there are many sites that are confirmed complete sprint may still be blocking some sites even though they officially launched their lte service.
  4. Keep in mind this particular thread is gs3 related so don't get any ideas trying to flash a radio from a different device. To answer your question though, you can flash a radio without having to be s-off, a dev would just have to make it flashable through a custom recovery.
  5. I haven't had any recent issues with connecting to that tower at all. Speedtests are pretty consistent with both my gnex and my evo so I am not sure what may be going on. Not sure what area you are located in relation to the tower but there is another tower close by(on top of southlake mall) that is schedule to go live tomorrow so if you are in that direction then maybe your phone is trying to connect to that particular tower.
  6. Damn, sprints stock is on fire today, as of right now its $4.05 per share.
  7. Yeah, don't trust those apps when it comes to tower location but the sprint tower in question was scheduled to go live on 7/20.
  8. The only advantage the gnex would have is if you are into the whole vanilla android experience and faster updates, other than that the evo has it beat in every single other category. As far as subscriber maps, I think they show all the towers that will be upgrades in total. There are other maps available that show what should be upgraded by month with june being the latest. There are also maps(available if you are a premier sponsor) that give specific schedule dates per tower. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/907-sprint-lte-may-2012-schedule-map-for-sponsors/ http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1166-sprint-lte-june-2012-schedule-map-for-sponsors/
  9. I am as skeptical as they come and I usually take anything I hear with a grain of salt but this guy seemed ok and wasn't feeding me the usual BS stuff so I figure I would just post what he said. If a sprint employee told me this then it would be different, I wouldn't have posted anything at all.
  10. What a crazy day. So my girlfriends evo has been tripping out since the ota was released. Its been rebooting randomly for absolutely no apparent reason and she insisted I take it to sprint to which I replied that they are probably gonna just hard reset the phone and send me on my way. So while I was there, just by some extreme coincidence, there was an htc rep that was about to leave so I asked if he had a few minutes to see if I could ask some questions. Not sure about the accuracy of what I was told but I took it upon myself to ask a series of questions in regards to the lte connection issues with the htc evo and he told me that they are fully aware of the situation(we already know that of course) and that there is a fix that is currently in testing that should be released fairly shortly. Now there is an update for the gs3 that went out today to fix "Optimized LTE system selection" among other issues so hopefully the evo will have a similar fix released shortly like what the htc rep said. http://support.sprin...TNAV=SU:DP:HDIA
  11. Like I have been saying religiously, my gnex holds an lte connection way better than my evo at this point in time, HOWEVER, there is no way I would swap an evo out to get a gnex, even with connection issues.
  12. http://s4gru.com/ind...t-running-list/ http://s4gru.com/ind...edule-update/..
  13. Sprin/HTC need to address the issues with the evo and lte connectivity and whats really bothering me is the fact that this was a known issue before the phone was released. I am not as frustrated as many others being that I have a gnex to compensate for my evo issues but I really believe that people would see way better coverage if they fix the issues with the evo(but of course we all know this already). Me and my girl just got back to the house from running a few errands around town. About 90% of the time in various areas around the south side of atlanta my gnex had an lte signal where as my evo didn't pick up an lte signal at all until I got back home.
  14. Nothing wrong with having options, not everyone is gonna go and buy a flagship device at $200. The only thing I don't like about it is the design, it has that droid charge look to it which I thought was the ugliest samsung phone in recent years.
  15. Battery life is ridiculous on this phone, many og evo owners and even 3d owners would definitely be able to appreciate that not to mention how beautiful the screen/resolution is.
  16. I think they would actually have less complaints if they address the disconnect/reconnect issues. Like I have said many times before there is nothing between me and the lte tower that is only 1000 feet from my house but my evo disconnects randomly all the time while my gnex stays connected no matter what.
  17. LMAO!!!!!!!! Well I guess I can't argue with you on that one.
  18. Based on lab reports from back in april(first reported here on s4gru), this is an issue that sprint was already well aware of. So personally I am quite surprised that they haven't released a fix for this issue as yet.
  19. Well its great that they have a reliable source to better help and inform their customers but on the flip side its just sad that they have to rely on a third party for that info.
  20. Yeah, I am not the long term type of guy. I bought enough shares to where I did fairly well on making a little money but I would rather just sell now(even though the tax consequence on a short term capital gain is a pain) and repurchase later than to hold and watch my money go away then hope it comes back.
  21. LMAO, I'm an accountant, the worst I could possibly do is stab you with a calculator.
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